My Dragon System

Chapter 199 - An Expert

Chapter 199 - An Expert

Chapter 199 - An Expert

When Ray awoke, he noticed that his surroundings were different from what he last remembered.

"This isn't the cellar?"

Ray was in a large fancy room that was decorated with several paintings and ornaments. When he looked down, he noticed he was under silk sheets, a luxury only the rich could afford.

"Ray your awake?" Gary said. "Just stay down, your safe here for now but the first thing you need to do Ray is cover your arms."

Ray then looked at his arms and he noticed his transform skill had gone. Now his hands showed scaled markings and fins at the side of his forearms. Ray immediately used his transform skill and returned them to human appearance.

Gary looked away but Ray could tell his curiosity inside was killing him.

"You want to know, don't you?" Ray said.

"What me! of course not," Gary said nervously.

Of course, Gary was curious about Ray. When Ray collapsed in the cellar the transformation skill had immediately deactivated, revealing Ray's true form. At first, Gary was shocked but whatever Ray was, it didn't matter, Ray had saved Gary's life.

"What happened? Where is Jack? Where are we?" Ray asked.

"Whoa calm down with the questions, one at a time." Gary replied, "We're currently inside the castle located at the centre of Kelberg."

"You mean?"

"That's right, we're currently in the Mayor's house, more well more specifically in the Mayor's daughter's room. You remember that girl that was in the cellar with us, well her name is Lilly and she's the mayor's daughter. She came back to help us."

Then another thought came to Ray, it was fine if Gary had seen his arms but what about Lilly. Ray touched his arms.

"Don't worry, before she came back, I made sure your arms were covered, she didn't see anything, only me."

"What about the Demon man?"

"He escaped, after you touched his head and collapsed on the ground, the Demon man managed to free himself from the Chains, he looked weak but when Berg, Lilly's guard tried attacking him he was blown away with a single swing of his hammer. The man quickly left after that and that's when they decided to bring you here."

"and Jack?" josei

"I thought it would be best if he stayed in the city, see if he could get any information about the man while we were stuck in here. You've been out for a week you know."

"A whole week!" Ray said surprised.

Just then Lilly carefully opened the door to her room and closed it quickly behind her.

"Finally, I got away from those guys," Lilly said. "Oh, he's finally awake, you must be a bit tired, how about a bath, I have one just in the other room."

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we must go!" Ray said as he lifted the silk sheets and tried to lift his body from the bed but he was groggy and immediately fell to the floor.

"Ray, don't move man! you haven't moved in a week and you're doing this."

"Silly boys," Lilly said, "can never admit when you need to rest, stay here until dinner and see how you feel, when you're all better you can decide to leave today or tomorrow."

Lilly then took a chair from one of her desks and brought it over to sit next to Garry who was sat by Ray lying on the bed. Lilly was sat so close that Gary could practically smell the shampoo from her hair.

"The smell of roses, so nice." Gary thought as he looked at Lilly once more.

He noticed that Lilly was quite an attractive girl even though she had a serious face all the time.

"Now that I've helped the two of you, you guys need to answer a few questions of mine. After you left that tavern, I did some research into your so-called Guild called the Red wings and I have to say I was quite surprised that the people who had taken over Avrion, had decided to come all the way here."

Gary started to laugh nervously.

"First give me one good reason to trust you guys, after all my father was good friends with some people at Avrion. The only reason why I haven't reported you to them yet is that I believe you saved my life."

Then when Ray went to open up his system, a new message had appeared as he suspected.

"Who was your father's friends with?" Ray asked.

"I believe it was a man named Wilfred."

After hearing those words Grey let out a huge breath. He was a little worried that maybe Lilly and her father would have been caught up with the Pure bloods but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Then we are not your enemy," Ray replied.

"Then tell me why were you after the Demon man?" Lilly asked.

"I was not after the man himself but we received information that he might be using a weapon that originally belonged to us. Has that satisfied your curiosity?"

Lilly stayed silent for a while as she gathered her thoughts. Gary couldn't help but stare at her and when Ray noticed, Ray gave Gary a nudge with his arm.

"If possible, I would like to ask for your assistance in capturing the man, I believe we can both get what we are looking for?"

"How do you plan to do that, I heard he has escaped, if I was him, I would have left this city long ago."

"Yes, that would be true if he was a normal human but he is a Demon. Not much is known about their kind but we do know this one in particular works for the shadow plague and we just so happen to have called in an expert."

"Who is this expert?"

"Actually, I believe he used to be a knight at Avrion if I'm not mistaken, he goes by the name of Lenny steel."

Gary didn't know why but the name sounded familiar to him, then it hit him. Lenny steel was the author who had written about all the mythical creatures in the book he had read.

Ray also recognized the name, a long time ago when he was researching the Dragon knights, Lenny had described the knights as people with powers of a dragon.

Ray had wanted to meet the man for the longest time and it looked like he would finally have his chance.


Special thanks to Daoist526283, Fenrir2040, Stubole, Username1, amasuckerforanimes, Daoist526283 and Seth_Thomas

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