My Dragon System

Chapter 302 - Only three

Chapter 302 - Only three

Chapter 302 - Only three

Just outside of Roland city on the plain fields that stretched out for miles a guild war was taking place. The city had been told of the time of place the event would happen. Rumour had spread throughout the place that it would be between the semi-known Underdog guild and the infamous Redwings.

When a time and place was set for a Guild war, a small token army from Roland would stand guard to watch the match. This was just in case it got out of hand and too close to the city and also to make sure any passer-by's that didn't know what was happening would be escorted out of the area.

But the guards who were out on duty that day, that were told to overlook the guild war, were surprised when they could only see three people standing out on the field.

"Hey, there not really going to go up against the Underdogs just with them three, are they?"

"I heard that the Redwings are based in Avrion, its quite the distance away from Roland so it would take several days for them to arrive."

"Then why agree to fight? Why not just leave the city, sure it would hurt their pride but that's better than dying for nothing?"

Usually, if two strong guilds were to face each other, a situation like this would never happen. Even if their guild wasn't based in the same city, if one guild was to completely kill and dominate a few members in the city, then it would cause a full out war between the two guilds.

They would get revenge and send out all their members to face off against them. The reason why the Underdogs were doing this though was because they didn't believe in the rumours of the Redwings. It seemed impossible that a newly formed guild would be able to rise to power so quickly.

It didn't make sense, why would anyone agree to go under the banner of an unknown rather than reputable guild.

Just then from the direction of Roland city, the hundred or so members came marching out and had arrived opposite the Redwings.

"I can't watch this, they're going to be slaughtered."

But the next thing they saw, caused them to pinch themselves to see if they were dreaming. The female standing in front of the other two, drew her bow and fired straight into the hundred men.

"Get them!" Osbourne shouted.

The hundred or so men ran forward towards Jack and Martha.

"I'll leave them to you," Martha said.

She closed her eyes and started to concentrate, then suddenly, a tingling feeling was felt on her back. Wings started to sprout out from her two side's and she flew up into the sky above the army.

"An angel!" The guards said as they stared in awe.

Now up in the sky, Martha was able to see clearly the whole field, she continuously shot out arrow after arrow aiming for those that seemed like they would be trouble.

"But what about the other two, they have been left on the ground, although she may not get hurt the other two will."

The next thing they saw seemed even crazier than the last though. Jack ran in straight forward aiming to crash into the army himself.

"He's mad, he will die!"

Now that Jack no longer had his trusty great sword, the only things he could rely on were his hands and his werewolf form. He started running on all fours and his body slowly started to transform and finally, he was now the silver furred werewolf.

The group running out front stopped slightly as they just saw a man transform into a beast.

"Is it shadow magic?"

"It must be, what man is able to turn into such a thing."

"Kill him, kill the shadow beast."

Jack came running in full force knocking into the army like a spear. The Underdog members were sent flying through the air. They attacked the beast with their weapons poking, slashing the creature but they hadn't even managed to cause a flesh wound. josei

Jack stood there as a wolf staring at Osbourne the Underdog's guild leader.

"irr Croming Rof Yuy" Jack growled. (I'm coming for you.)

Some of the guild members had decided to avoid confrontation with the werewolf after seeing its power and instead went around Jack. Martha was too high up in the sky and only a few archers and ranged weapons could try to go up against her.

Which meant the only target they had was Lenny.

"Hey, what are you idiots doing!" Lenny said, "I'm not part of the Redwings I'm just here to heal them."

But the Underdog's didn't care for his words.

"Hey!" Lenny waved out to the guards standing far away to the side. "Can't you see this, there attacking an innocent civilian."

"What is that old man doing." The guard said.

"I don't know he's too far to hear."

"Do you think he might be calling for help?"

"No that can't be it, why would he willingly go so close to the battlefield."

With no help from the guards and the Guild members only coming closer, Lenny had no choice.

"You idiots just stay away." Lenny then covered his fist with magic and pounded the man closest to him sending him flying in the air.

"Who are these people, they're all monsters." The guards thought watching the battle go on.

Jack who was now stood in front of Osbourne was now towering above him. As a human, Jack was considered large in size, but Osbourne was even bigger but now that Jack had transformed, he was even larger then Osbourne.

"You think I'm scared of a stinky mutt like you!" Osbourne shouted, "I've killed many wolves like you, what do you think is around my neck." He lifted his large club and using all his power slammed it down towards Jack.

Jack then lifted his hand and grabbed the club, the force was so strong that the ground underneath him had cracked and his leg's where sunken in but then Jack clenched his fist shattering the club to pieces.

"Thirs rsi Rack Raback Fror Rlast Tirm!" Jack said as he swung the club out of the way and let out two of his claws across Osbourne's chest. A large x shaped cut mark had appeared and blood was drawn out, he then collapsed to the ground, defeated with a single blow.

The guards watching couldn't believe it, although there were still many members from the Underdog Guild out on the field, now that their leader had been defeated, they were slowly putting away their weapons and surrendering.

The entire Underdog guild had lost to only three members of the Redwings.

Martha who was up in the air had come down as she saw the fighting start to die down. There were still some feisty members that wanted to continue to fight but Lenny now annoyed that they got him involved in this and Jack had gotten rid of nearly all of them.

The rest of the guild members dropped their weapons and bowed down to them.

"We're sorry please let us go free, you can keep the beast crystal, we have no problem with that and we will pay you for all the Quests you have missed these last few days."

Martha then looked at all the people bowing down and noticed that Rick, the person who had caused all this mess in the first place was one of them.

"You are free to go, but only on the condition, you give him to us!" Martha said pointing at Rick.

However, before Rick could stand up to complain. Where the guild war had taken place, and where everyone was standing, a large magic circle had appeared.


Special thanks to RedStorm_8179, Bridget_Oviogo, Sasaray, DarkShadow_DS, Fenrir2040, and ShiroDN for the gifts. this gives me the chance to reach my goal of becoming a full-time autho

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