My Dragon System

Chapter 454

Chapter 454: Emperor Vs king (2)

Chapter 454: Emperor Vs king (2)

The aura Ray had seen didn't last for long, but he was sure of it. The feeling that this man by Alexander the emperor's side was the same as both Bliss and Van. For Bliss, the aura she gave off was holy and strong and this was because she was a Divine being.

When Ray had sensed the same thing in Van, he had asked Bliss about it. According to her it was due to there being a so-called God inside him. It was a strange thing to refer to themselves as but there was no other way she could explain it. They were great beings that could last forever and if they did die, they would simply be reborn.

However at times during their rebirth, they wouldn't always find a body. They could just simply be stuck inside another, or even an item. This was what had happened to Van, the queen's son of the Alure kingdom. His powers were strong but they were borrowed from the being inside him, and whenever he would use such powers the Shadow would know. It was the reason why they were after him.

Was the person in front of Ray really one of these gods? Were they like Bliss, aware of their own existence, or someone like Van, with a god trapped in their body?

Whatever the case was, it was highly aware, for it had stopped Ray form using his dragon eyes. This meant it would most likely be someone like Bliss. Is this why they seem to be unafraid of the shadow, because they have a god on their side. The question was why? Why would a being such as this one even choose to help the emperor in the first place?

Seeing the strange smile on the back haired contestant, Ray decided to ignore him and look away. He had only spoken softly so those with sensitive hearing would have been able to hear.

"I know you can hear me." He said. "I look forward to meeting you in the ring." From then onward he no longer looked at Ray and started to dig into his food like everyone else.

The conversations were still brewing between the others, and finally it looked like someone from the kingdom side wished to talk to someone from the empire.

It was the old man, the spear user who went by the name of Jones. "Roki, I would like to thank you for what you did the other day." He said.

The emperor didn't know any details of what he was talking about, nor did the Redwing members, but the contestants did and soon it had gone silent.

"Your sword skills are great. I can't wait to go up against you sir." The young blonde boy said.

Roki looked to his right at Alexander, it looked like he had given him permission to speak.

"Thank you for the kind words." Roki replied. "I still feel like there are people there who are stronger and more skillful than me. I wish that one day I could face them. Speaking of…"

Roki had turned his head to look at the Redwing members, as if he was searching for someone. "I do not see the man who was with me in the arena over the last few days. He was a warrior that went by the name Nes. I thought he was part of the Redwing kingdom?" Roki asked.

The others were thankful that Roki had asked this, because he wasn't the only one that was interested. The other contestants were as well.

"We were told he was from the Redwing kingdom." Savana added, while looking at the bald monk. "At least the two of them informed us, we would have liked to meet him as well."

Kyle didn't know what games they wanted to play, but because of that incident, they couldn't exactly deny they knew Nes.

"Don't worry." Slyvia said. "He has already left to head back to the Redwing kingdom. He was one of the guards but there was a bit of a problem."

"A problem you say?" Alexander chimed in. The others believed it, because they couldn't imagine why the Redwings wouldn't use such a strong warrior, but the emperor made sure that his guards would tell him of when certain individuals entered and left the city, and there was no record that a lot of people had come in but not left.

They were hiding this mysterious warrior for a reason, maybe a trump card perhaps? But Alexander didn't worry about that.

"Yes," Sylvia replied. "Speaking of problems, I heard the empire are having one of late. I heard there was a strange facility where shadow beasts were roaming around. At least that's what the rumors say."

"Shadow beasts!" One of the contenders said in shock. They started to speak to each other about their warriors. The last place they expected the shadow to turn up was here in the empire, the furthest place from the shadow continent and at the same time one of the strongest forces.

It started to make them wonder, were the shadows planning an attack, or was it something else?

Slyvia's brother standing opposite thought this was a sly tactic to use. He was unable to say anything as he had brought it to the attention of the empire. They had told him to keep it a secret. Claiming it was nothing and the other kingdoms didn't need to worry about.

The only thing he worried about was if his sister was putting a big target on her back.

"Is Ray strong enough to protect her?' He thought. This was always his biggest worry.

"I'll be honest with you, I have heard of no such rumours." Alexander replied. "And most likely they are just that. Rumours. They are always trying to bring the great empire down. Perhaps they just hold a grudge."

Hearing this, now the other kingdoms thought that Slyvia had simply lied, something to scare them and also to worry the other kingdoms. They knew about the bad history, so it made sense for Slyvia to slander them with words.

A battle of wits and words was something Ray did not want to get into.

"It matters not." Ray said standing up.

"Sit down you ungrateful ..!" A guard started to shout at Ray, but Alexander raised his hands.

Ray didn't realise what he had just done by standing up and getting ready to leave the room before the emperor. It was considered rude. Back at the Redwings Ray did this all the time, but it didn't matter back then, for he was considered king.

The others didn't know if Ray was brave or stupid.

"Rumours or not, the Redwing goal is simple." Ray said. "We will exterminate the shadow." Walking towards the door, two guards stood in his path and blocked his way.

"Move!" Ray said as he lifted both his hands.

'Is he going to attack the Empire's men? Here, in front of the emperor, it will start a war!' The others thought.

"Let him go." Alexander said and before Ray could grab them, they moved to the side allowing him to pass.

"Remember what I said before." Ray said with his hand on the handle. "We will exterminate the shadow, and that includes those working with them, whoever they are."

With that Ray and the others left their room to stay in the palace for the night.

Alexander looked calm, he lifted up a glass of wine and started sipping from it. They had expected anger after hearing those words. After all, it was clear what Ray had said was a threat. If the empire were working with them, they would not shy away from a fight.

Suddenly, the glass in his hand had smashed and it had cut his hand. josei

"Sir, are you okay." One of the guards game running over.

His hands were shaking. "That fool, a simple death is not enough for someone like him. Dari, make sure you deal with him in the arena."

"Of course." Dari said.

After leaving the room, they all let out a big sigh of relief. The tension was high in there and they were worried, worried that Ray was going to do something.

"Ray you nearly choked those people didn't you!" Syvia said, complaining.

"What about you Slyvia?" Martha said, "How could you bring up the incident? What if they link it back to us, now that we know about it."

Both Ray and Sylvia gritted their teeth and at the same time they said. "I don't know but it was just something about that guy. He just annoyed me."

The group started to laugh together.

The next day had arrived, and it was finally time for the first day of the All kingdom tournament.


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