My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 2 Should I Make A Harem Of Ten Girls?

Chapter 2 Should I Make A Harem Of Ten Girls?

[Ding! System Reboot has been successful!]

[Ding! The system Activated!]

[Ding! Identifying the host....]

[Ding! Identify has been confirmed]

[Ding! Congratulations on activating the system, Host Yuan!]

[Ding! Please check the starter gift pact that has been sent to the host's system inventory during the next 12 hours!]

He quickly rubbed both of his eyes to see whether he was seeing things when a translucent blue screen and a female mechanical voice with several notifications suddenly appeared. He knew he was not seeing things but the reality when the popup didn't go away despite his scratching his eyes several times.

Since I have been reborn and this world believes in magic, I won't be shocked if a system appears. What could surprise you after facing death? Yuan glanced at the notifications and said in a low tone while shaking his head.

"Little Yuan, how are you doing, are fine?" When Lily witnessed her younger brother shaking his head for no apparent reason, she questioned him out of the concern and assumed he might be experiencing migraines.

"No, I'm perfectly alright. Big sister doesn't have to consider much."

"Yeah, great, but let's visit your mother now; she has been really concerned about you," Lily remarked as she rose from the bed Yuan was occupying.

"I'll wash myself up first because I have blood all over my body and it's uncomfortable to stay in this position...You go first, big sis." He realized that his garments were stuck to his skin when he woke up because they were covered in his dried blood, which was exceedingly uncomfortable.

Okay, I'm leaving, but do it quickly."

After saying this, she quickly locked the door and left the room Yuan was in. He got out of bed, checked to see if she was gone, then headed straight for the restroom. As his father was a magic knight and worked for the kingdom, he learns from the old Yuan's memories that only the wealthy have bathrooms in their homes. As a result, they are quite wealthy.

"If you don't dilute this down, it will hurt awfully."

His dress was adhered to his skin, making it unpleasant to remove it, much like waxing body hair, so as soon as he reached the bathroom, he promptly took a shower while still wearing his clothes.

[Now that the system is operational, would the host like to review his status information?]

When he once more heard the woman's voice in his brain, he halted the shower. But, this time the voice was extremely different from the last; instead of being robotic as it had been before, it was this time a very feminine voice belonging to a young girl that almost enchanted him.

'I've never heard a voice this wonderful, damn!' Once he had recovered from his stupor, he said, "Okay, Show me!"

[System Interface]

Host: Yuan Blank

Age: 19 years

Cultivation: None

Legacy: None

Bloodline: None

Physique: Heaven Devouring Physique

Physical strength: 8

Mental strength: 45

Soul strength: 120

Physical Defense: 5

Mental Defense: 121action

SP: 0

«System Inventory»

«System Shop»

«Missions» [Currently None]

"Shit! This body is more fragile than a chicken. Well, my first body was likewise feeble, therefore I have no right to complain that this one is weak.

'Sigh! Looks like I'll have to work really hard to get stronger,' he mattered, a little disappointed. It was true that this body was weak because the original Yuan had not even given it a light workout.

"What the hell happened to my mana stat? I should still have that stat even though I wasn't awakened! right? What is this "cultivation thing" exactly?"

He was wondering where the mana stat had vanished when an epiphany struck, sending him into a fit of maniacal laughter.

"Hahaha, Danm! I've just won the lottery! Although this is amazing, isn't this intended to be a magical planet where magicians make up the lower class? But even so, this is absurd!" He had read numerous novels and manga about cultivation on earth, so he was aware of the awesomeness of the immortals. Isn't it amazing that he can now cultivate in this magical realm and actually become immortal as well? Who could not feel energized merely from thinking?

'Should I create a harem of approximately 10 females? If I create a harem, I can dual cultivate and achieve a breakthrough much more quickly than if I just sat down and meditated for hours on end!' Being a total virgin otaku in his prior life who spent much of his time worrying about his living expenditures and having little time for relationships, he begins to fantasize about creating a harem and dual cultivating with them.

(AN: I like the stories that have some spices to make them spicy, if not it won't leave a taste in my mouth.)

"But first, I should concentrate on strengthening myself as quickly as I can, for without it, I won't even be able to predict when I'll die..." A scorching spark of resolve could be seen in his eyes, which are flaming with enthusiasm, as he mumbled while gripping his hands firmly to become stronger.

[Host, I advise you to check the beginner's gift pack in the system's inventory because it expires in 11 hours!]

He was shocked to once more hear a female voice in his brain, so he took control of his composer and questioned, "I'll do that right away, but who are you? You speak and behave like a live human, thus to me, you are more than simply a machine. What are you, may I ask?"

[I am a system spirit or a will, Nora, in response to the host's query. I was made to serve as the system's administrator and to help you whenever the host asked. I'll do everything the host asks of me. This system was created to assist the host with cultivation methods and weaponry as well as to ensure that the host was proceeding in the proper direction. Please feel free to ask any questions if the host has any.] Nora said.

