My Dragon System

Chapter 184 - 10 vs 5

Chapter 184 - 10 vs 5

Chapter 184 - 10 vs 5

As the students saw the five giant Slime snakes head their way, their faces quickly went from smiles of victory, to faces of horror. Not only had they spent up most of their energy and Ki fighting off the beasts but the Slime Snake was one of the more difficult beasts to deal with.

The Slime Snake's skin was incredibly tough and so far, not one person was able to penetrate it. Not even Ray. The only person who had done any damage to it so far was Jack but that was only when he had transformed into his Werewolf form and right now Jack was in no condition to fight.

Gary turned to look at Ray and soon after everyone else had as well. they were all looking to Ray for guidance on what to do.

"Dam you guys, don't look at me like that!" Ray thought, "There's nothing I can do, I've helped out as much as I can already."

Ray gripped his fist tightly as he looked at the Slime snake's coming closer and closer towards him. Right now Ray was able to use Noir to escape from the city. He would be able to live but everyone else would die for sure.

But even if Ray fought with them, their chances of winning this fight were extremely low. Near impossible. Was it so wrong for him to abandon these people in front of him?

Ray then looked at each member, Gary who had saved his life when he was younger and always stuck by his side, Jack who was incredibly loyal since the day he had saved him, not even once had Jack thought of betraying him.

Badger and Sloth who looked up to Ray like a brother and put their trust in him. Monk who thought of Ray as a family member, Martha who was always positive and tried to cheer him up, Dan who…. Ray was unable to think of a positive for Dan but he was still a member of the Red wings.

Harry who had taught him a lesson instead of ending his life, Von who never saw Ray as a threat but only a student and finally Slyvia, the first person to say he wasn't a monster.

"You guys hold them off as long as you can, I promise I'll be back!" Ray shouted as he headed back into the academy.

"Do you really think he has a plan!" Dan asked.

"What choice do we have, we just have to trust him!" Gary shouted.

Harry quickly moved Jack back into the academy and then joined the others as they prepared to fight the beasts ahead. Without a doubt, this was going to be the toughest fight of their lives.

"Avoid the green goo otherwise your done for," Badger said.

Then when the giant snakes were about 20 meters away, each of them fired a green slime ball out of their mouths. The group was ready and avoided the green slime, then straight after went in for the attack. Martha called out to Noir and Noir immediately placed her on her back.

Martha stayed a distance away firing arrows but every single arrow would just bounce off the snake's scales.

"What the hell! Even with my Ki it isn't doing anything."

Then when Gary was able to get underneath one of the snakes, Gary swung his sword wide at the snake and managed to make a cut.

"Wow, how strong is this sword?"

But while Gary was admiring his new sword the snake had jumped up in the air ready to slam its body down on him. Luckily monk managed to come and pull Gary out to safety.

"Never say I owe you one again," Monk said.

"Thanks for that."

The group continued to battle against the snakes but each attack was having no effect and all of them felt weak from the battles they had just fought. Eventually, the group started to become sloppy. One of the snakes whipped its tale and knocked back four of them to the ground.

A slime ball followed but the group managed to roll away.

The group decided to regroup and try to come up with a new plan as it was clear that they were going to lose this fight no matter what.

"Should we go hide in the academy?" Slyvia asked.

"No! the second we go in there those snakes will destroy the bottom floor." Von replied, "It will completely destroy the foundation and the whole place will collapse!"

"But if we stay out here were all going to die!" Dan cried.

"And if we don't do anything then all the students inside will die."

Just then though, a familiar voice was heard from behind.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Ray said.

When the group turned around to look behind them, they could not just see one Ray, But 10 of him.

"You guys fall back you'll just get in my way!"

While the others were busy fighting, Ray headed back into the academy and cast his mana steal skill. Each time he used up 50 points of mana to create a clone, he would absorb more students and knights. The only problem was the knights and students didn't have much mana in the first place, so the most clones Ray could create was 10.

Iceballs after fireballs were shot out from Ray's hands hitting the Snakes on the head. Ray then used his black sash skills carefully to avoid the green slime shots and multiple punches had landed on the snake's body. josei

"Ray, what are you?" Slyvia said.

"Is there even a skill like this?" Martha asked.

"We've seen him create one of himself before but not this many," Badger said.

All the group could do now was hope Ray was strong enough to defeat the five Slime snakes. But as the fight continued, it was becoming clear to them that the clones weren't as powerful as Ray and slowly Ray was starting to lose.

Eventually, clone after clone were being defeated and puffed into thin air, until there was only one person left.

Ray was panting hard and out of breath, his mana had almost depleted and his strength was leaving his body.

"Why did I choose to come back, I knew it was useless."

Then suddenly, A loud high shrieking roar was heard from above that instantly stopped everything in its tracks. Only the sound of rain could be heard then once again the same sound repeated itself an incredibly high-pitched roar.

As the group looked up to the sky their jaws were left wide open as they couldn't believe what they were seeing up in the sky.

"IT'S A…A…A... A... DRAGON!" Dan shouted

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