My CEO Husband Has Some Issues

Chapter 48 - 48

Chapter 48 - 48: Chasing Her to HuanYu

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Chasing Her to HuanYu

Translator: 549690339

She chickened out so quickly that Rong Yan lost interest in bickering with her.

“I just wanted to tell you that you’ve got lipstick on your teeth-” Rong Yan glanced lazily at her bright red lips and, without turning back, turned left into the audition room.

Even after she had entered, she could still hear Kim Yien’s frantic voice outside, “Rong Yan, what are you so smug about! Ha, if you’re so capable, come audition! You talk a big game, but in the end, aren’t you just slinking off to audition with your tail tucked between your legs! Do you think just by auditioning you can make a name for yourself? Keep dreaming!”

Sure enough, a woman with a bruised ego is like a mad dog, lashing out at others to cover up her own embarrassment…

“I’m here to audition.”

The staff member responsible for the auditions, who was on the verge of falling asleep, saw someone coming and handed her a form indifferently, “Fill this out and perform directly, there’s every kind of instrument inside, just pick one and perform.”

Rong Yan took the form, filled it out swiftly on the table, and handed it back to the staff. Then she found a piano to the side and sat down.

Another piano performance, how tedious.

The staff member picked up her information, lifted his eyelids slightly to indicate that she could start.


The piano sounded its first note.

The sharp-eared staff member couldn’t help but frown.

Just as he was about to reprimand the person causing a disturbance, a stream of smooth and passionate notes poured out from Rong Yan’s fingertips.

“To Alice,” originally named “A Minor Bagatelle,” was a standalone piano piece composed by a musical genius in 1810, only to be discovered by the public in 1998. Legend has it that this piece was written for one of his female students by the lifelong bachelor maestro. Hidden within the composition were unspoken feelings of affection for the sweet student, tinged with his self-doubt, ultimately resulting in an intense struggle where he chose to conceal his deep-hidden infatuation…

Under Rong Yan’s fingers, the piece seemed to come to life, particularly the most brilliant part, which she played so vigorously that one couldn’t help but be drawn into the scene.

When the piece ended, she stood up, bowed to the stunned staff member, and quietly exited the stage.

While she played inside, people outside could also hear the piano music.

Others didn’t know who was playing the piano inside and were merely curious. Only Kim Yien, watching Rong Yan enter and then listening to her spectacular performance, had her face distorted in anger!

This Rong Yan!

Another person who heard the piano was there as well.

Shi Mufeng instructed the assistant by his side, “Wait here for me.”

“But Mr. Shi, people from KT will be arriving soon. If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late,” the assistant said worriedly.

Shi Mufeng, his mind already elsewhere, said impatiently, “I know, I’ll be back shortly.”


Despite his disagreement, the assistant, having no choice but to obey the son of the chairman, watched him leave.

Turning the corner, Rong Yan exited through the side door, trying to avoid Kim Yien, but little did she know she would run into an even more detestable person!

Her path was suddenly blocked.

Her pretty face darkened, and she bluntly told the person blocking her way, “Move aside! ”

Shi Mufeng wasn’t looking much better, as he extended a hand towards her, “Hand over the recording!”

“What recording?”

Rong Yan was baffled for a moment before realizing what he was after.

Already misunderstanding her intentions, Shi Mufeng glanced at her disdainfully and said, “Rong Yan, what’s with the act? Which recording are you talking about?”

“None!” Rong Yan, too lazy to explain, straight out refused and then tried to walk around him, “Good dogs don’t stand in the way!”

Shi Mufeng, unable to contain his anger, stretched out his arm to block her path, glaring at her as he demanded, “You’re just after money, aren’t you? Tell me, how much do you want to hand it over!”

Is this what he thinks of her?

Rong Yan truly felt blind for ever being interested in him!


She tried to walk around him.

But the persistent man, adhesive as a plaster, followed closely, “One hundred thousand, is that enough?”

“Weren’t you just after money when you made a cuckold of me?”

Back then, Rong Weiwei had arranged for Rong Yan to meet with a wealthy

older man, and to this day, no one knew that the man she’d been with was Li


Rong Yan could only feel a sense of revulsion towards the person before her, “Move aside!”

“I’ll give you half a million, and you must hand over your phone too. How about that, it’s a fair price. Otherwise, even if you do release it, I have ways to suppress the news!” Shi Mufeng’s gaze was forbidding.

Just as Rong Yan reached her limit with his pestering, since it wasn’t good to make a scene on his turf, and just when she was about to lose her patience, suddenly, a familiar voice cut in, “What’s Mr. Shi doing blocking my person?”

“What’s Mr. Shi doing blocking my person!” My person!

That voice was all too familiar to her!

Wasn’t it the man whom she had deliberately not woken up this morning?josei

Li Shengxiao, why was he here?

He couldn’t have chased her from last night to HuanYu now, could he?

Rong Yan’s heart skipped a beat, filled with an unspoken sense of crisis.

The man, surrounded by numerous high-ranking officials from HuanYu and KT, strode over confidently. The sharp suit he wore accentuated his distinguished bearing, and the refined necktie scarcely conveyed a fraction of his aristocratic air. His broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs gave him the figure of a male model, and standing next to Shi Mufeng, his appearance instantly reduced Shi Mufeng, known as the Prince Charming of the entertainment industry, to an ordinary man.

Li Shengxiao’s gaze lingered on Rong Yan from beginning to end, never once giving Shi Mufeng a glance. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he scanned Rong Yan up and down, then cut through the throng, authoritatively taking hold of Rong Yan’s left hand without a glance at Shi Mufeng beside him, his face businesslike, “Miss Rong, please come upstairs with me!”

What on earth was Li Shengxiao up to?

Was he trying to play her to death?

Yet, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she had no choice but to follow. So, Rong Yan could only lower her head, do her best to cover her face with her cap, and follow his lead..

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