My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2192

Chapter 2192

Ye Fan was not a lowly person, but from his point of view, the environment of the cell was much quieter than outside, and also wouldn't be disturbed.

The key was that this cell had the effect of isolating auras and energy waves. At the very least, it was stronger than the shell house.

In the event that something dangerous happened to his cultivation, it would not injure the Fallen Dweller. After all, the destructive power of his sword intent was too strong.

Because of the appearance of the Demon Army of the Sea race, the Naga Tribe had already entered a state of tense war preparation, and no one really cared about why Ye Fan went to the cave.

Ye Fan let Xiao Jin stay outside the cave to prevent anyone from disturbing him.

At this point, Ye Fan deeply engraved all the information he had recorded into his mind.

Afterwards, he calmed his heart and entered the Sword God Ring. He began to use the time difference to analyze and comprehend.

After a period of cultivation, the two kinds of liquid elixirs in his body had long since become strong enough to form a spirit.

The problem was that he did not know how to stabilize the liquid core and turn it into a "hotbed" for nurturing a spirit body.

The liquid Jindan was constantly flowing. Ye Fan could at most control its speed and general direction, but he was unable to control and guide it in its entirety like the normal Jindan.

Therefore, the manipulation of the liquid golden cores could only be done in a different way.

And when Ye Fan saw that the singing of the merfolk could actually trigger all kinds of changes in nature, such as water, fire, wind, sand, and so on, Ye Fan had a bold idea!

Liquid Jindan, in essence, was also the energy of nature. It was no different from fire and water.josei

Then, if he could know how different sound waves would affect different energies …

Did this mean that as long as he could control the sound waves, he would be able to control all kinds of energy?

In other words, if he could use sound waves to affect the liquid golden elixir, then he could truly control the liquid golden elixir?!

If this line of thought was feasible, then his control over the Aurous Core would far surpass other cultivators!

This was because a liquid golden core had unlimited plasticity!

He could transform the liquid Jindan into various shapes and make its energy flow in accordance to the most perfect Spirit Shaping Method!

If the process of shaping the spirit is compared to the effect of the original cloth to make a new garment.

In that case, the solid-state elixir could use his hands to tear the fabric apart, but the liquid elixir could use scissors to cut the fabric apart accurately!

This way, the 'clothes' he made would be more fitting, more exquisite, and obvious!

So, these days, Ye Fan had been summarizing.

The Gold Drake Clan, and even the prehistoric world's people, didn't have the concept of "sonic wave".

They believe that singing is singing and that the voice is the voice.

But through science, Ye Fan knew that the essence of sound was the sound produced by the vibration of an object.

The frequency of the waves was the key to controlling the changes in energy!

Because of their innate talent, the Draconians use sound waves when they sing, which are not common in humans. Therefore, their singing will bring about all kinds of magical effects.

Ye Fan continued to try and summarize the effects of some sound waves through summarization.

To put it bluntly, there was a rule for all sound waves to be controlled from top to bottom, to be effective against liquids, to be suppressed and to erupt!

Ye Fan didn't have the time to figure out all the rules, and he also didn't expect to use sound waves to control the wind, fire, and thunder. He only wanted to control the liquid!

As a result, Ye Fan's workload decreased a lot. He didn't need to spend a lot of time to memorize the sound frequency when controlling the liquid.

However, the liquid golden pellet was in his Dantian.

The human vocal cords were producing sounds that spread outwards, not to the dantian.

Therefore, Ye Fan still needed to solve a problem — — how to accurately transmit the sound waves to his dantian.

This question might not be easily solvable for the cultivators of the world.

However, Ye Fan discovered that his own training method had brought him an unexpected harvest!

Humans actually had a language technique that allowed them to transmit sound waves into their bodies, and that was "ventral"!

When people speak normally, they make use of the resonance in their mouths.

The ventral language was to harmonize the breath in the abdominal cavity and strike the special part of the vocal cords, causing the vocal cords to vibrate passively!

According to the basics of ventral language, one could still pronounce the words with the vocal cords and could not manipulate the liquid in their dantian.

