My Dragon System

Chapter 333 - Strange Group

Chapter 333 - Strange Group

Chapter 333 - Strange Group

Before Ray could leave Roland once and for all, he needed to wait for two things.

The first was for Bliss to officially declare that she would no longer be in Roland and the second for Van to do the same. That's why currently Ray was in another meeting with the Queen while Lenny, Martha and Jack were by her side.

"So, you want my son to join a group called the Redwings," Liz said.

"Correction." Lenny interrupted. "I believe we said that your son is the one who would like to join the Redwings, we're just here to ask for your permission, of course."

Liz had a look of hatred on her face. She always knew that Lenny would bring trouble, he always did when the two were younger, and now he expects her to leave her precious son with a bunch of strangers?

"I know you are worried about him." Ray said, "But I assure you the safest place for him will be at Avrion. While spending my time at the academy, I realised that there are not many people you can trust. They still have not located the teacher known as Del and who knows who else played a hand in helping them. All the other cities aren't nearly as well fortified as the Redwings base."

"And what about the empire?" Liz replied. "If they come here, then how will you deal with it?"

"You have seen how we have dealt with it so far, and it seems like they have not attacked yet. All I ask is for you to give us more than a year. If the empire attacks us or finds out after, then we will come to your aid."

There was still 6 months before the supposed attack from the shadow guard. All Ray needed to do was to avoid a fight against two enemies at once, as long as the Alure kingdom could delay any type of attack until then, he felt they had a chance.

Before answering, Liz let out a big sigh.

"I'll be honest there is no stopping him anyway. He has always been his own person, if Van wished to go with you, then so be it."

The meeting was a success, and it seemed like they had the queen's permission. Now before the group would head back to Avrion, they just needed to wait until the next day to travel together.


Meanwhile, inside Avrion, the assessments had finished the day before and today was meant to be an awards ceremony. The students were meant to be sorted and would find out if they were to be promoted into the class above.

But it had been delayed, and the classes had been cancelled for the day. Altogether, there was no official announcement as to why this was the case. But news had already spread all around the campus of the true reason.

Currently, in the Roland Assemble hall, a trial was taking place. All the teachers were present, and the three Tower masters were sat at the front of the table while a lone seat remained empty. The reason for this, was because the Tower master Roy was on trial, for killing one of the Roland students.

They had been in the room for a total of one hour discussing all the problems they had. It was nearly impossible to keep this a secret due to all the students seeing this at the school. And if Roy didn't receive any punishment, then others wouldn't send their children to the academy any longer.

A decision had been made.

Betty stood up from her seat to read out the verdict.

"Tower master Roy, you are hereby relieved from your position. You will no longer be welcome at Roland academy. However, we will pay you 5 years' worth of salary for the time you have been a tower master here."

Roy wanted to lash out and argue his case. After thinking back at the fight multiple times, he felt like something was wrong. There was no way someone who had that strong of a magical ability could perish easily like that. But he knew once the academy had made up their mind all was said and done.

"Things just haven't seemed to be going my way ever since I met the Redwings" Roy thought.


Inside one of the training centres. Bliss and Van had told their friends to gather as they had some urgent news to say to them. Max, Kaito and Norah were stood waiting in the hall until they eventually saw Bliss and Van walking together.

"So, are you going to tell them about you being the divine being?" Van whispered.

"Are you crazy, I'm just going to say some urgent family matters came up."

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" Max said as he waved them other.

"I think its best if we all sat down for this," Van replied.

The group sat down in the stands just off from the training centre, and Bliss and Van had told them how they were leaving the academy once and for all. While Bliss had said she had urgently family matters to take care of Van was more honest then he should have been.

"You're joining the Redwings!" Kaito shouted. "I'm so jealous, ahh if only my parents were not so against the idea." Kaito was gripping his head and ears as he heard the news.

While Max had an idea, something like this was coming.

"To both of you, all I can say is good luck. And who knows I might be seeing the two of you in the future." josei

Max didn't have much longer at Roland, and soon, he too had already decided that once he left, he would join the redwings with his sister. Plus he also had made a promise to Ray.


It was early morning, and the next day had arrived. Ray and the group were patiently waiting outside, and finally, the two of them had arrived.

"So, I guess this is the team then, huh?" Bliss said, looking at everyone. "So, what do we have here, a werewolf, an old mage, a Harpy, and a prince."

The others were shocked by her words, after hearing it out loud they truly were a strange group to be hanging around each other.

"And what about you two?" Lenny asked, looking at Ray and Bliss. "I wouldn't say you two are ordinary, are you?"

Lenny found it strange that this young student was able to tell who everyone was at first glance, and perhaps there was something more to it.

Inside Ray's mind, a voice was suddenly heard.

"If you want to tell them, now's your chance, I think their reaction would not surprise you as much as you think."

Ray paused for a few seconds before giving a reply.

"Not yet, the time isn't right yet. First, we get Gary back and then I will let everyone know who I am."

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