My Dragon System

Chapter 256 - Feel the same

Chapter 256 - Feel the same

Chapter 256 - Feel the same

After chucking the black ball and making a hole through the target, the whole room froze for a moment. Ray was the only one moving and slowly started to walk up to the target.

"Let's get you out of there," Ray said.

And just like with the black ball. Ray was able to just with his bare hand's remove the metal restraints on Van's arms and legs, pulling them off and chucking them to the side.

"Thank you?" Van said softly, unsure whether what he was experiencing was a dream or not.

"What are you guy's waiting for, stop him!" Nano shouted.

At that moment, the middle-class students had snapped out of it and immediately started to head for Ray. One of the students that stood at the other side of where people had been shooting from, fired his own energy blast.

It came out fast but Ray stood there just looking at it. However, before it could even reach him, Van had stood in front of the attack getting hit by it and falling to the ground.

"You idiot, what are you doing that for!" Ray shouted.

"How could I let someone who is fighting because of me get hurt," Van replied.

Once again Van who was weak, badly injured and hurt had come and stood in front of him, he had tried to protect him.

"Humans were an interesting bunch after all."

Meanwhile, Bliss who was in the crowd watching the whole thing was struggling with what to do. She wanted to go out there and help Ray. Fight back with him against these sc.u.mbags. But however strong Ray was she could never imagine him beating all of the middle-class students.

If she counted up everyone in the room there was a total of thirteen of them but just as Bliss finished that thought, a middle-class student's body went flying through the air. The crowd had to spread out as his body landed in the centre of the hall.

That's when Bliss recognised who it was, it was the person who had just fired an energy ball at Ray. When she looked up Ray had already dealt with two middle-class students in seconds.

"Useless!" Ray shouted as he punched the second student.

"It's okay if I just use my fist right, as long as I don't use my weapons or armour?" Ray thought but right now, he didn't care so much, he just wanted to give all these students a beating they could remember.

The eight middle-class students who had surrounded the hall, were now surrounding Ray. Two had been taken out and there were still three standing up on stage including Nano.

"So you make all your goons do your dirty work," Ray said looking at Nano.

"I don't care how strong you are, you are never getting out of this alive."

As the second years surrounded him, at the same time each one of them fired an energy blast into the centre. Ray simply chose a random direction and went towards one of the energy blasts, punching it with his bare fist.

As his fist came into contact with the energy ball, it burst into tiny particles similar to that of a small firework.

"Did he just punch an energy blast? how is that possible. That's like punching a rock, his hand should be bleeding."

However, Ray was using Ki that was far stronger than the mana these students where using. Ray then in an instant was by the middle class's student's side. He knocked him back with a blow sending him in the air.

Then he went to the next and the next one knocking them all into the air as if the student's bodies were made of pillows. Then, at last, there was only Nano and the two men standing beside him.

"You, don't think you can get away with this!" Nano said and in his hand, a flame appeared.

"Oh fire attribute, I could do with some extra points of that." Said Ray.

"This is bad," Max thought, so far Ray hadn't used a single spell. Max assumed that Ray must have not been great at spells and he received special fighting training as a kid. He was one of those gifted with a strong Ki body that could withstand attacks.

That would be fine to hit the energy blast with your bare hands but not fire. Just then though, he heard the sound of a female's voice next to him.

"Is he using Ki?" A female said.

As Max turned to look at who it was, he noticed it was one of the professors at the school. Lett Springett, she was a female professor but had one distinctive feature above everything else. Her fiery red hair.

She wasn't just any regular teacher at the school. In fact, she was the whole reason why Ray had received special treatment when he had arrived in the city. The professor was in charge of the special Red-haired mages squad and she had worked hard changing their image.

And if there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was bullying, she hated bullying having experienced this herself. josei

"Oh professor you're here," Max said. "Come on let's go stop them before they."

But as Max walked forward the professor pulled him back and covered his mouth.

"Shhh, don't stop them now, it only just started getting interesting." She said. "I think they're about to get what they deserve."

Max couldn't believe what he was hearing, what kind of teacher wouldn't stop the fight just because they had found it interesting. Max started to wonder how he seemed to attract all sorts of crazy people around him.

Nano and the two by his side each held a fireball in their hands and when Ray got close enough, each one of them threw it at their target. The attacks were at a different speed compared to the other students but for Ray, it was incredibly slow.

Ray would move with the most minimal movement avoiding each of the fireballs as he slowly started to walk towards the three of them. As Ray got closer, Nano started to sweat more, he was feeling even more nervous.

Ray then knelt down and picked up one of the black beast crystal weapons and continued to walk forward avoiding the fireballs.

A thought had come into Nano's mind. When Ray had chucked the beast ball, he had made a hole in the target, if Ray was to throw that at him he would be dead in an instant.

Nano started to sweat even more nervously and then before he knew it, his body was no longer in control and he started running.

However, when Nano had turned around a few seconds later and Ray was already in front of him.

"it's time for you to feel what Van felt."

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