My Dragon System

Chapter 207 - Little Piggy

Chapter 207 - Little Piggy

Chapter 207 - Little Piggy

Outside the west gate of Kelberg city, was a forest that led up a large hill to the outside mining areas. Mike and the group were currently walking through the woods and were just starting to scale the steeper areas.

Mike stood in front taking the lead in case of any unexpected beasts in the forest, while the three archers remained in the back. Although the group stayed close together for the moment as there wasn't a high chance of an encounter.

"Remember, even though the quest reward is split evenly, the beast cores are not." The small female archer said.

While on their journey Gary had learned the name of the little girl who wouldn't stop looking at him and Jack. The girl's name was Eve. She was a small archer who wouldn't shut up and for some reason seemed to have it out for the two of them, Gary especially.

"I know, I know, you've told me five times already," Gary complained.

"Look, I just don't want you complaining when we do all the work and you guys just stood there."

"Guys take it easy, save your energy for the hill and the fighting," Mike said.

It was a steep hill that was difficult to walk through and the mines were located near the top. After walking and navigating through the forest for an hour or so, Mike decided it was best for the group to take a break.

"Oww, my feet hurt so much!" Eve complained.

"It's only a little further up, it's best if we rest for a little bit before we start fighting," Mike said.

As Mike looked around, he noticed that his teammates were tired but Jack and Gary had barely cracked a sweat. Not only that but Gary, in particular, seemed to have lighter footsteps then the rest of them, all most as if his footsteps couldn't be heard at all.


A loud noise was heard coming from Jack's stomach.

"Here take this," Eve said as she handed Jack a chocolate bar she had been saving for herself.

"I know it's not much but someone like you needs to keep their energy." She said as she scurried off away with a red face. josei

"No it can't be, do you think she's into you?" Gary said, but when Gary went to look at Jack, Jack had already eaten the whole cholate bar and completely ignored Gary.

"Hey, you didn't leave any for me you selfish dog!" Gary shouted.

"Who are you calling a dog, Blonde boy," Jack replied.

"Oh, great comeback!"

The two continued to argue and the others couldn't believe how much energy the two of them had. After resting up for half an hour, Mike went around and handed the group each a glass bottle.

"What is this?" Gary asked.

"Oh it's a buff potion, It will improve your focus making it easier for you to fight and less scared if it's your first time," Mike said.

Gary immediately handed the potion back to Mike.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not expecting you to pay for it," Mike said.

"No, it's not that, we don't really need them, we've never really used them in a fight and besides we have bad experiences with potions." Gary explained.

Bad memories started to surface in Jack and Gary's mind of all the students at Avrion who had drunk the purple liquid at that time and had all become mindless zombies. Although they never had a thing for potions before, that event had completely put them off the idea.

After walking a little further up, they had finally reached their destination. The group hid behind some bushes and trees just far enough away so they wouldn't be noticed. Eve was their main scouter and was currently assessing the situation.

Upfront was a cave with several abandoned mine carts and in front of the cave were five pig men standing guard. They looked exactly like humans apart from the big head and their larger fat bodies. Each pig men wore basic armour and held a spear in their hand.

"There's only five meaning we should be able to take one out each, you two can take out one of them together," Eve said while looking towards Gary.

"After we take out the ones in the front there should be more inside, we need to take them out quickly so they don't alert their friends," Eve said as she readied her bow and arrow.

The arches then each got into position, while Mike, Gary, and Jack slowly started to move closer to the pig men.

"You can leave this one to me, Jack, stealth is more my type of thing anyway."

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Jack replied still a little bit upset about the confrontation they had earlier.

The pig men were an intermediate tier beast, which meant Mike, Eve, and the others who were at D rank should be able to deal with them as long as they were able to strike first.

Mike, Gary, and Jack waited in the bushes for Eve's command. She held one hand up and then at the right moment, she pulled her hand down signalling them to go forward.

The next second, Mike had run out form the bushes but Gary and Jack were nowhere to be seen. Now all five pig men's attention were on Mike running towards them.

"Dammit! I knew I couldn't rely on a bunch of F Ranks, Fire!" Eve shouted, as three arrows came shooting out from the other side.

Each arrow managed to hit the pig men straight through the head causing a fatal blow. Mike shield then met with the pig man's spear and Mike was pushed back a few steps.

"I didn't get here quick enough," Mike said.

The strength of the pig man was equals to Mike but Mike was hoping he would be able to get an attack in first.

Then when the pig man prepared to use his spear once again suddenly, his head went flying through the air.

"Wow, this sword is really good," Gary said as he looked at his white Falcon.

"What happened to the other pig man?" Eve asked as she looked around.

Gary pointed to the floor indicating that he had already dealt with it.

"But how, I didn't even see you leave the bush?" While Eve was busy trying to figure out how Gary was able to defeat the pig men so fast, loud footsteps could be heard coming from the cave.

Ten pig men came rushing out from the cave but behind them was a single pig man twice the size of the others wielding a large spear.

"It's a pig man leader," Eve said, "The information on the quest bored was wrong, this is at least a C rank quest now."

"ROARRRR" The pig man leader screamed into the air ready for battle.


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