My British Empire

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: capture duke edward

Chapter 88 Capture Duke Edward

ps: It will be available on June 1st, I hope everyone will support it!

He did not expect that this special regulation was originally set up to protect his ruling status among the regents, but the Earl of Warwick used the regulation to remove himself from his post.

The faces of all the people present changed. Even though the result of the vote had been predicted, the ministers couldn't believe that this moment had really come.

The Duke of Somerset, who had been in charge of England for two years, came to an end.

At the same time, the meeting had just ended, not far from Whitehall Palace, and the guest here this time was His Excellency Bishop Thomas.

Bishop Thomas was like an ordinary old man at this time, with silver hair on his head, a two-inch beard on his chin, and wrinkles on his face. His smile was like a blooming chrysanthemum, giving people a sense of intimacy.

However, his complexion is much rosier than that of ordinary old men, his eyes are wide open, and there is no trace of cloudiness in the eyeballs, and there is a strong sense of shrewdness and cunning.

This is Edward's direct impression of the minister left by his father in front of him.

"Your Majesty! Duke Edward was defeated today, but it was in vain. John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, is another Duke Edward!"

Seeing the young king in front of him listening seriously, the bishop couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

For Edward, the bishop is quite satisfied. Like Henry VIII, he loves to read, believes in Protestantism, has a broad mind, and does not have the common problem of nobles - luxury.

Based on these points alone, the bishop is very satisfied. He feels that this is the merit of being a good king.

So Edward asked him to do several things, and he did them one by one. After all, the powerful officials will fall one day, but the king will never fall.

In fact, if Edward didn’t die young like in history, His Excellency’s investment is still correct.

"Yes! Your opinion is the same as mine. The Earl of Warwick is a cunning wild wolf, just like François de Lorraine of the Guise family in France, who is ambitious."

During the period of the current King Francois I of France, in addition to the Lorraine region they originally controlled, the Guise family also controlled the northern and eastern provinces of France. It can be called the first family of France.


"So, I think with the wisdom of His Majesty the King and the guidance of the ministers, it is possible to govern England!"

"The ministers also hope that you will come to stop this political chaos and also solve the local riots."

Bishop Thomas spoke seriously, without blinking his eyes, and his pupils shone brightly, as if he had great confidence in Edward.

"Okay! At first I felt that I was still young and didn't want to get involved in politics prematurely, but you have so much confidence in me that you came to persuade me yourself, then I will try!"

"And I will trouble you at the Regency Council!" Edward seemed to have a hint of helplessness in his tone, as if he was reluctant to agree after being persuaded by Bishop Thomas.josei

"Regarding this matter, my majesty! Please rest assured, after all, His Majesty the King's own administration is also what the ministers hope for!"

Seeing that Edward agreed, Bishop Thomas showed a smile, and the creases on his face relaxed a lot.

The goal has been achieved, and the bishop seems to have relaxed a lot, and began to discuss Protestantism with Edward.

Of course, for the Protestantism, Edward was full of support, following the words of the bishop, and slowly cooperated.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in Whitehall Palace became much more harmonious, even the light rain outside the house became much cuter.

Three days later, Duke Edward, who had returned to London smoothly, had not received the news that he was deposed, and rode back to the Duke's mansion with a happy face.

He walked into his mansion with joy, but it was not the butler who greeted him, but the judge of the Star Chamber Court and the court guards behind him.

"My lord, did you go to the wrong place?"

Looking at the judge and his party in front of him, the Duke was so angry that his happy mood suddenly turned cloudy.

"I think the seat under Sir Harville's buttocks doesn't want to sit!"

Listening to the threatening and slow words of the Duke in front of him, even Jackson, who had handled major cases before, couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Sir Havel is one of the main justices of the Star Chamber Court and Jackson's immediate boss, in charge of his promotion.

"Dear Your Excellency the Duke, we are ordered by the Regency Council, and we need you to cooperate with us!"

Hearing the words of the little judge in front of him, how could Duke Edward not understand that during his absence, something must have happened, and he might have lost power.

"In this case, then, okay! I'll talk to my wife first!"

Duke Edward tried to restrain his emotions, and said with a smile.

"Yes! We will wait for you here!" Jackson thought for a while after hearing this, and agreed.

Glancing at the Star Court officials headed by Jackson, Duke Edward's heart, which has always been stable, trembled uncontrollably.

The Star Chamber Court was the highest judicial institution in England from the 15th to the 17th century. Founded by King Henry VII in 1487, the court was named after it was set up in a hall with a star-shaped roof in the Palace of Westminster.

The Star Chamber Court (English: StarChamber) was established in 1487 and got its name from a star-shaped hall on the roof of the Palace of Westminster.

It, together with the British Privy Council and the British High Court, constitute the most important autocratic machine in British history. For example, anyone who knows the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty knows that it has a Beizhen Fusi, which has independent judicial power, and the Star Chamber Court is like this.

At that time, the Star Chamber Court was dedicated to punishing nobles who were not loyal to the king or even conspired to rebel. Members are composed of Privy Council officers, bishops and senior judges, directly under the king's manipulation.

The scope of its powers continues to expand, and its punishment methods are very cruel. Before the revolution it became a tool used by the absolute monarchy to persecute the Puritans. After the outbreak of the British bourgeois revolution, on July 5, 1641, the Long Parliament passed a resolution to abolish this reactionary institution.

Back in the hall, Duke Edward saw his wife, Mrs. Anne, walking anxiously with several maids.

"Edward! What's going on here? Why are the people from the Star Chamber Court here?"

When Mrs. Anne saw that Duke Edward was back, she seemed to have found the backbone, and quickly asked a series of questions.

"It's nothing! It's just that your husband was exempted from the ruling position! Don't worry, stay at home and wait for me to come back!"

For his wife, Mrs. Anne, Duke Edward still likes it very much. As the son of a knight, Mrs. Anne's family was very helpful to the Duke.

It can be said that Lady Anne helped Duke Edward get his first pot of gold. Without her, he would not be what he is now.

So even in the face of his younger brother, he would not back down.

"Edward! Promise me, you must come back safely!" Although listening to what the Duke said, Mrs. Anne knew that things were not that simple.

With a crying voice, Madam Anne hugged Duke Edward and whispered near his ear.

(end of this chapter)

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