My Dragon System

Chapter 300 - A shadow guard member

Chapter 300 - A shadow guard member

Chapter 300 - A shadow guard member

Although Ray's dragon eyes didn't work, he could sense the powerful aura coming off the old man and it seemed like Noir could as well. Rather than rush in for an attack, he decided to proceed carefully. It seemed like the man was alone and there wasn't many who Ray was unable to face on his own.

Van was now visibly shaking, while the other students were confused. Van had a feeling something like this would happen once he had used his powers. It always did.

"What do you want with him?" Bliss said, standing in front of Van.

"Young lady, this man has come onto our doorstep of the shadow continent, now that he is on my property, I have the right to take what I want don't you think?"

Professor Springett then drew her sword. Judging by the man's words he was from the shadow continent meaning he worked for the other side.

It was as Ray had suspected, the Shadows goal this whole time was Van.

That's when the old man spotted Kaito busy drawing the magic circle. It stood out to him. While all the students were frozen in place looking at what was happening, Kaito was the only one still moving, deep in concentration working away.

He was to focused and had no clue the old man had even arrived.

"You guys are planning to leave so soon but you only arrived a short while ago."

The man then started to walk forward slowly.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave, as one of the Shadow guards I would be considered a laughing stock by the others if I let you get away."

Now Flynn and Springett were visibly sweating and shaking. After hearing the man's words, they were afraid. The shadow guard was a group of people who worked directly under the shadow.

Not many knew what started the shadow or who was even at the top of the whole thing but they did know of the shadow guard. They acted as the Shadow's public figure. Strong powerful people who would lead an army when fighting against the kingdoms.

Each of the old kingdoms had fallen to these men before.

As the old man continued to walk forward as if he was walking through his own back garden. He went straight past the professors, they did nothing but held out their weapons looking at the man.

Suddenly, a large fireball was shot out from the side and headed straight for the old man. The fire was strong and powerful and larger than anything they had seen a fire mage perform before.

The man lifted his staff and a black rift opened up. The fireball went into the black rift and as it closed a loud explosion was heard off in the distance.

"Who dares try to stop me!" the old man said as he turned to look at where the fireball had come from.

"No one is taking anyone without my permission." said Ray

"I just wanted the boy, I was going to give you all a chance to live by leaving you alone in the continent. Who knows maybe you would have been able to find your way out but now you leave me no choice."

The man lifted his staff once again and this time several rifts above the village started to open. Out of these rifts, creatures started to fall from the sky, the spiders they had encountered, the white-furred monkeys and even the hounds that Ray fought against.

As they fell to the floor, they had immediately gone for the students.

"Professors, go protect the students, round them up and head for the circle." said Ray, "Make sure Kaito finishes it as soon as possible, I'll deal with the old man."

The professors quickly snapped out of their daze as they heard one of the students scream in fear. Then ran towards the others.

After the fall of the basic tier beats, from the rifts, larger creatures started to appear as well. Intermediate tier beast and even some advanced tier beasts as well.

"Noir go help them, they're going to need it." Noir did as her master commanded and went off to the centre of the village.

Before, Bliss, Van, Norah and Max had left to join the others. They turned around and looked at Ray one last time. Each one of them had a familiar feeling inside. They didn't know why but his actions right now had reminded them of what had happened to before they had arrived in the shadow continent.

Back in the training centre, Nes had done the same thing. He stood in front of each of them and tried to protect them all and now Ray was doing it as well.

"Don't die bro," Max said.

Now the only two that remained on the outskirts where Ray and the old man.

"You have seen my power yet you are unafraid?" The old man said.

"Huh you think this is impressive, I once knew a girl who could make meteors fall out from the sky. she would be able to get rid of this field of monsters in an instant." Ray replied. "And the old me would have been able to wipe you all out in a single breath," Ray mumbled.

"You think your simple lies will upset me."

However, Ray was telling the truth, in his grand battle against the witch, she truly did send meteors crashing down on Ray.

"Well, I have a special gift just for you." The old man said, "Those other beasts attacking the students are nothing in comparison to this ferocious thing. It is the king of this entire area and has been for years."

He lifted his staff into the sky once again and a rift appeared larger than any of the ones before. Slowly a large beast could be seen falling from the sky but something seemed a bit off.

As the creature was falling through the sky, its limbs were flopping about. Then when it landed on the ground it made a loud thump sound. The beast laid on its side unmoving.

As Ray saw the thing he started to laugh out loud.

"Ga, Ga, Ga, Ga!" josei

"What is the meaning of this?" the old man said.

The beast he had summoned had the feat of a horse, while the body of a lion. Its once proud mane that use to be lit up with fire was no longer and, on its head, it had its eye removed.

The frightening powerful beast that the man tried to summon was the same beast Ray had fought against earlier.


Special thanks to ShiroDN, Fenrir2040, Doodlebug, Daoistnlqgsa, Lord_Si, Ahmed_Kabir_7439, Robert_Boamah, and Michael_Uzoho. these gifts help me closer to my dream of becoming a full-time author.

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