My British Empire

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Scottish Parliament

Chapter 71 The Scottish Parliament

In the English barracks three miles outside Edinburgh, except for the necessary guards, most of the soldiers fell asleep, while the main leading generals of England gathered in the main account of Duke Edward and started a happy time.

Many generals sat around a long table, and there were white candles placed at intervals on the long table. Under the light of the candles, there were shiny foie gras and delicious cheese on the table.

Of course, how can men get together without wine? The good French wine is held by the maid serving the table with both hands, pouring it into the empty wine glass from time to time.

"Gentlemen! We are happily gathered here today to celebrate the end of this war, and we are only one step away from victory!"

His Excellency Duke Edward raised his wine glass and gestured towards the army generals sitting there.

"Huh, huh, huh!" The generals stood up quickly, raised their wine glasses, and even the coach, Duke Edward, stood up. How could their subordinates be rude?

"This cup, let us pay tribute to His Majesty Edward, we are able to achieve such a victory only with his blessing!"

After finishing speaking, Duke Edward took a sip of the special wine in the wide wine glass, and the red woman's liquid passed through the Duke's throat and ran into his stomach.

Seeing this, the generals who got up also took a sip of the red liquid in their hands.

"This one, let us toast to the young man who has made great contributions this time—Harry, he made our great king fulfill his wish and brought back a queen to our England!"

Lessing this sentence, the atmosphere off the court suddenly became active!

"Haha! Harry, I didn't expect you to have such a hand, very good!" Baron Ajel looked at the shy Harry, and couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, praising him.

"Thank you for your compliment, Uncle Agel, besides, how can my credit be compared to yours!"

Harry knew that the relationship between Baron Ajel and the Wellington family had always been very good, so he was very polite to the baron.

The dialogue between the two seemed very small in this lively scene, without any ripples.

His Excellency the Duke pressed the button, and the heated discussions gradually quieted down. After all, it is indeed surprising that His Majesty the King has a fiancée.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's stop discussing matters related to His Majesty the King. My second glass of wine is to respect everyone sitting here, especially the Earls of Warwick and Wellington!"

"The two of you are England's greatest heroes!" Edward looked at the Earl of Warwick and the Earl of Wellington, his words were full of gratitude.

Those who don’t understand think this is a harmonious scene of handsome generals, but it’s a pity that the people who can sit here are all good people, so why don’t they understand the personal relationship?

"My lord, you are welcome. Who doesn't know that you are England's greatest hero!" The Earl of Warwick did not speak, but smiled stiffly. Seeing this, the Earl of Wellington spoke first.

"You can't say that, it's God's blessing that makes us win today!"

Duke Edward got bored, so he pretended it didn't happen, and walked away along the steps.josei

"Also, gentlemen, I will return to London in three days, and the task of besieging Edinburgh will be handed over to the Earl of Wellington and you all!"

Although the Lord Duke has just said it now, the generals are not surprised. It has already been known to everyone. After all, the guard battalion of the Duke has been packing up, and the blind can see it.

"Don't worry! Your Excellency, as long as the Scots don't sign the merger agreement, I will swear to surround Edinburgh and prevent anyone from passing me!"

The Earl of Wellington patted his chest and assured him loudly, with indescribable seriousness and boldness in his words.

"I believe in you, Mr. Earl, I don't think you will let me down!"

"Then, everyone, feel free to play! I wish you all a good time!"

His Excellency the Duke clapped his hands, and a row of scantily clad girls walked in gracefully. The generals also laughed heartily. It seemed that they were quite satisfied with Duke Edward's arrangement.

But Duke Edward walked out of the tent, leaving everyone to enjoy the drunken time.

A pleasant banquet continued until the second day, and the mess and moaning in it were not humane.

The next day, September 25, 1547, Scotland, the House of Representatives in Edinburgh.

In fact, just like England has a parliament, Scotland also has a parliament, but the English parliament is a tame dog of the king, while the Scottish parliament is a restored wild dog. It is an institution that effectively restricts the royal power.

However, the two countries are the same at this time. The House of Lords is in power. Because of Scotland’s backward factors, the power of the nobles has become stronger, and it has completely controlled the House of Representatives.

"Men and Gentlemen, this is the merger agreement sent by the English. At this moment of life and death for Scotland, it is up to you to decide!"

Earl Allen looked very tired and haggard because of his many days of patrolling and inspection, and his voice was weak, and the members behind him could hardly hear what he said.

Even though it was already known that the English had sent a treaty for the merger of Scotland and England, the nobles present did not understand it in detail, so they rushed to circulate it.

Half an hour later, the more than 200 noble councilors present took a quick look, but even so, the anger of the nobles rose like boiling water.

"Those **** southerners, hypocritical liars, they don't deserve to come to Scotland!"

"Scotland belongs to us Scots, and no one can take away our ownership of this land!"

"For freedom, we fear nothing!"...

The congressmen were furious, cursing or cursing the English people desperately, and kept shouting slogans.

"Be quiet, gentlemen! Next we start voting! Please calm down!"

"I also know that everyone is very uncomfortable, but this is a necessary process of the House, please be quiet!"

The Speaker of the House, Baron Ross, was wrinkled and raised his beard. He emphasized it several times before he persuaded the excited nobles to come down. This shows that everyone is dissatisfied with this agreement!

"Gentlemen, let me tell you some good news. His Majesty King Henry II of France has agreed to send troops, and will increase his assistance to us in the future!"

Earl Allen interjected at the right time, which ignited the enthusiasm of the congressmen again, and the cheers continued for a long time.

"Okay gentlemen! Let's start voting!" Baron Ross waited until the sound ended before he began to speak.

The waiters in the parliament gave the parchment to the eager nobles, and the lively parliamentary proposal finally started the voting session.

After two hours of counting, Baron Ross was reading the parchment carefully while looking at the parchment in his hand.

Thanks: XG Jason, Le, Suifeng, Apprentice Knight Luo Xiaopang, Jingbo, Prussian Nobleman, LancastetKoo, Longbowyan, Legolas~Windwalker, Mensao Man Jiangge, The Cat Through Time and Space, lp001735, qus, the night is still dark, the silent A Fei, the cute Hengheng, DK, Feiyun, Astak, Minhang Menghua, Oak Duke, 56-legged Maoge, gfjnfg, SILENTWOLL.

Thank you Rym for your big reward!

(end of this chapter)

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