My British Empire

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: walk horse

Chapter 95 Walking Horse

ps: The fourth bullet, the last bullet

Holding his arrogant wife, Duke Edward gently stroked her back, comforting her from time to time.

"Okay, okay! I'm back." Mrs. Anne kept sobbing while hugging Duke Edward. Mrs. Anne, who had been going smoothly at home and outside, showed her little daughter mentality on a rare occasion today.

"Annie, let's go back! It's not good to be influenced by the public!"

Hearing these words, Madam Anne quickly wiped her eyes and left Duke Edward's embrace.

Duke Edward took Lady Anne's hand and slowly boarded the carriage.

"Edward, I am really worried about you. Fortunately, the little king pardoned you, and I am ready to beg him!"

Mrs. Anne looked very happy, which made Duke Edward very distressed.

"Anne, we are going back to Wiltshire, we can't stay in London anymore!" Duke Edward, no, Earl Edward looked at Lady Anne, his eyes were shining brightly.

"But..." Madam Anne was interrupted by Earl Edward just as she spoke.

"Right! It's an intoxicating thing, a poisonous wine with temptation, let's stay away from it!"

Earl Edward had a trace of loneliness in his eyes, but also a trace of relief.

"Okay! Listen to you! As long as you are safe!" Mrs. Anne thought for a while and said with some perseverance.

Edward Seymour was born in Wiltshire, his father was Sir John Seymour, and his mother was Margery Wentworth.

The blood he inherited from his maternal grandfather gave him blood from King Edward III of England and the Percy family.

Based on this calculation, he and Henry VIII are the great-grandson relationship of the fifth generation hall.

It can be considered as a person of noble blood, and his rights have almost been engraved into his bone marrow. He did not expect that after this coup, he would look away, or be afraid.

Whitehall Palace, when Baron Smith and Sir John were left to eat, Mary, who was already seven years old, also sat and shared lunch together.

Baron Smith was already familiar with Mary, but Sir John, who met Mary for the first time, was surprised.

One mouthful of God forbid, poor little heart beating.

It was a great honor and surprise for Sir John to have lunch with the King of England and the Queen of Scotland at the same time.

So, during the meal time, Mary personally received the greeting from the royal steward, so the lunch ended in a hurry.

But for Sir John, this lunch was quite grand. On the way home, Sir John couldn't stop thinking about it.

He felt that this lunch was a topic that he could brag about for half his life.

Edward finished this relatively boring lunch, and then followed Mary to a royal lawn outside London to feed her Lilith.

"Hurry up, Brother Edward, Lilith should be hungry!"

Edward walked slowly behind, and Mary ran ahead with short legs, calling Edward from time to time.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, don't you have a groom?" Edward said weakly after finishing his meal.

"Lilith only eats what I feed her, she won't eat what the groom feeds! Brother Edward can't talk nonsense!"

Little Mary bulged her round, small and delicate face, and said to Edward angrily.

"Okay! I was wrong, Lilith only eats what Mary feeds, and what Mary feeds is delicious!"

Edward waved his hands helplessly, and said to her in a low tone.

"Hmph! Brother Edward is so stupid, he doesn't even know this, huh—"

Hearing that Edward admitted his mistake, little Mary stuck out her pink tongue, pulled down her right eyelid with her right finger, and made some funny faces at Edward.

In this way, while little Mary was bouncing around, Edward and his party came to the stable. In the middle of a green grassland less than ten acres, a row of wooden houses ten feet high and hundreds of feet long came into Edward's eyes.

The stables are divided into small compartments up to ten feet wide, where dozens of horses are kept in captivity, and almost all the favorite horses of the Tudor royal family are here.

Approaching the stables, horses of various colors barked non-stop. Among them, Edward's royal horse Arthur, with his youth and strength, barked most powerfully.

Remembering that he hadn't sneaked with Arthur for a long time, Edward couldn't help walking over quickly.

Sure enough, the boy Arthur grinned, showing his snow-white front teeth, sticking out his tongue, with a naive look on his face, and yelled without image.

After seeing Edward approaching, Arthur screamed even more happily, drooling on the ground, without a trace of the demeanor of a king.

Opening the railing, Edward led Arthur out, making Arthur jump back happily, and the big horse head squeezed straight into Edward's arms.

"Okay! I know you miss me, you are already a big boy, I can't do anything to you!"

Seeing Arthur begging for a hug, Edward looked helpless. Arthur was only a little taller than Edward when he was a child.

Two years have passed, and Arthur has reached the youth of the horse, with a height of about five feet (1.5 meters) at the shoulder, and it is difficult for Edward to ride it. Shall I tell you that Edward is only 1.4 meters now?

With the support of Lucy, Edward mounted Arthur and walked slowly towards little Mary.

I saw little Mary holding up the food one by one to feed the red foal in front of her. When she was accidentally licked by the foal's tongue, she laughed happily.

And Arthur under Edward suddenly became excited, breathing hot air, and rubbing his front feet on the ground from time to time.

"Hey! She's just a one-year-old girl, you can do whatever you want, I don't want to live!"

Seeing Arthur's appearance, Edward couldn't know what it was thinking, so he slapped it on the head without saying a word, and taught him a lesson.

"Come on, I haven't taken you for a few days, let you have a good time today!"

Don't look at Arthur's grievance, Edward said into its ear.

"In a few days, I will help you find some beautiful young and strong mares, so that you can be happy!"

After saying this, Arthur immediately became alive and started running with his ponytail swung.

Edward enjoyed this feeling of driving. Some cold January winds blew across his face, but the grass had already grown on the ground. Arthur stepped on the puddles from time to time, swaying around. This feeling was very refreshing.

Close your eyes and enjoy the tranquility. Suddenly, Edward heard the sound of two horses running, and doubts arose in his heart.josei

"Edward! Edward! I'm back!" Edward suddenly opened his eyes, and he heard the voice of his sister Elizabeth.

Edward looked for the sound, and sure enough, not far away, two knights riding horses and wearing women's clothes ran over.

One of them is in the prime of his youth, with a girlish face, wearing a red coat, and his chest is bulging heavily, like two small watermelons. It was Elizabeth, who was four years older than him.

The other is in his twenties, with a calm expression on his face. He is tightly wrapped in a purple coat. His two long legs are very conspicuous. The watermelon on his chest is one size larger than Elizabeth's, making him a medium size.

She is Edward's eldest sister, Princess Mary who is eleven years older than Edward.

The two went to the monastery to practice some time ago, and they just came back now.

(end of this chapter)

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