My Dragon System

Chapter 221 - Will the rope hold?

Chapter 221 - Will the rope hold?

Chapter 221 - Will the rope hold?

The company rode on quickly to head back to Kelberg. They rode on horseback refusing to slow down for anything but did the occasional stop now and then for some rest.

The way back was unlike the way there, they encountered no more ambushes and were able to continue travelling forward. The demon man remained unconscious lying on the back of Lenny's horse bound by the magical rope.

Gary continued to question Lenny about whether or not the rope could really hold the man and the rest felt the same way. They had seen the demon man's power and found it hard that a rope exited that was able to hold something that powerful back.

That was when Lenny decided to halt the company so they could discuss what to do next. It was late at night anyway and they needed a place to rest. When they found an open field, they decided to set up camp for the night.

The group were currently all huddled around a campfire with the demon man by Lenny's side where they could keep an eye on him.

"I was thinking." Lilly said, "Why don't we try to remove the hammer from the man's arm, clearly, it is the cause for everything happening to him and now is our chance while the man is unconscious still. Then we can get rid of the hammer forever."

"I am personally against that idea." Lenny said, "It would be best If I was to study the device first. Removing the hammer might kill the man. This hammer managed to infect you with the Shadow meaning it is somehow linked to the Shadow plague. Perhaps if we study it a bit more, we can unlock some secrets behind the shadow plague and cure you of your illness."

After hearing the news from Ray about being infected by the shadow, Lilly had remained silent for most of the trip. Even before everything had happened she had a lot on her mind and she had even lost her best friend. And now she could lose her own life too. But what came out of her mouth next was a surprise to everyone.

"My life means nothing." Said Lilly, "What does it matter when the whole city could be destroyed, worse maybe the whole kingdom. And it seems like the hammer has infused with the man's body there's no way to safely remove it."

Gary then looked at his white Flacon. "We could always just chop it off. The man might lose his arm but he would no longer be controlled by the weapon."

Ray wanted to voice his own opinion as well but he honestly wasn't sure about what to do. Originally, he wanted to study the hammer for himself but he soon realised he wouldn't know the first thing to do with it. It was much better in the hands of someone like Lenny but there were very few who Ray could trust and Lenny wasn't one of them.

"If we were to cut off the hammer, I'm afraid there is a high chance he will die," Lenny said.

"What if he escapes from the rope," Ark asked, still unsure himself if the rope could hold the man. "If the man breaks free and regains his strength, he could still destroy the city, I say we kill him now.??

"How many times do I have to tell you all, the rope will hold. If I hear one of you question my rope once again, I shall tie you up and see if you can break free." Lenny said.

"Well, perhaps we shall leave the decision to our leader then," Eve said looking at Lilly.

Lilly was deep in thought. Of course, she didn't want to die but if it was her or the city she would give her life in a heartbeat just like berg did for her. But what Lenny had said was true, there was a good chance to inspect the Hammer and find a cure for the true infected, thus saving thousands of lives in the process and a turning point in the war.

"Okay, Lenny I shall leave the demon man to you, but only if Ray agrees to it of course. Without him and his party we would have never gotten this far in the first place."

Ray then had to make a decision. In the end, he felt like he had no choice but to rely on Lenny. Not only that but there were a few other things that Ray needed to do before leaving Kelberg anyway. It wasn't like he was in a rush to head to Roland in the first place.

"Then it's settled." Said Lilly, "However, if the demon man starts to wake up, you are to inform us and we are to try put him back to sleep."

Lilly then stood up from the campfire and started to walk off slightly away from the company of the others. Her head was beginning to hurt once more. The Shadow infection was beginning to rage in her mind and she didn't know how much longer she would have a clear view of things.

She didn't even know if the decision she had made right now of letting the demon man live, was the right decision.

When the next day had arrived, the group continued to travel on their journey. There were a few beasts in the forest that had a strange reaction when seeing the demon man. They would snarl and growl at the man but not get close.

It seemed like even the beasts could sense the presence of the shadow plague within him.

The Group was now only a short distance away from Kelberg when they saw an injured horse on the pathway. Next to the injured horse was a guard which displayed the Kelberg flag.

Lilly immediately dismounted from her horse and went up to the man.

"He's still alive," Lilly said. "Please tell us what happened to you?"

"The city." The man groaned, "Kelberg is under siege, they have already taken over the west gate, were under attack from the shadow plague."

"No!" Cried Lilly. "How is this possible, were we tricked?"josei

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