My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 282 - Messages At Dawn

Chapter 282 - Messages At Dawn

Even a message at dawn where most was assumed to be asleep was practically the norm. These hours between 1am to 6am were the most active time for any young person. 

There was no longer any proper time or hour when it came to messages meant for socialite engagements and work arrangements either. 

Maybe if one's phone was turned off, then it was a small gesture that meant that someone did not care about those things. 

If there was an emergency text or call in the middle of the night—then it was a giant F to the sender. These were sadly going to be messages and missed calls that were going to be seen in the morning right as soon as you woke up and brought  the phone's screen in your face first thing. 

But it so happened that her phone was always open.

Her eyes were slightly bleary as she eyed the contents of the chat with nothing more than a sense of tiredness and yet alertness to the gathering. Only she could be the one who attended this meeting.

A gathering most did not expect to see.

Shen An Na read the text message from Anna Song about a welcome party—mostly made because her parents were returning from their anniversary trip, and anyone who was anyone was invited.

[ You have to come, An Na. We're even hosting celebrities, influencers and idols… Well, we're waiting for confirmation. But some of them already said yes like Sun Aoyun. What do you think? ]

Oh, her dear friend, Anna. The girl once hated her guts because their names were similar. Shen An Na who had slept through the entire predicament that was allowing the use of the Celestial ship to fetch a single woman in the cultivator islands of the Liu was more or less disgruntled. 

"I hate parties." 

She would prefer if her brother was the one who attended these events, but even he was more holed up in the Chongming island than her. But who else was going to attend? Shen An Na didn't like rubbing elbows if it could be avoided, but then she realized something.

There was no doubt a hot topic amongst the rich and business-oriented individuals as of today and it would be a thing for at least a week before something new kicked in to steal the spotlight. 

The now-called prodigal son, Li Yang, was no doubt invited to this engagement and that made it a little more incentivizing for Shen An Na to attend the party.

Not for any weird reason, at all.

It was just going to be interesting, that's all.

Shen An Na sent a response to the still-awake Anna Song and then buried her head into the pillow. Despite the cultivation world and all its happenings, it wasn't fair to say that she and even people like Li Yang were now free from the scrutiny of regular people.

Surely the man couldn't exactly say no to events like this one, could he?

Did Shen An Na just assume that he'd be going after everything that happened in the last twelve hours? Why yes, yes she did.




If there was anything better than sex, it was the cuddles that came afterwards in the event that your partner didn't fall asleep and started snoring obnoxiously or they probably went somewhere else if this were a one-night stand.

Ying Yue He however has finally done it.

It wasn't as if she was actively seducing her boss—that was how the old secretary got sacked in the first place, but after the years of pining after him… she was now in his arms. He seemed to like it too.

Ying Yue He realized that the man had fallen asleep.

Most of the cultivator training that she underwent was reaching the point in time where sleep was already unnecessary. Why would a person fall asleep if the chance of letting your guard down was happening?

Sure, there was still the option of sleeping and dreaming—but now, Ying Yue He had the opportunity to just bask in the warmth and heat of her man. She wiggled her body a little and pressed her back against his chest. 

The snug sensation of his arms wrapping around her waist was really nice too.

"Yang?" Ying Yue He tried to check if he was still awake.

Li Yang lazily lifted a brow. "Hmm?"

It was difficult sleeping with someone in the same bed as him at first… but he would admit that it was nice now. 

Back then, Setsuko often just ended up sleeping with him—the other kind of sleeping, especially when she noticed his morning wood, but this time, he actually managed to fall asleep due to mental exhaustion.

  More or less, this was going to be eight hours of him becoming idle. 

Even his own concern about how it ended for Setsuko, Mitsuko and even the Kitagawa twins were temporarily pushed aside. The problems of boredom to the Observers and what was going to happen next—he'd be leaving it to the future him. Or that would have been the plan except for the bright light of the room turning open.

Besides the lack of having his own future trajectory made by him, Bao finally resorted to opening the lights and disturbing the now official couple. "Are you seriously going to sleep?!"

Ying Yue He who was willing to ignore the sudden events that happened around Li Yang's life—mostly because she also had her own fair amount of changes—now stared up at the Panda and then finally connected the dots.

"This is… your favorite animal."

"Your eyes cannot distinguish my true form, human." Bao intoned with a flat tone, finally deciding that if Li Yang was going to involve more women not officially in the 'harem' approved by the Heavens, it might as well introduce itself.

Not because it was offended by being ignored.

Li Yang sat up from his bed and then rubbed his face. Whether or not he actually needed a lot of sleep, it was still annoying to find himself disturbed. "Ying Yue He, meet Bao. Bao, you already know who she is."

"That doesn't explain anything at all!" Bao protested.

If Li Yang assumed that Ying Yue He was the one who was going to voice more complaints, he happened to be dead wrong.

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