My Cell Prison

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: The Territory (End of this Book)

"Is this the plague brought by the ... 'Old King'?"

The earth that was torn apart because it could not bear the weight of the Old King has 'healed itself' though. josei

However, a kind of 'Doomsday Plague' has spread through the Gaien Forest.

With [Giant-Footprint, the footprints left by the ghoul king's paws] as the origin of the plague, it has infested and contaminated the entire forest.

The plague has formed an "overlapping space" in the area covered by the footprint, and the plague inside has even become self-aware, forming a kind of plague progenitor.

The plague needs to be eradicated from the area by going deep inside and killing the plague agent.

There are thirty-nine 'giant footprints' in the whole of the Forest of Gaien.

The Holy City has dispatched the 'Knights of the Plague', who are the best at dealing with such incidents.

It was requested that the plague be cleared from its original location within ten days and that the Knights of Purity be sent to assist in dispersing the contamination once the plague has been eradicated, by applying a wide range of sacred essence to the area in question.

Han Dong, who was riding in the Chariot of the Raven Bearer, naturally saw the 'heavily armed' Knights of the Plague.

The knights were all dressed in strange 'anti-poison clothing', with anti-poison masks and dark-colored robes inlaid with different shoulder ornaments, depending on their personal preferences.

Even the horses under them wear a kind of gas mask on their faces.

The surface of the horses' bodies has also been artificially modified with many external hoses, which seem to act as an aid to the transfer of substances in the body ... enabling the horses to gallop through the plagued land without being affected.

There was a real sense of 'doom and gloom' as such a force marched through the forest.

"Won't you need to assist the Order with the plague disaster, sir?"

"A plague disaster of this magnitude can only barely rank tenth since the founding of the Holy City ... This old king did not initiate the plague but merely left it behind unintentionally as he chased you.

With the Great Plague Chief leading the way, the entire plague in the Forest of Gaien could be cleared within a week."

"Hmm ..."

Han Dong was very shocked to hear such a statement.

It seemed that in the early days of establishing the Holy City, humanity had suffered from unimaginable horrific invasions and apocalyptic plagues.

The carriage sped on.

Han Dong carefully observed the situation inside the forest.

The cracks in the earth had healed, leaving only a scar-like stripe on the surface of the land.

In addition, the trees contaminated by the plague were also surviving by slowly removing the plague that had invaded the inside of their trunks as much as possible through their own "Miniature-suckers".

"Strange. ... Why does it feel like the land and forest itself has a strong self-healing ability? It resists the foreign plague to the greatest extent possible, although it can only do so much to delay death."

Mr. Black and White explained simply, "Yes, the world dominated by the 'Old King' has changed ... Even forests, mountains, and rivers that are not governed by a 'land deed' have a certain ability to regenerate.

If the damage is within their tolerance, the land will repair itself.

Otherwise, if it were still the world of two hundred years ago, it's simply unable to withstand the various 'higher' existences ... creatures evolve, and the world must evolve with them."

"So that's how it is."

Listening to Mr. Black and White's explanation, Han Dong became more interested in this world.

"Then, wouldn't an area with a 'land deed' management have stronger self-healing properties?"

As the carriage drove out of the forest.

What was reflected in Han Dong's eyes was surprisingly an intact 'Stuart's Great Manor'.

The wheat fields, the town, the cemetery, and the old castle were all restored as if nothing had ever happened here.

Of course.

Self-restoration is limited to the basics of earth, wood, stone, and water.

Dr. Swell's factory would not be restored.

When Han Dong took a step down into the land, he had the feeling that the whole area was one with himself, able to always monitor every inch of the land in detail.

Almost at the same time.

Dr. Swell, riding one of his favorite tin ghoul mounts, came to the surface by the nearest underground passage and rushed to Han Dong's presence.

"Lord Messenger!!!"

As Dr. Swell knelt, he glanced rather scornfully at the Raven carriage on the side.

"Doctor, don't worry ... this is my mentor in the Holy City - Mr. Black and White. Without the help of Sir, I am afraid my identity would have been revealed."

"Greetings, Mentor of the Messenger!!!"

Mr. Black and White stepped off the carriage as he did.

A thick juice-like sweat continued to spill out from the orifices of the Doctor's large head.

The Doctor, who was stronger in perception than an Inhuman of his rank due to his extraordinary brainpower, could intuitively sense Mr. Black and White's power.

One wave of his hand would be enough to bring his head to the ground.

"Lord Messenger, how are you considering the 'defense issue' I mentioned to you last time?

Apart from me, all the family officers are dead, and the [Mother] was taken away by the former king.

We need to fill the manor with people strong enough to guard it as soon as possible and the residents ... are afraid that I alone will not be able to guard this area."

As the Doctor had just finished asking this question.


Many crows cawing came from the forest area.

Led by four "Drow Elders", the same size as the last escort caravan ... the entire tribe, tens of thousands of crows came from the forest area to the confines of the large estate.

"Doctor, is this enough for the new inhabitants?"

Dr. Swell's head continued to spill sweat in fear as he stared at the four Drow elders who had reached the level of 'Foreign Demon'.

"Enough is enough! Enough is enough ... That said, who will take care of the manor things for you if you are not here, my lord?"

The Doctor himself was still a certain distance away from reaching 「Foreign Demon」.

Therefore, the Doctor was worried about his future position in the manor and whether it would turn into a kind of researcher who could only do hard work.

"Same ... Dr. You are the [supervisor] of the underground area.

As for the Drows who have fully moved into the manor, the four Elders are jointly responsible for the management of the above-ground area as well as security.

The elders have the same status as you, Doctor."

Gah gah gah~~

Han Dong's willingness to grant such a sanctuary to the Drow tribe was already the greatest gift ... As for such an arrangement, the elders did not have any opinions.

Moreover, there were specialties in the art.

In some respects, Dr. Swell's role was far more powerful than that of the Drow elders.

The Doctor will also follow up with the Enhanced Drow Project, and when the underground experimental area is completed, experiments and modifications will be carried out to address the deficiencies of the Drow's flesh level.

A mutually beneficial and win-win relationship will be formed between the two.

"Thank you ... thank you, Lord Messenger! I will ... meet all the requests made by Your Excellency."

To be able to be so reused, to be able to sit on the same platform as a Crow who had reached the level of [Foreign Demon].

For a moment, the Doctor's eyes overflowed with many filthy tears from too much emotion.

"You first try to rebuild the laboratory with the existing supplies in conjunction with the Drows ... Subsequently, I will slowly establish a channel for supplying supplies."


Saying this, Han Dong turned to the four Drow elders at the head of the line.

"Everyone, this will be your new home from now on."

At these words.

The tens of thousands of Drows knelt in unison, wrapping their bodies in black feathers to show their most sincere gratitude.

At the same time, Han Dong took out five nearly identical 'land deeds' from his backpack.

Handing them over to the four elders, and Dr. Swell respectively.

"You don't need to know which 'land deed' is genuine, just keep it in the place you think is the most secretive and make sure no one can steal it.

I may not have many chances to leave town in the future, so I will leave all of the large manors to you to take care of."

"Rest assured, we set out to guard this land for your Grace." The elders exuded an appalling aura, showing their loyalty and determination.

Of course.

Now and then the Drow elders would glance at Mr. Black and White with eyes beneath their feathers.

A homogenous aura could be sensed from this gentleman, but of a rank far above them ... Just staring at the black mask could make their whole bodies twitch with feathers from nervousness.

Mr. Black and White stared at the majestic scene of tens of thousands of Drows kneeling and worshipping and could not help but smile under his mask as he sent a message to another person in his mind.

"White, this is my choice."

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