My Dragon System

Chapter 297 - Blake unhappy

Chapter 297 - Blake unhappy

Chapter 297 - Blake unhappy

Having the same name as someone, Ray never thought he would get caught, people had the same name all the time and after meeting Max he realised he was incredibly slow when it came to these types of things.

Even with the fact that Max had met Ray and Nes before, he never thought he would be able to uncover his secret.

But somehow, he had done. In fact, Max himself was quite pleased, if he hadn't seen Noir back in the arena through the dust cloud at that time, he thought he would have never been able to make the connection between the two of them.

Ray and Max then went off to one side to talk things out.

"Wait, you're Nes, you've been with us this whole time?" Max said.

"Just keep quiet about it, what I said earlier is true and I really am on a secret mission but it's to do with Roland," Ray replied.

Then Max started to look around and spotted Van sitting on his own.

"Now it makes sense, it has to be something to do with Van, why else would you be so attached to a stranger who you just came in school for." Max said, "So are you also the leader of the Red wings, the Nes who saved us back then?"

"Look listen here," Ray said with a menacing look in his eyes, staring down at Max. "I'm fine with you knowing, and I owe you and your sister for helping me out so much, but it is important that the identity of the Red Wings leader stays secret. So if I learn that you're brothers in the Alure army find out about this. You know who I'm going to come for."

"I promise I'll keep it a secret, you're like a brother to me now," Max replied with a smile.

Ray was unsure what he meant by that but decided to let it pass, Max always seemed a bit strange to him. "When we get out of here, talk to Slyvia, ask her to offer you a contract to join the Red wings, that way I'll know if you are serious or not about keeping the secret."

Max was slow but he wasn't stupid. Ray was basically telling him if he didn't join the Red wings he wouldn't trust him and was insinuating something else would happen to him. In short, it was a threat. However, Max didn't mind too much, he didn't know what he wanted to do once he left Roland, the original plan was to join the army like his brothers.

But the idea of him being under there command kind of bugged him. He wanted to create his own path. Perhaps helping his sister out wouldn't be so bad after all.

As Ray came back from his talk with Max, the professors wanted Ray to decide what the group did next. Even the students felt like their lives wherein Ray's hands. After all, he controlled the large powerful beast that saved some of their lives.

They naturally relied on the strongest one there to lead them but there was one person who wasn't happy with everything going on.

"Why does it matter what he thinks?" Blake said as he walked over. "We don't even really know him, sure Max does, but that doesn't mean he's our friend."

Blake then stood into the group, he was tall for his age and was a greater hight then Ray himself.

"Look he's just a kid, even younger than me and you are all suddenly relying on him, what just because of that beast. Who knows if it's really his or it's just a friendly beast in the first place."

As the students started to look at Blake and Ray stood side by side, a realisation was starting to come over them. Suddenly Ray didn't look so big standing next to Blake and he did indeed look like a child no older than them.

"Blake how could you say that, this guy saved our lives!" Springett said.

"Correction, the wolf saved your lives, not him," Blake said pointing his finger towards Ray's face. Noir who was off to the side suddenly perked up her head, she could sense the hostility pointed towards her leader, she started to growl as her master was being treated like trash.

"Get your finger out of my face," Ray said.

To be honest, Ray was tired having to explain himself and not only that, But Ray had a grudge back at Roland for what Blake had done. Trying to make his life hell and placing his hand on top of his head.

"You hear that, he's threatening me, this little crap is threatening me."

Ray then looked off to the side at Van who was now stood up and watching the confrontation closely. Then the next second he smiled.

"This is for all the pain you caused."

Ray made a fist and punched Blake in the stomach, just hard enough to send him flying back and onto the ground. If he used to much strength, he was afraid a hole would be created in his stomach.

"Argh, that basta*d he hit me!" Blake said grabbing his stomach with his hand's gasping for air.

He then slowly lifted himself off the ground. "So you think a surprise attack Is going to work, I know you're just weak so you had to resort to cheap tactics like that."

Blake then started to gather the lightning in his hands. "If the professors aren't going to do anything about you, then I am."

As Ray saw the lightning gather in his hands, he was suddenly a lot more interested. Lightning was one of the rarest magical abilities. One in a million people could use the element. It was why Roland had given such special treatment to Blake in the first place.

"Shouldn't we stop this?" Flynn asked.

"Let's just see how this goes," Springett replied, "If he really is someone we need to rely on, then we need to see how strong he is."

Using both of his hands, Blake combined them together to fire a large thunder blot towards Ray. The others thought he might dodge the attack but the lightning was incredibly fast.

Ray held out his hand and allowed the lightning bolt to hit his palm. Taking in the whole attack and when the lightning bolt finished, Ray stood there still, undamaged. The attack was far weaker than Morfran's the dark guild leaders lightning, and Ray's ki was simply too powerful for magic like this to do anything to him.

Especially after absorbing all the advanced tier crystals.

"How?" Blake then started to gather the lightning in his hands once again but Ray wasn't going to let him. Using the Ki in his legs he kicked off the ground causing small craters behind where his feet once were and the next second, he was holding Blake up in the air with a single hand.

"I was going to let you go with a simple beating." Said Ray, "But now that I see what you have, I will be taking that for myself thank you."


As Blake was held up in the air, he could feel the energy leaving his body, he tried to gather the lightning in his hands hoping to shake Ray off but the power just wasn't working. Then suddenly, he could feel a shocking jolt all over his body.

"Was this what you were trying to do to me?" Ray said.

Ray had now activated the lightning attribute on Blake, sending bolts all over his body and eventually let him go dropping him to the ground.

The student's, the professors, and even Max stood there stunned. josei


Special thanks to Ahmed_Kabir_0397, alvaro17, ShiroDN, Hafmeyjan, LotionOnTheSkin1, Fenrir2040, and Shurikyn_13 for the gifts.

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