My Dragon System

Chapter 329 - Reincarnated into a human

Chapter 329 - Reincarnated into a human

Chapter 329 - Reincarnated into a human

The assessment was still going on in the outside on the field. Which meant that nearly all the classes at Roland were empty. Most of the guards were also either stationed at the towers or were where the students were.

Due to the trouble they had only around a month back, the academy was extra protective over its students. To make them feel more save, they allowed more guards to surround the area. But this just meant it was easier for Bliss and Ray to go around the academy.

They entered into the lower class building, and eventually went inside Del's class. Where not a single person was inside.

"I guess this is as good a place as any?" Ray said. "Going back to where it began."

"Did you enjoy your time here?" Bliss asked as she sat down in one of the seats.

Ray had to think about it for a while. Initially, when he first turned into a human, he hated the idea. Not only were they the ones that made his race extinct, but one of them had even turned him into one. But the more he got to know them. josei

The more people he wanted to protect. Just like Avrion he had made a group of friends who he didn't want to see hurt, the same could be said at Roland.

"Judging by your silence, I would say you don't want to admit it," Bliss said. "You know I have her memories as well. I remember there were times when you were smiling and how you protected everyone in the shadow continent. You didn't have to do that, you could have just saved Van. When you sent Van away with your wolf, you could have just as easily gone back with him to the city. Yet you chose to stay."

"Just be quiet," Ray said as he brought over a chair to her desk and sat opposite her. "I know what you're trying to do, you want to get into my head and save all the humans from the shadow. Thinking that perhaps I have changed. But let me tell you something. For every good human out there, there are bad ones as well. This place, no, this world still needs to be changed."

"And you know what Sen, I couldn't agree more." Said Bliss. "Do you know what future I saw before I met you? When the shadow came to attack the humans were still too busy fighting each other. Rather then band and work together they had decided to take advantage and try to conquer one another. And the one power that could have saved them, they got rid off and chased away."

As Bliss said those final words, she was pointing towards Ray.

"Explain what happened, and I mean from the beginning."

Bliss let out a massive breath before she began to speak.

"Okay, I guess I should begin with who I am first," Bliss said. "I am what humans were once referred to as a god. In the past, I would guide the humans on the right path with my visions. But then another group of humans had appeared. They started to wish death upon me, calling my visions a lie and saying I was cheating the public. In the end, the fighting got too much, and I decided to disappear. Lost without a cause and not knowing my reason for being here, I decided to seclude myself, but once In a while, people would come looking for the so-called witch.

I don't know when or how I got this name, but they would come asking for me to use my powers to help them fend off creatures. As I did this, I enjoyed my time helping out the public once again. But then a horrible vision had hit me. One of a world were a new force known as the shadow would come and attack. As I said to you before, I knew of the future, but I did not know how to prevent it. I tried multiple things, I formed a group known as the dragon knights, I asked Betty to create Roland, but still, none of this stopped the future that I had seen.

Then the humans had asked me to complete a new task saying there was a single dragon who was rampaging around the land. It was a task I wasn't sure I could achieve. For it was a beast that had equal power to myself."

"I know the rest of the story from here." Ray interrupted. "but why me and how do I get my body back?"

"You really don't have patience, do you," Bliss replied. "When I received the request from the humans, I noticed something strange. I looked into the human's background and started to follow them. It turns out that they worked for the shadow. At this point and time, the shadow hadn't made themselves public, but due to my visions, I knew they were coming. Now let me ask you this, why would the shadow set me the task of getting rid of the Red dragon known as Sen?"

As soon as Bliss had said those words, a thought had come shooting to his mind. The shadow was scared of him. It had to be, his destructive powers as a dragon were far too great. Not only that, but there was a time when he was transferred into Gary's mind, he had seen the shadow take shape, and it was that of a dragon. Could the whole thing be caused by another dragon?

But it couldn't be, Ray was sure that he was the last dragon alive. At least on the Bronzeland continent anyway.

"It seems like you have figured some of it out," Bliss said. "I believe the shadow was afraid of you, but I knew you would never agree to help the humans out. Not with what they had done over the years. So I came up with a plan, it was a risky one, but it was something I needed to do. I reincarnated you into a human."

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