Therefore, what Ye Fan wanted was to use this ventral technique to transmit the vibration to his Dantian, using it as his vocal cords!

As a result, the dantian was no longer just a container, but a hand that could directly control the liquid golden core!

If any other expert in the world heard Ye Fan's thoughts, they would definitely think Ye Fan was crazy!

This was because the dantian was the most important part of a cultivator's body and it was also incomparably weak. If one was not careful, the dantian would be damaged and they would be completely finished!

However, Ye Fan was different!

Ye Fan's physical fitness, through his year-long crazy dance, was crazily enhanced from the inside out, every cell crazily increased!

Even his Dantian was extremely resilient. Even though Ye Fan was constantly producing sound waves, it was completely able to withstand such torture.

It could be said that this technique of using the voice from the dantian to control the energy from the aurous core was customized by Ye Fan!

"Huff …"

Ye Fan let out a long breath, and over the course of a day, he pulled out the Sword God Ring.

He had already thought through the details and could officially start his cultivation.

The first step was to stabilize his liquid Jindan. Only by doing so would he be able to proceed with other movements.

When he had just woken up in the Dragon Tribe, Ye Fan had noticed that the songs of the Draconians seemed to soothe his primordial spirit a little, as if they could even calm the Sea Demons' vengeful spirits.

This was the marvel of sound waves. Even though he was moving, he was able to calm the liquid down …

Very quickly, Ye Fan's powerful body had gained an advantage in front of such a practice method.

To Ye Fan, his internal bones, organs and even meridians all underwent intensive training and were extremely strong in control.

Using ventral techniques, after inhaling the gas, the body would carry out a resonance transmission, causing the dantian to be affected.

The Dantian vibrated at a frequency that brought out waves of sound waves. The powerful Dantian also didn't feel any pain from the vibration, allowing Ye Fan to concentrate.

Gradually, as the sound wave from the "Quiet Instruction" became more precise, the two streams of liquid golden cores became slower and slower... Until it stopped flowing and became two "stop the flow of water"!


Ye Fan was overjoyed and quickly suppressed his excitement. He knew that this was only the beginning.

After letting the liquid stabilize and stop moving, how to make it successfully give birth to a spirit body was the most important thing!

Ye Fan began trying to use other sound frequencies to cause the two fluids to produce various changes.

As soon as the liquid golden pellet obeyed, the problem of how to construct the spirit would no longer be a problem. What Ye Fan needed to do was to create the required frequency according to the plastic techniques.

Not only did he have to maintain stability, but he also had to make changes to it. The vibration requirement of his dantian was especially high.

The two streams of liquid in his dantian were like two dancers performing gymnastics. According to Ye Fan's Dantian's vibration frequency, he would listen to the music and make all sorts of changes.

One day. Two days. Three days …

Ye Fan was fighting against time, and after a little mental exhaustion, he took out a little of the Dragon Crystal Grass and consumed it.

Finally, on the night of three days later, Ye Fan felt that in his two liquid Jindan, two exciting spiritual forces had simultaneously appeared!

Two spirit bodies!?

A pale golden sword spirit body and a translucent white true essence spirit body were born from the liquid gold core!

Sword intent spirit body, showing its sharpness. It was filled with the emperor's aura of the unparalleled sword intent!

The true essence spirit body originated from the Heaven Life Water, Emperor of Nuwa's Heaven Replenishing Art, and other cultivation methods. Thus, it was gentle, moderate, and balanced, causing one to feel at peace with themselves.

These two spirit bodies seemed to represent one being rigid and one being soft, and they greatly complemented each other!

Although the spiritual body was still small, Ye Fan knew that he had a lot of Dragon Crystal Grass, and adding that his cultivation level was high enough, the speed of raising the spiritual body would be very fast.

Just like when he broke through to the Core Formation stage, it was very easy for him to reach the peak of the Spirit Creation stage.

As long as he was able to nurture and grow two spirit bodies, the spirit energy of these two spirit bodies would most likely be able to help him disperse the sea of resentment!

But just when Ye Fan was planning to absorb spiritual energy and cultivate two spiritual bodies, he suddenly discovered one … It was a question he had never thought of before!

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