My Dragon System

Chapter 201 - Here we go again

Chapter 201 - Here we go again

Chapter 201 - Here we go again

Everyone in the room paused for a slight second while they took in what Lenny had just said. It was even quieter than usual thanks to Lilly's soundproof bubble.

"But isn't the Divine being located at Avrion?" Gary asked.

Lenny seemed to get a reaction out of that and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't you mean it's at Roland." Ark replied, "That's common knowledge correct?"

Just then, Ray noticed that even Lilly was acting strangely and was sweating a little. There were only two people on the table that had no reaction to what Lenny had just said. And that was Ray and Lenny himself.

"It seems you know more you know more than the others," Lenny said staring at Ray. "Don't you?"

Lenny then took a big sip of his drink before continuing.

"What if I told you, you were all right," Lenny said. "The Divine being is not only located at Roland but at Avrion, and here in Kelberg as well, isn't that right Lilly?" josei

Ray had already known this when he met the Divine being at Avrion and it had shown him images. That day a part of him had connected with it. He suddenly realized that the Divine being at Avrion was only a piece and if he wanted to find out what happened, he would have to go see all the pieces.

That was why he was heading to Roland in the first place but unknown to him there was another piece of the Divine being right here in this city.

"He's right, the Divine being is located in my father's castle," Lilly replied.

Keke then stood up in anger

"And you think it was a good idea to keep this a secret from the guilds?"

"Don't blame her," Gary said, "The fewer people that know about the Divine being the better, who knows what the people or others would do if they knew it was here."

"Did I ask for your opinion you puny F Rank," Keke said as he reached for one the curved blades on his back.

Then when Keke went to draw his blade he felt a force grip his wrist.

"Hurt my men, and you die," Ray said as he gripped Keke's wrist tightly.

Keke tried his best to move his hand but even using all his strength he was unable to move even an inch. Keke then went to take a closer look at the man who was restraining him, just seconds ago Ray was on the other side of the table. Keke didn't even realize when he had moved.

"How can this guy be an F Rank?" Keke thought and he wasn't the only one, Ark who was watching thought the same thing. Ray was strong.

Keke let go of the blade and at the same time so did Ray and the two of them went to sit back in their seats.

"What do you think then?" Lenny asked.

"Although I think you are right that the Divine being can give us answers there are two problems. The divine being doesn't talk to anyone." Lilly said.

"This is a time of need is it not?" Lenny said, "If not now than when will the Divine being speak?"

"What you say is true but there is a second problem. My father would never allow us to see the Divine being, he is stubborn in his ways and even if we could sneak in, there is a huge door blocking the way. It's made of the hardest material known to man and only those who know the combination can unlock it."

Suddenly, Jack and Gary turned to look at Ray at the same time. This door sounded familiar and that was because it was. The door was the same type of door that was underneath Avrion.

"I believe we have someone who can solve that problem for you," Gary said. "Ray here is a master black sash knight of Avrion, there isn't a door he can't unlock," Gary said as he gave a wink to Ray.

Lilly thought about it for a while, although she doubted a lock like this could be picked, she knew Ray was special, she had seen that when he went up against Vercy the Demon man.

"Okay we can go but I won't force any of you to come with us. If we get caught then we could be sent to the cellars."

Not one person had decided to drop out, after all, for the others it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Divine being. It was the god of the Alure kingdom and the whole reason why they hadn't been taken over by the shadow plague yet.

With everyone on an agreement, Lilly led the group to the Mayor's castle. Usually, visitors weren't allowed in the castle without an appointment but due to Lilly being with the group, they had access to anywhere they wanted to in the castle.

"Where is the Divine being located then?" Ark asked as he noticed that they weren't heading inside the castle but around the back instead.

"The Divine being itself is actually located somewhere underground," Lilly replied.

"Why is it always underground?" Gary said.

Lilly continued to guide the group and went around the castle to the back where a large Garden could be seen. It had beautiful cut crass and coloured flowers everywhere. Towards the back was a hedge maze.

The group entered the maze and after about ten minutes of walking around, they eventually reached the centre where there was a statue of a cloaked woman holding the staff.

Ray looked at the statue and now that he knew the Divine being was the witch he battled with, he could suddenly see the resemblance.

"Come on big guy, I know you're strong," Lilly said as she pointed at Jack.

Jack and Berg then started to push the statue until eventually, it revealed a large trap door. After lifting the trap door there was a staircase that led into darkness.

"I'm getting the feeling of Deja vu all over again," Gary said.


Special thanks to Fenrir2040, Divine_Orji, DarkShadow_DS, and RontheSwanson who is the new number one gifter. I truly thank you all and these special people for supporting me on my Author journey.

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