My Demon Pet System

Chapter 206 - Nobunaga

Chapter 206 - Nobunaga

The coastal stretch was connected to the city by dirt roads, used daily by thousands of people. Beyond those roads, the natural morphology of the land had been preserved and the city gave way to the beach.

The grains of a long expanse of very thick sand, similar to the one that surrounded the village of Blackborough, shone under the sunlight. Looking to the right, namely south, Yoichi noticed that a small castle consisting of three towers overlooked the sea, standing imposingly a few miles from the eastern gates of Goldhaven.

On the other side, to the north, a large harbour area housed hundreds of boats of all sizes. From vessels to rafts, many boats were leaving and far fewer arriving.

Because of its geographic location, with the only outlet to the sea to the east, Goldhaven Harbor was primarily used for fishing than sailing. Beyond the coastline, toward the horizon, the nearest shores were those of Kamakiri, several thousand miles away.

The expanse of clear water that merged with the morning sky in a jumble of shimmering colors was named 'Soundless Abyss,' shown on maps at every scale of resolution.

"Yoichi, Rinji! You're right on schedule. I don't know why, but I had a feeling you'd be here on time, boy," Takamori rejoiced, smoothing his moustache and speaking to the youngest Nightblades warrior.

Yoichi smiled with his gaze, greeting his Sensei without saying a word. Immediately, his eyes framed the man next to him. A boy almost as short as Takamori had his arms crossed and a sullen expression.

His hair and eyes were as purple as amethyst crystals. The warrior known as Nobunaga was definitely a tamer, but there were no demons beside him.

From his face, he looked a few years older than Yoichi: his beard was absent on his cheeks and sideburns, barely noticeable on his chin. His gaze was grim but intrigued by the latest guildmate recruited by Takamori.

"Hello, Nobunaga!" Yoichi greeted, breaking the ice with a smile. He stretched out a hand toward the stranger, "I am Yoichi. Rinji only told me your name and that we will train together" he added.

"I know who you are" Nobunaga coolly replied. Both of his hands shoved into his pockets.

The purple-haired boy's response generated an awkward silence. Without adding more, Yoichi withdrew his hand, realizing that the warrior in front of him did not like to socialize.josei

Takamori, who had given his students a few seconds to introduce themselves, was not surprised by Nobunaga's behavior and quickly took the floor. "Well, now that you have introduced yourselves, I can explain what today's training will consist of." On the moustachioed head of the little man, his omnipresent mantis demon.

Together with his warriors, Takamori Sada walked towards the sea, far away from the people who frequented the area. A vast clearing consisting only of sand and small shrubs carried by the wind would be their training ground that day.

Nobunaga wore very different armor than Yoichi, Rinji and Shioko. While the three of them were equipped with fairly standard armor consisting of a sleeveless leather jacket and comfortable pants aimed at making all sorts of movements without the risk of tearing, the purple-haired boy's uniform was not synonymous with comfort.

A black, belted jacket, tight across the chest and abdomen, stretched over the warrior's arms with long leather sleeves wider on the wrists.

The pants reached down to the floor and were studded with small pockets and other straps with questionable functionality. Nobunaga's purple hair was shoulder-length and twirled under the action of the warm sea breeze.

"Perfect, this might be good," Takamori spoke, sinking the soles of his boots into the sand as if he wanted to root himself there. Without receiving any specific signal, Rinji positioned himself next to his master.

"Yoichi, I scheduled today's training especially for you," Takamori explained. His arms crossed, and his gaze turned to his two warriors.

Nobunaga looked annoyed as if he had been forced to undergo that training against his will. Judging by his physical constitution and his hands stuffed in his pockets, the Nightblades warrior didn't look any stronger than Rinji.

"According to what I had agreed with Ryutaro, starting today, you will begin training your physique, pushing yourself beyond your limits," Takamori stated. "Please, soldiers... deprive yourselves of all the weapons you have at your disposal" he ordered, raising his hands towards the two challengers.

Yoichi threw to the ground the dagger that Takamori himself had given him. Immediately, he shrugged his shoulders, informing his master that he had no additional weapons.

Takamori and Rinji looked at Nobunaga, who snorted with a grimace: surprisingly, the purple-haired warrior threw in the sand two blades hidden under the sleeves of his jacket, two daggers and a kunai tucked in the pockets of his boots and pants and a long chain ending with a curved blade, tied to his waist as if it were a belt.

What the fuck! What the hell was he doing with all those weapons on him? Yoichi thought, looking at his opponent in amazement. Who would have thought that that short, harmless-looking guy was equipped up to his neck?

"Excellent. Yoichi," Takamori called, drawing his attention back. "As concerns melee combat, Nobunaga is the strongest of the Nightblades. During today's training, I want the two of you to challenge each other with your bare hands so that I can figure out what your biggest positioning gaps are," he explained, crossing his arms again.

The strongest in close combat? Stronger than Rinji?! Yoichi inwardly thought. The Nightblades giant was silent next to his master. How could such a tiny kid be stronger than that behemoth?

In Yoichi's head, Rinji's rocky fists, enhanced by the turtle demon's skill, still resounded strongly.

"Um... alright, Takamori-sensei. I'm ready," Yoichi stated confidently. The young warrior folded his arms and placed his right hand near his chin and his left hand further forward, helpful in keeping his opponent at a distance.

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