My Dragon System

Chapter 195 - Quest complete?

Chapter 195 - Quest complete?

Chapter 195 - Quest complete?

As the two men locked hands, Jack continued to look into Berg's eyes. The excitement was starting to pump into his heart and without even realizing it, Jack had slightly started to activate his werewolf beast genes.

Berg, on the other hand, felt no different than he usually did. He would try his best and defeat every opponent he came against because he knew how to use Ki, while others around him didn't. Berg concentrated the Ki into his hand and waited for the judge to say go.

"3,2,1, go!"


As soon as the judge said go, a loud band was heard as if someone had just shot a bullet inside of the tavern but in reality, everyone there knew what had happened because they had seen it with their own eyes.

"YES!" Gary shouted, "We won."

In an instant, Jack had used all his strength to push Berg's hand down. The force and strength were so fast that when Berg's hand had touched the table, a loud bang noise was heard and the table snapped in half.

If it wasn't for Jack stopping Berg's hand in time. Berg's entire body would have been thrown to the ground and quite possibly have broken his shoulder.

Jack then let go of Berg's hand. Luckily for Berg, not much damage was done because Berg had activated his KI hardening his hand. However, Berg's feelings were hurt, not only had he lost but he could also see that Jack was visibly upset, as if he had expected more out of him.

"I'll be taking this thank you," Gary said as he quickly snatched the sword away from the female's hands.

"What happened, did you forget to use your Ki?" She asked.

"No, he's just a… he's just a monster." Berg replied

"Are we dreaming?" a random man from the tavern said.

"No Berg lost for the first time ever."

"Who are you guys?" But as the man turned around, the two people Gary and Jack had already left the tavern with the sword.

"The Red wings huh, it's best if we keep an eye on them." She thought, "let's just hope they don't cause trouble for our city.


At the north side of Kelberg City, Ray had finally reached the City's guildhall. It was the guildhall that was open to all adventures so Ray had no problem entering.

The guild hall was about 5 times the size of the town's one. It was fully packed with Partys and guilds getting ready to do quests.

There were a few changes between the city's guild hall and the towns. The town only had one counter to do everything at, while the city had a separate counter for each thing.

They had a counter to hand in quests, a counter for newly registered users, a counter for selling beasts cores and even more counters for other things.

Ray had learned a lesson from last time. His red hair immediately made him a target for others and right now he was doing his best to find out information. S before entering the guild hall he decided to use his transform skill and disguise himself as Nes.

This time when he entered, not a single person paid him any notice, no one looked in his direction or gave him stares and no one was mumbling under their breath.

Ray immediately headed towards the quest bored to find the quest Gorden had told him about, in just a few seconds he had already spotted it but something on it had surprised him.

Ray tore the sheet of paper of the quest board to get a closer look.


The quest had a big red stamp on it saying completed meaning that the man that Ray was looking for, had already been captured.

"If you're looking for that man then you're too late," A voice from behind said, "They got him just a few hours ago."

When Ray turned around, the man and Ray had the same reaction when they saw each other. josei

"I remember you!" Ark said.

"Yes, it's been a while."

Ray didn't actually remember Ark's face, he was a pretty generic pretty boy with blonde hair but what stood out to him was the Armour ark wore. It was so shiny and sparkling that he looked a bit out of place.

The last time Ray had met Ark was when he was with Candy and Tuffy. Ark was originally the town's guild hall protector before he got called off on a quest.

"Do you mind telling me more about what happened?" Ray asked.

"There had been reports that there was a man who had been possed by a demon and wilded a hammer. At first, no one saw it as a big deal until an A rank adventurer took the quest. About a week ago his body was found with multiple round mallet hits. That's when the city escalated the case, they put a huge bounty on the man and asked the two largest Guilds in the city for help."

"That's why you left the town?"

Ark nodded.

"Yes, we wanted to make sure that no more members would die so we sent out our very best. The two guilds and adventures worked together and headed up the mountains where the man was last seen. The funny thing was though, as soon as we spotted the man he immediately sundered. The man was crying on his knees claiming to be possessed by the hammer itself saying it will destroy the city if we don't do something."

"So where is he now?" Ray asked.

"My guess is the underground cellar awaiting to go under trial."

Hearing this was good news for Ray. When Ray had seen the completed status he was afraid that the man had already died and the hammer had been taken. If the man was under arrest they most likely also confiscated his weapon in the underground cellars.

"Thank you for all your help," Ray said as he turned away and headed towards the door.

"I wonder why he was so interested in him." Ark thought.

Ray then immediately sent a message to Gary and Jack to come to meet him as soon as possible. Ray now had a new mission, they were breaking into the underground prison.

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