My Dragon System

Chapter 292 - Small Villiage

Chapter 292 - Small Villiage

Chapter 292 - Small Villiage

The second group of students started to wander out from their original location. Flynn the professor, took the lead while Blake and the other upper-class student stayed behind him. At the back of the group were Bliss and Van.

They currently were walking along a pathway that was in between the forest, they chose to do this instead of going through the forest. They felt like it was easier to see each other and less chance of encountering beast's this way.

All of what was the Shadow continent territory, once belonged to the humans as well. When the student's walked through the path they starting to understand that. Every so often they would see something that reminded them that there once was human's living here.

Including the path they were currently walking on.

Off in the distance on top of a hill was a windmill but it had been severely damaged and was no longer working.

As they continued to walk, Bliss started to look at the students around her. Van standing right next to her was in no condition to talk and wasn't really much of a fighter in the first place according to the others.

The professor who most of the students were relying on looked just as nervous as the lower-class students, which meant the only reliable people in the group was Blake and the person standing next to him.

And if she had to rely on Blake in this group, she knew they were in a bad situation. This was not a good group of people to be with.

"If only Nes was here?" As she caught herself say those words, she couldn't believe that she was starting to rely on him. But thinking back, even though he did seem a little scary, for some reason if he said everything would be okay or he would sort it out you believed him.

Just then the professor up ahead came to a stop. They had reached a little village with a well stationed in the middle and small houses placed around it. The houses looked a little worn down, but most of them were kept in good shape.

"Why don't we take a break in the village square?" Flynn said.

The group of students sat around the well like shape that here surrounded by houses. Although they hadn't travelled far, a lot of them where mentally tired walking through the shadow continent. Whenever they looked at the forest, they felt like something could come out at them any second.

"How are we going to get back to the academy?" A student asked.

"Once we meet up with Professor Springett she will be able to create a magic circle for us to go back," Flynn answered.

The student's seemed to be satisfied with the answer. It gave them hope that at least they could return.

But Bliss, Blake and the other Upper-class student didn't feel the same way. To power something that would be able to take all the students at once, they would need an incredible amount of mana. Similar to the beast crystal that brought them here.

While the other students were chatting and casually relaxing, Blake decided to go off and scout out the buildings around them. To be honest he just wanted to get away at seeing the frightened look on the students faces.

Every time he saw them in fear, he felt a little pain in his heart. This was called guilt.

He entered one of the houses and it was dark inside, he took a deep breath and sighed. "When I get back, I promise you will pay for this Del."

Just then though, Blake heard the sound of something inside the house, it was getting closer and closer. Blake readied his hand and took one step forward, the sound of something scurrying over to him was heard.

"Grahhh!" A beast had jumped from the darkness and directly towards Blake's face. He activated the magic surrounding his hand and sparks started to show.

Before the beast could reach his face, he lifted his hand and fired a lightning bolt killing it in one go.

"What was that?"

But then, the sound of something else moving was heard, it was almost like a gooey cracking sound. Sparks started to fly all around Blake's hand once again. Lifting his hand this time Blake used it as a type of light source, now he could fully see the whole room.

That's when Blake took a step back and started to move his head all around him. On the ceiling, in the corner of the room, they were everywhere. They were large round shaped balls all stuck with some type of red goo.

When Blake went to look at the dead beast he just killed, he noticed it looked like a spider but red all over, as if you could see its muscles and it had no hard-outer shell. Completely hairless.

That's when he heard the sound of cracking once again, as he looked around, he couldn't see where it was coming from. Then when looking above he finally realised what the round objects where.

From above a piece of shell had fallen to the ground. Blake raised his hand once again.

"Thunderbolt!" Firing out lightning killing the beast in one go, it fell to the ground and looked the same as the last creature.

"They're egg's, there's so many of them maybe a hundred of them in this room alone." Then a thought hit Blake in the head. "What if all the other rooms are like this as well."

Before he could even go check though, a scream was heard coming from outside.

Blake quickly rushed outside and could see that the student's where already being attacked by an army of spiders.

As he ran forward, he started firing lightning after lightning at the creatures.

"I'm not going to let any of you die!" josei

The spiders started to shoot out what looked like Red Goo, from there behind. It was a sticky substance but worked like a spider's web. For now, most of the students had avoided being hit, until one girl had made a mistake, the sticky red goo had attached to her hand's.

With her hand's tied she could no longer cast her magic freely. Then a group of spiders all immediately turned their attention towards her and she was covered by them in seconds.

A few seconds later, the spiders had left the body and it was already unrecognisable. The skin had all been eaten while everything else was left behind.

"No! No! No!" Blake screamed.

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