"Then, Nora, open the beginner's gift package or whatever it is!" Yuan interrupted quickly as Nora finished speaking because he was eager to find out what the reward would entail.

Nora exclaimed, [Understood!]

[Ding! The beginner's gift pack has been opened..]

[Ding! Havens secret arts cultivation technique has been received!]

[Ding! A spirit-grade high-quality weapon Blue Jade sword has been received!]

[Ding! One Sword One strike sword technique has been received!]

[Ding! A Mysterious box has been received!]

[Ding! 1000SP has been received from the beginner's gift pack]

[Ding! All the rewards have been placed on the inventory, would the host like to check?]

He reasoned to himself, "It's been over 30 minutes since I entered the restroom; if I take too long big sis will worry for nothing," and he responded, "No, I will do it later."

After that, he quickly showered and stepped outside the bathroom while donning fresh clothing from the drawer. He is currently wearing a black shirt and slacks, but the shirt has golden motifs on it, which makes it stick out and look more appealing. Then, for the first time in this world, he turned to face himself in the mirror. A tall, slim man who resembled him on Earth but was a little more attractive and had golden eyes that gave him an air of dominance caught his eye.

"I guess I still resembled myself? ... A little more attractive, to be precise! My eyes turned golden like the man in the unusual location, but what did he say? I completely missed what he was saying..." The mystery man with the golden eye whom he encountered in that dark area still gives him a shiver through his entire body just remembering, how strong the man's cultivation must be, he said as he saw himself in the mirror.

"Little Yuan, have you finished tidying up? Hurry down here if you're finished because mom wants to see you!" The fact that Lily called to him from outside the room demonstrates how much his mother prioritizes Yuan's well-being over her own and wants to see his face despite being concerned about her health.

"Un... I'm about finished and will be there in a second!" He responded to Lily while adjusting his hair.

"You already know how overly protective she is of you, so come see her as soon as possible. She can hardly wait to see you."

'Sigh! According to the memories I have, she really is very overly protective of me. If something were to happen to me, I'm not sure what she would do. Yuan murmured as she considered the potential outcomes. She is the kind of person who would have stayed by his side for days without eating or drinking if it weren't for the fact that she couldn't leave her room.

He gets dressed and leaves his room to discover his sister waiting for him outside.

"Sis, why are you standing around? Of course, I would have come to you instead!"

"ensuring you don't occupy too much time! We should see mum right now because her illness is becoming worse by the minute and I don't think she has at least two more months to live." With a very sad expression and her mouth covered as tears streamed down her cheeks, Lily remarked as they moved towards their mother's chamber.

" . "

He immediately stopped walking and glanced at his sister with a peculiar expression after hearing her explain his mother's current state. The aura Yuan is putting off makes Lily feel uneasy.

'What's happening... Why is God giving me such a life? Although I now have a family after previously being an orphan, my mother is in danger of passing away. How did I deserve such a fate? What crime did I commit...?' When he first received the memories of this body and realized he had a family in this life, he was overjoyed. However, he has since learned that his mother has less than two months left to live. He was in pain—the pain of losing someone—and tears started to trickle down his cheeks. Although not the world's first Yuan, he nonetheless experienced the anguish of losing his mother.

'Why don't I remember it? Why can't I recall...?' He asks himself why his mother's condition was thus severe since he doesn't recall it. He felt someone hugging him tightly out of nowhere, which warmed his heart. When he looked up, he realized it was his sister.

"I am aware that you are suffering, Yuan'er, just as I am. As soon as I found out about this, I found it difficult to eat properly for days, and I had weeks of despair. I can go forward, though, and you must do the same." As she gave him a hard hug and started crying, Lily replied.

"I know that, but sister, I will definitely find a cure for mother even if it costs my soul!" As he gave his sister another embrace, Yuan said with a very serious expression on his face.

"Let's go meet mom right away, let's not spend any more time!" After the hug, Lily murmured as she led him inside their mother's room.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Unn" nodded as he followed his sister to their mother's bedside, and they quickly arrived at their objective. A room door was in front of his eyes, and it had a very lovely design engraved on it.

'hmmm? Why am I so fearful of seeing my mother? He noticed that for some reason, as he approached the door, his rate quickened.

How long are you holding out for? Now open the door! Lily remarked as she cast a glance at Yuan, who was immobile standing in front of the entrance.

"Unn," he says, nodding to his sister as he twists to the left while holding the door handle. The door unlocked with a" click" sound.

When he first entered the room, a woman was lying on a sizable double bed in the center of the bed. Her hair was a mixture of black and white, and she had a very attractive face with thin pink lips. Her body was thin, which is expected given her illness, and her face was a little pale. She was quite attractive when she was at her best.

Given that he had never had a family before, he was experiencing a lot of emotions as he watched the woman lying on the bed. Anna Grace Blank, his mother, was one of the women in the bed.


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