My Dragon System

Chapter 441

Chapter 441: Panic takes over

Chapter 441: Panic takes over

Inside the research facility, the strange black liquid had been injected into nearly everyone there, apart from both Roy and Martha. The last person having been injected, was Slyvia.?It was now inside her body and it was a calculated risk that she was willing to take.

Her brother had managed to extract the liquid before from certain students, and the black liquid then seemed to be quite violent or at least was a stronger dose than what they were giving them right now.

Getting the injection would buy them the time they needed to find out what was happening here and leave the place at the same time. However, Martha and Roy never ended up getting their injections. After the liquid was injected into Slyvia, a loud bang was heard, and shortly after what seemed to be an emergency message.

Lights placed In the corner of the room were flashing red, but there was no siren heard where they were. However, sound through the facility could be heard.

"What's going on?" Someone asked.

"Are we going to be okay?" Another said.

"Everyone just calm down, please." The young male doctor said. "And remain silent… if you want to live." Was his next few words.

Although said at a quitter tone so the others couldn't quite hear him, Martha had done.

"Slyvia there is something serious going on at this place." She whispered.

The room had quietened down as they waited for more instructions. Another loud bang was heard, and shortly after the sound of both men and women were heard. Some in the room knew these sounds well.

It was the sound of a battle. The cries of fighting and moaning continued. At first, some of them thought it might have been the guards going up against some that wished to escape from the facility, but that soon changed when they heard the sound of a loud growl.

"A beast? Are they keeping beasts in this facility? What for?" Slyvia thought.

After the loud growl, it sounded as if the cries of pain had stopped. The guard who was in the room with them drew his sword by his side, and a couple of the others in the room did the same.

The scientists with the rest went to the back wall of the room. It was clear they were not fighters in all of this.

"Are we going to be okay?" A soft voice said.

Turning, Slyvia could see that it was a girl who looked to be a young teenager, and being held in her arms was what she could only guess was her mother.

"It's okay." The mother replied as she stroked her hair. "We are in the empire, they have the strongest army. It's why we decided to try to make a new life here in the first place."

The words were comforting, but they were hard for the kid to believe when her mother who was holding her continued to shake non-stop. This fear was passed down onto the little girl and her breathing started to become irregular, as she took deeper breaths, it felt like no air was coming in at all.

'Is she having a panic attack?" Slyvia thought.

The next thing, the women in the room started to panic.

"What's wrong. Wendy!, Wendy, are you okay?"

"I …can't…" Her vision was fading and her hands were moving, towards her throat.

"Somebody help!" The mother started to shout

"Shut up!" Another person shouted as he hit the mother across the face. Fear had taken over most of them. They were afraid that the cries would attract the beast outside to them.

"Can't you have a look at her?" Martha said, pulling on one of the doctor's sleeves. "You're a doctor right?"

The young man looked at the girl who was now on her knees."I'm sorry we're not real doctors or scientists." The man replied. "We are just hired and given a script to follow. To improv once in a while. I don't know if I can do anything." josei

While everyone just continued to watch, Sylvia couldn't; she went towards the girl who was on the floor and laid her with her back up.

"I want you to breathe with me slowly, okay. Try to match my breathing." Slyvia said, unsure whether the girl was able to comprehend what she was saying.

But the girl nodded and tried to follow. Then Slyvia placed her hand on the girl's chest and a warm feeling was felt inside her. A strange energy was entering through her, and she started to feel calm. With the feeling, she was able to slow down her breathing, matching it with Sylvias. The mother seeing this had a smile on her face.

"They aren't ordinary after all. They can even use Ki to this level." Roy thought.

Slyvia when she was at the academy spent some time in the medical club. There were many techniques she had learned and had dealt with all types of patients. So it wasn't the first time she had done something like this.

The only reason why she had hesitated for a while was because she was sure the guards in the room could also use Ki. If they knew, she could as well. They would probably keep a closer eye on her. But the guards had seen nothing, for they hadn't even cared about the people in the room for a second.

Instead, they were focused on the two doors that led to the room. From the back wall there was a door on the far right, and one on the left.


Suddenly the right door had a large dent made in it, at the same time everyone had screamed.

"Shut up!" The guard shouted.

But there was another bang, and the dent had only gotten bigger in the door. Finally, a third bang was made, and the door flew open. Into the room, a large looking four-armed gorilla had entered.

It had black fur as such and walked in on its four arms, with its fists covered in blood, but there was something even stranger about it.

"It's infected by the shadow," Roy said.

The purple in its fur and the look in its eyes were dead giveaways.

'Is the facility doing research on the beasts as well?' Slyvia thought. 'Or was this how they were extracting the shadow and getting it in the first place.'

The beast in front of them would have usually been an intermediate beast, but due to it being infected, it would have the power of an advanced tier beast.

The three guards spread out and started to surround the beast with their weapons drawn. Seeing one of them, it hoped towards the guard with all four of its fist. It grabbed the sword with its bare hand with the first. Then with its other two, it grabbed the guard by the waist.

"It's got me, come quick, help me!' The guard shouted, but it was too late.

With its last arm free, it punched the guard in the stomach. It had completely shattered the beast armor he was wearing and the fist had dug into him.

These guards weren't meant to deal with beasts. They were here just in case the people were out of control. The people who had no weapons.

The two were frightened with fear, and it wasn't long before the gorilla beast had killed the next one as well. The last guard while he was being dealt with decided to run back to the group of people. He knew he stood no chance, so his only hope was that he would let others die before him and wait for the real guards to show up and deal with the beast.

Both Martha and Slyvia looked at each other. Neither of them had their weapons, and Martha couldn't transform in front of this many people. But if they sat here and did nothing, then people would die.

The gorilla turned and looked at the group of people towards the back. Suddenly everyone started scuffling out and pushing each other to the front of the group. Trying to save their own lives.

"Here, take her." The guard said as he grabbed the young, weak teenage girl by the wrist and threw her onto the floor in front of the beast.

She got up, and her eyes met with the crazed beast, and she was frozen in place.

"If you are not going to use that, then give it to me!" Slyvia said, hitting the guard across the face with a punch and grabbing the sword in the process.

She ran forward; she wasn't going to let the girl die.

The gorilla's fist had come down and all Slyvia could do was throw the sword. Seeing this it had caused the gorilla to slightly pause as it hit the sword away, but it had been cut by the sword in the process. It was unexpected for the beast.

Grabbing and holding the girl, Sylvia wished to dart away, but she had been grabbed by the ankle.

"Sylvia!" Martha shouted, wishing she had her bow right now, to save her, but she did not.

The fists were prepared to be slammed down by the beast again, preparing to kill both of them. Only this time, before they had landed. A red ball of fire had come out hitting the gorilla sending it back.

"What am I even doing?" Roy said with his palm outward.


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