My Dragon System

Chapter 279 - Eating till full

Chapter 279 - Eating till full

Chapter 279 - Eating till full

Back on the City wall, Mia had been gathering a spell, the energy was slowly entering her crystal and her body around her. The power was slowly building up and small little rifts in the air could be seen.


Then Mia's hair colour suddenly changed from a dark purple to a silver colour, a faint outline could be seen on her body. She swung out her staff and at the same time dark purple energy left with it.

As soon as the energy had left her body, her hair colour had gone back to normal and the aura surrounding her had disappeared, she almost stumbled to the ground before a guard had managed to hold her up.

"Thank you handsome," Mia said as she placed her hand on the guard's face.

The guard blushed in response, although the woman was beautiful, he had heard the rumours of the Tower masters and especially Mia. Mia had been in the city for one of the longest times and no one knew her real age but she was not as young as she seemed to be on the outside.

"Sir, it seems like most of the harpies have been defeated." The guard reported to his head of staff.

"Most of them?" Mia said surprised. "Show me what you are talking about?"

The guard then went back to the telescope and moved it just above to reveal a single Crowned Harpy.

"What's that doing there, and why is it still coming towards the city?" Mia thought, "Place the telescope below, it seems the beast is chasing after something."

The man did as he was told and when the scope was placed on the ground. It reviled a group of four people running for their lives.

Mia's eyes suddenly opened wide as she walked closer to the telescope. Her eyes were focused on a single man from the group of people running away.

"What the hell are you doing old man."

**** josei

Thanks to Jack and the mysterious purple energy, Lenny was much more confident in protecting those with him.

"Everyone get closer to me!" He shouted.

"Can you run on your own now?" Lenny asked Roy.

"Yes I have recovered my energy I won't slow you down."

Lenny then quickly placed Roy on the ground as he waited for everyone to gather around him.

They did as they were told and even Rick chose to listen to him this time. Lenny then placed both of his hands together, and slowly a small golden circle started to form. The circle started to grow in size until it had eventually surrounded all four of them.

The Harpy then disappeared from the sky and came down swiping its wing. The attack hit the golden circle causing it to vibrate rapidly but the circle was fine and so were those inside.

"Hurry!" Lenny shouted, "We must keep moving, I don't know how much more attacks the circle can take."


Inside the forest, Jack and the Crowned Harpy had managed to crash back at the base of the harpies. He was still transformed as a Werewolf and was ready to take the beast on.

While the Harpy was still on the ground, Jack saw this as an opportunity. He held his giant great sword on his back and dashed forward holding the sword above its head.

However, the Harpy had managed to recover in time and swiped its wing at the blade cutting it completely in half. The strike also managed to go through the blade and the tip manged to just cut Jack's chest a little.

It was the first time while being in werewolf form that his body had been damaged. Jack couldn't be reckless like he usually was, one wrong move and he would be dead.

Jack started to slowly circle the Harpy as if he was hunting his prey, then he noticed something, why Hadn't the harpy flown back into the sky? That's when he spotted that one of the Harpies wings had been damaged.

If he was to attack, he needed to come from that side the damaged right wing. He started to circle the beast again and slowly started to pick up speed, then pounced in once again this time with a swipe of his claw.

The Harpy surprisingly lifted up its damaged wing, allowing Jack to attack and damage it further. The claw ripped a good-sized chuck out of the wing but then the Harpy swung its other wing at Jack aiming at his leg.

The blow came out fast and it hit, a deep wound was now on his leg. His one advantage his speed was suddenly lost.

"It was never my style to fight using my head in the first place."

Jack decided to no longer care about his own safety and chose to dash in again clawing at the Harpy. The Harpy started to swing out both of its wings at the same time. From the outside it looked like a heavy brawl was taking place, blood started to splatter all over from both beasts.

Jack's hands were heavily damaged and so were the Harpy's wings. With nothing left to use, Jack decided to use his large jaw and big mouth to bite into the Harpy's Neck. He lifted his head and ripped part of the neck with him, now the Harpy was no longer moving.

The beast had died.

But then something strange happened, a piece of the Harpy in Jack's mouth had fallen into his stomach. A taste Jack had never felt before entered into his mouth and his body felt slightly stronger.

Jack was no longer in control, his body continued to bite into the Crowned harpy swallowing it piece by piece until eventually, all that was left was a carcass.

Jack collapsed on the ground and slowly started to turn back into a human, his wounds on his arms and legs started to heal.

At the same time, his mind was slowly coming back to him. He remembered how he had devoured the Harpy, but more importantly, he remembered the feeling. With every bite of the Harpy Jack felt like he was getting stronger and right now after finishing his meal, he felt stronger than ever.


Special thanks to Nwabuisi_Ifeoma, Ahmed_Kabir_7439, and DarkShadow_DS for the gifts they really help me closer to my dream of becoming a full-time author. Then I can give you even more content!

Hey guys Making a patreon I want to commission someone to make a webtoon of Reincarnated into a human? Have a goal to reach, if you want to support me check out the link in the Synopsis of the story.

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