My Cell Prison

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: The Old Blacksmith

The blacksmith's room involves Wendy's privacy.

A multi-layer hydraulic door is used to seal it.

Currently, however, there is a hot gas forcibly overflowing from between the cracks of the door ... The edges of the door body are even completely burnt red in a short time, and if the door is not opened again, the whole door may be melted away.

The door was opened by a hydraulic valve that Wendy turned in a hurry.

A wave of heat mixed with anger kept invading the room like a tidal wave, scaring Han Dong to take a step back.

The old blacksmith standing outside the door was an old man with a thick brown beard. The beard on his face was so dense that he needed to tie it into a beard braid.

Currently, this old blacksmith's large nose was red with anger!

There was even a kind of hot steam that kept spewing out from his nostrils intermittently.

The old blacksmith's spies in the underground fortress had told him that his favorite apprentice had just brought an unidentified man from the outer courtyard into her private smithy.

You know, Wendy had never brought any man into her private room in her entire life.

Even when it came to matters of necessity, such as forging problems, Wendy would only discuss them with others in the class, or the public blacksmithing area.

She would never bring any man into her blacksmithing room.

When he heard that Wendy had brought a man back with her.

The old blacksmith was so angry that he had to leave the important business he was negotiating and rush back to the underground furnace castle.

He wanted to see which little brat dared to go to his place and seduce his most beloved apprentice.

Under the Blacksmith's Grip

The moment the hydraulic door opened.

The old blacksmith stared at the bold outer courtier with a fierce gleam in his eyes and raised his hand to squeeze.

A deep red five-finger mark appeared directly on Han Dong's neck.

The "beak doctor's outfit" was unable to withstand the force and heat of this grip, and the area covered by his head retracted on its own ... revealing Han Dong's very ordinary, even yellowish and thin face.

This squeezing grip that squeezes space and gravity easily lifts Han Dong in mid-air.

The neck area was twisted and deformed, completely suffocated, and there was a smell of roasted meat coming from the skin in the neck area that had been completely burnt.

"Master! No!"

Wendy panicked.

Without thinking at all, Wendy stepped forward and stopped the act with the same 'Blacksmith's Grip' that she had used to grab Master's arm in a deadly grip.

"Wendy Austen! How dare you come at me for a man!"

"Master ... you are mistaken! This is the 'Nicholas' student I told you about, the only student of the Raven Prophet."

Hearing the word 'Raven', a hint of scorn flashed in the old blacksmith's eyes as he completely relaxed his right hand.


Han Dong fell heavily to the ground.

The neck area was severely burned, but fortunately, the cervical vertebrae and trachea were intact, and the exhalation of fresh air eased Han Dong from his extreme state of asphyxiation ...

With the stimulation of cells by the G-virus, the burned area was slowly repaired.

Just now, Han Dong had a sense of death.

If Wendy didn't make a timely move, Han Dong would have released Togo to buy time ...

"That's quite a special way to greet someone for the first time ..." Han Dong, who was lying on the ground, could currently only look up helplessly and stare at the old blacksmith at the entrance of the blacksmith's room, which could be identified with a single glance.

Wendy's master.

The main person in charge of the [Underground Furnace Fortress], his status and position was even a step higher than the head of the Mechanical Department.

The old blacksmith stared at Han Dong who was limp on the ground, his anger hard to dispel, "Stinking Raven's student? Is that the student you talked about, the one who led your entire team to a high number of points in the elite training?"

"Of course! And Nicholas had saved me.

We had agreed beforehand at the training session to meet today, and I was going to help him create a piece of personal armor, and the materials are right here ... Master, you are too much!!!"

Wendy reached out and pointed to the side of the "Great Ghoul's Nails" and "Black Feathers".

With that, Wendy simply disregarded the master's opinion and was even very angry at his behavior.

Trotting to Han Dong's side, she picked him up horizontally and laid him flat on the iron bed where she usually slept.

"Master ... you went a bit too far this time! Vice-captain he was very good to me ... without him, I would have died in the ancient castle."

Wendy, because of her personality, usually never rebelled against her master, no matter how difficult the forging requirements were she would finish them on time. josei

But this time was different, Wendy was really angry.

"Wendy?" This scene made the old blacksmith a little surprised ... and even at a loss for words.

Wendy has been brought up by him since she was young, at first it was because of the wishes of her deceased father and Wendy's unique physique ... slowly as Wendy grew up, in the old blacksmith's heart also gave birth to a feeling similar to that of a 'granddaughter'.

As the old blacksmith was not married, he was always alone, plus he had a fiery temper. Whenever he thought that Wendy would grow up and marry someone, he was furious.

He was particularly sensitive in this matter of Wendy's contact with the opposite sex.


When he stared at Wendy, who had never resisted him for more than a decade, and turned on him with a look of disgust and exasperation, the old blacksmith was instantly goaded.

But as the master of the underground furnace castle, he naturally had to have some face.

"I'm just testing him out since he's a student of the Raven, a minor injury of this degree isn't enough to kill him.

Here is a bottle of highly effective healing potion ... Wendy, you move aside and I will feed him."

The old blacksmith naturally did not allow his 'granddaughter' to have any extra intimate actions with Han Dong.

In order not to make Wendy angry, he filled and fed Han Dong the potion.

His movements seemed friendly.

In actuality, it was close to poking the potion test tube into Han Dong's throat ... and the old blacksmith's face had a horrifying expression that appeared to be a smile.

However, the effect of this high-value potion was still very good, and the injury on Han Dong's neck immediately gained recovery.

"Meet the Great Blacksmith- [Hedrig Eamon]."

"Hmm, I heard about you in advance from Wendy, thanks for taking care of Wendy during the training set ... Do you mind what just happened?"

"It's my poor consideration, I didn't talk about it with you in advance, senior."

"Kinda know how to be polite ..."

During the conversation, the old blacksmith would glance at his good apprentice from time to time.

Wendy still had a puffed-up expression, not willing to look at him at all.

"Ahem ahem ... like this! Considering that you are taking care of my apprentice in the set ... your forging request will be done by me."

"Thank you, senior."

Han Dong himself was naturally upset, he was just pretending to be polite on the surface ... Since the old blacksmith wanted to help, Han Dong wouldn't push back and refuse.

"This physical condition of yours is also too poor, all relying on 'internal stuff' for support ... I guess you should be in dire need of a light armor that doesn't affect your movement, right?"


"The materials are good, but there are still some necessary things missing for a perfect soft armor forge ... I'll just barely lick it up for you."

A small piece of steel that was overflowing with white light, like liquid, was thrown directly into the furnace by the blacksmith.

There was no need to design a blueprint beforehand at all, and the forging began immediately.

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