My Dragon System

Chapter 344 - New White sashes

Chapter 344 - New White sashes

Chapter 344 - New White sashes

After the meeting had finished, Jack had decided to go over to the white sash knight area to meet his old friend Harry. The white sash knights mainly trained just outside in the training area attached to the academy.

When Jack had finally arrived, he could see all of the students training outside diligently. On each of them around their wrists, they had the watches on indicating their rank. They were currently going through there daily spar where whoever won, would switch places with the other in the ranking system.

A soon as Harry heard giant footsteps clomping up behind him, he thought there could only be one person who was so unsilent when trying to sneak up on people.

He turned around and said. "It's been a while, dear friend."

"Yes, it has," Jack replied as the two of them bumped knuckles.

They both had a lot to catch up on as the last time they had seen each other was just before Jack had set off to journey with Ray and Gary. In that time, Harry had been promoted to master knight as well as head of the white shashes.

Jack also talked about everything that happened on his journey as well. What him and Ray had gone through during this time as well as all the troubles. Jack then explained the beasting process that Martha went through, and Harry was surprised.

"And she's really gotten that much stronger!" Harry said.

"Yes, it's like she's a completely new person, one that can probably now compete against me."

Hearing that Jack now acknowledged Martha as someone worthy, meant she must have had an enormous improvement. Before Jack had never said any great things about her.

"Is it possible for me to go through this process?" Harry asked.

"I thought you would ask that," Jack replied. "It was why I didn't want to really tell you in the first place. In the end, it's your decision but why, why do you need to get stronger Harry?"

Harry thought about the past, how not only his mother but his brother had been killed, and it was all because of the Shadow. He was even forced to kill his own father, who was the main cause of everything.

Yet he still felt empty inside. He knew his father had done so many bad things, sent so many people to their deaths and sometimes even he had played a part without realising it as well.

He needed to make up for it. This was his resolve.

"From the sounds of it, I think whatever my father was involved in, his research, it was most likely something to do with this as well. Maybe they were trying to do the same process but failed. I need to find out the truth, and it's still out there somewhere."

Just then, the kids had finished sparing and directly went to line up in front of Harry. However, this time they couldn't help but stare at the man who was standing by his side. The large man with bulging muscles known as Jack.

Harry looked at the students and then looked at Jack, seeing they were interested in him.

"Alright, guys we have a special extra lesson for all of you today!" Harry said. "This here is the former Rank 1 of Avrion academy."

"What, really, so he was a white knight just like us?"

"Of course, everybody knows the white knights are the most skilled and talented in the academy."

The thirty or so students were proud to see someone so strong and mighty be their former rank 1. They started to look Jack with a sparkle in their eye.

"Can he show us something?"

"Yeah, why doesn't teacher and him spar together to show us how it's done."

"Idiot, the teacher is now a master knight, he's a lot stronger than any of the other knights out there now."

Harry then started to laugh at the comments. "Worry not, for that is today's task, the goal is to try to leave a scratch on Jack's body."

The students looked at Harry with confusion. josei

"Do you mean with our bare hands?" A student asked.

"No, no" Harry replied. "You may use whatever weapons you wish, for anyone who passes, they will get to lie in and miss the morning session for tomorrow."

With Harry's words, they had forgotten about the unrealistic request, and suddenly they were all pumped up.

They formed a line directly in front of Jack and grabbed their weapons all with a smile on their faces as they imagined sleeping in the next day.

While Jack stood their unsure of what he had been roped into. He didn't even have time to say yes to Harry's request.

"Oh well." Jack sighed.

The first students walked up energetically with a sword in his hand. He then lifted it up and struck as hard as he could swinging for the side.

The students figured that Jack was able to use Ki, but so were they, they found it hard to believe that someone would be strong enough to be able to resist a strike against there bare skin.

But as the sword hit Jack's side, a thud sound was made as if the student had just struck against solid rock.

"Fail! First student."

Suddenly, All the students weren't so smiley anymore.

The test continued with students trying out all sorts of weapons each trying to hit it against Jack's body. Some of those with weaker weapons, managed to even break their blade. In the end, all thirty students had made an attempt, yet not a single one of them had passed.

"Well, looks like all of you are quite a way off from beating the former Rank 1," Harry said.

Just then, Jack had spotted someone in the distance and immediately got onto the floor to bow down. The students found his actions strange, but then, Harry had done the same.

When the students turned around to take a look at who it was walking towards them, all they could see was three people and in the centre a man with red spikey hair.

"Huh, whos that?"

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