My Cell Prison

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Night Terror

The time of trigger of the branch event is in the afternoon, and consider that the entire faculty level at Derry town High School may be in trouble.

Reckless action at night was not a good thing in a high school like this that didn't have late night studies.

On top of that, a parasite specimen had fallen into Han Dong's hands, so it was a good time to use the night time to study it at home and maybe find the entry point for the branch line event.

This incident of the [Parasite School], the team decided to wait until tomorrow to solve it.

After school.

Cass, Coslin, and Sophia started exploring at night as a trio.

Han Dong separated from the trio and went home alone with the parasitic sample.

His mother had already cooked steak and made a large pot of cauliflower and carrot stew, waiting for father and son to come home for dinner.


Han Dong just followed his memory and pretended to engage in the role of 'son', having a normal conversation with his parents at the dinner table about their experiences at school today.

After the meal, he returned to his room and closed and locked the door.

"This 'variant parasite' exists neither in the regular biological realm nor in the original 'Return of the Joker' movie.

As it turns out, Destiny Space made the right choice in adopting a movie that wasn't quite like the original movie I saw, and didn't directly lift the plot of the original movie.

There's still too little information right now, so let's wait until we finish the parasitic branch."

Han Dong placed the bean-sized dried parasite on the tabletop, ready to conduct the experiment (Han Dong wore gloves throughout the entire process, and had never had any direct contact with it.)

Meanwhile, a woman in red with black hair was leaning to the side.

"Miss Chen Li, once it shows activity and tries to escape, just cut it down."

"Okay." josei

Han Dong had complete trust in Chen Li's knife skills and could definitely kill the thing with precision and the evil energy covering the blade would instantly cut off the parasite's vitality.

As there was no experimental equipment, what Han Dong conducted was a series of simple experiments.

The first step was to test whether this thing was dead or not.

It didn't react in the face of various slams, knife cuts, or even electric shocks.


Han Dong took a deep breath and brought a bottle of mineral water.

A drop was placed on the surface of the parasite.

The water drop was instantly inhaled under the skin, and the parasite as a whole immediately became active, However, due to too little water, the parasite only completed one stretching motion and returned to its original state.

"According to Cass' description, the being host has a severe tendency to drink water. As expected, only moisture can activate it."

He went downstairs to find a glass with thicker walls and fill it with water.


Throw the parasite into a glass of water while immediately capping the bottle.

The unthinkable happens,

Three hundred ml of water was absorbed in a few seconds.

The parasite that has gained enough water reveals its terrifying form.

A large number of spikes protrude outward from the surface of the body, these spikes also belong to its neural synapses, which can effectively access the human brain for control.

The lingual mouth parts could quickly bite through the human skin and enter the blood circulation while being carried to the brain area.

"It's really interesting, if this creature were taken back to the living world for research, I would be able to write several more top-notch papers. It might be able to give me the title of professor in advance."

Faced with the terrifying prototype of the parasite, Han Dong wasn't afraid at all.

While observing, he pondered the solution to the branching event.

"Intracranial parasites, directly controlling the cerebellum layer area, In the process of control, they don't change the brain and appearance, but they will completely change the internal structure of the host.

Since the appearance remains unchanged, these little parasitic things on the teachers must be able to recognize their own kind in some way.

Right! Identify your own kind."

A rather dangerous idea suddenly flashed in Han Dong's mind.

"If it works, we'll be able to solve the branching incident at the school tomorrow without causing a major commotion.

We'll have to work late tonight for the experiment, so I'll leave the exploration of the town entirely to Cass and the others."

Han Dong's idea when looking for "critical conditions".

Having the parasite not fully access the brain, just a single surviving attachment to the head, would be the same as creating a harmless parasite.

It will not affect the subject, but will be seen as a kindred spirit by other hosts.

Thus, going to reverse sense the "Parasitic Subject" hidden in the campus.

Do not imagine anything, Han Dong would not risk making himself a host, his brain was no joke.

Han Dong was going to find a system character in Derry Town to become a 'spy'.


Around eleven o'clock at night.


A bell rings at the door downstairs, followed by a rather ordinary English conversation, as if a friend of the parents is visiting.

Han Dong, who was focused on his parasite experiments, couldn't allow a moment's distraction and blocked out all outside distractions.

Ten minutes later.

Through multiple adjustments, pH adjustment and other methods, Han Dong finally found a 'critical value' that would allow the parasite to lose control of the brain, but not lose its activity.

Immersed in such a liquid, the parasite would change into a temporary symbiotic organism.

Just when it was all done.

Chen Li's urgent voice came from behind her, "Master! Windows!"


Han Dong immediately tilted his head.

I saw a red balloon slowly rising from the bottom of the window, just to the center of the window and stopped.

Having watched the movie, Han Dong knew very well that this was a balloon belonging to a Joker.

He went on alert and approached the window carefully.

The ghoul's nails have grown about ten cm in length.

Chen Li gripped the kitchen knife tightly and followed to one side, ready to chop up any horrific monsters that might appear.

The moment they were just close to the window.


Balloons explode!

The red balloon fragments plunged right into the void, leaving no debris behind.

Nothing terrifying was present.

However, Han Dong, who was mentally focused, noticed something at first.

On the boulevard outside the window, a Joker holding a balloon was hopping into the distance, and its slightly shaking left hand seemed to be waving goodbye to Han Dong.

Han Dong was fiercely surprised.

Although concentrating on the experiment basically did not hear the movement of the first floor.

There existed this memory in his subconscious memory, that if someone was visiting his house in the middle of the night.

For a moment, the two things connected.

"Oh no!!! Hard to come to the door!?"

Han Dong immediately put the glass jar containing the parasite into the closet and went downstairs to check on the situation.

As soon as he pushed open the dorm room door.

A chill came over Han Dong's body, making him feel sick.

The electric light in the living room flickered incessantly due to the unstable voltage.

The parents are sitting motionless on the couch, staring at the old television set full of snow dots.

On the coffee table in front of the parents is a red and white gift box with a 'Joker motif' on it, which has been unwrapped.

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