My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 261 - Between Land And Sea (4)

Chapter 261 - Between Land And Sea (4)

There was nothing that Li Yang could do within those moments—one minute he had his hands on the steering wheel and rushed towards the island, the next thing he knew was the ship getting obliterated by the large water ball.

The dark waters engulfed the entire crew into the waters, with only the pale moonlight shining upon them. Everyone that might have happened to be in the way was ripped asunder by the water pressure.

Dark waters turned red in that moment, shards of the ship spewing across the sea and some even hitting and stabbing right into the ex-CEO's shoulder—the memory lapse in judgment caused his layer of qi to falter.

Li Yang found his vision turning dark and felt the heavy tug of the waters. He was blacking out—Until the System started appearing in the precipes of his vision. 

Along with it was the shape of black and white creature yelling furiously at him. He couldn't make out the words, but its eyes were a beady red as it attempted to dive into the water and save him.

A sudden thunderbolt from the heavens spewed out from the sky and struck the waters.

[ Congratulations! You Have Earned 100,000 Points For The Afterlife Detour ]

[ You Have Received The Observer: Pomegranate's Favor! ]josei

[ Fruit of The Underworld Obtained! ]

[ … The Host Is Currently Drowning ]

[ … The Host Is Currently Passing Out ]

[ Would You Like To Receive Harem Members' Special Skill? ]

Right before he passed out, Li Yang reached out with his hand—his fingertip barely touched the screen's 'yes' portion right before the Nian serpent lunged at him.


Narissa would never imagine that she'd be spending an evening with Taiga… or even somebody at all. 

When her old friend betrayed her and revealed her location to the long-gone transformed Tyrant Merfolk—she thought it was best to cut off contact with everyone in the waters.

She wasn't as forgiving and naive as other Mermaids like Odele might have been. She held her pride and refused to consider her dream of living on land adored by the humans as some senseless endeavor.

The people here loved her identity as Bai Minghua and cherished her.

… even those senseless buffoons who threw their money at her were able to find some reason to smile because of her. If that was enough to make them happy, then becoming an idol wasn't terrible.

"Taiga wants to ask if you have popcorn?" The Tigress Spirit was wearing one of her most comfiest pajamas and was also resting on the rug in her hotel room. The huge flat screen television was on and this Taiga was enjoying the accommodation to her full heart's content.

How this Tigress got here in the first place was annoying.

"Go call room service!" Narissa snapped.

It was hard to stare and glare at the ceiling, pondering about where Li Yang ran off to—and didn't even take the Tigress with him. Narissa could understand that a lot or even everyone couldn't help but feel attracted to other people.

  Narissa wasn't taken aback that Li Yang liked or even desired other women—that was normal. The only thing that differed between him and those men in monogamous relationships was commitment.

Li Yang clearly had a different set of commitment standards.

Or at least she hoped that he had some rules that he abided in. 

"Taiga can't do it on her own," Taiga nagged back at her. The Tigress Spirit was holding the telephone and was lying upside down, her tail and pert butt was up in the air as she tried to ask for more help.

Narissa eyed the other woman before grudgingly standing up and walking over to the Tigress Spirit. She slapped her hand on Taiga's ass before she took the phone and called for room service. "Hello? Yes, This is Bai Minghua's personal suite—I'd like to get a full movie treatment. Popcorns, drinks and everything—"

There was something familiar floating in front of her.

Even though she didn't summon it, the status screen was up there in front of her.

[ The Love Of Your Life Is Currently In Great Peril! He Is Asking For Assistance And You Can Do It By Lending Your Powers. Which Innate Skill Would You Like To Provide? ]

> Merfolk Water Breathing Abilities

> Sirenic Voice

> Undine's Umbrage

Taiga was red faced from having Narissa slap her on the butt. She tried to ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen especially when Narissa started calling room service, but now that she stopped in her tracks. Taiga sat up and gave her a pout. "What's the holdup, Blue Fish—"

Narissa shushed the Tigress Spirit and placed a finger on her lips. The Mermaid realized that this was the first time that anything like this had happened and she couldn't help but wonder what "great peril" did this System mean?

What exactly would help him the most?

Without any context as to where the man could possibly be right now, Narissa gritted her teeth and then raised her finger towards the screen as she made her input.


The powerful water ball attack earlier dove right into the middle of the yacht and exploded it into numerous pieces—men who were unfortunately in the ball's direction immediately followed a similar demise upon contact.

Those who were still at the sides and avoided such a death found themselves attacked by shrapnels from the yacht's own interior and for those who might have survived even that were forced to swim for their lives up to the surface.

Li Yang unfortunately received injuries on the second instance—and yet the Nian serpent wasn't done at all. It came right after the survivors put an end to their lives, with Li Yang being targeted as the strongest and most dangerous individual that it had seen.

He yanked himself to the left and felt the dark serpent's body graze and toss him back into the waters. He grabbed a hold of the piece of metal that stuck in his shoulder and quickly pulled it out.

The thing was not helping him move in the waters.. Not to mention Li Yang wasn't sure if the System had worked at all, but he quickly thought of the Inventory and pulled something from it.

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