My Dragon System

Chapter 464

Chapter 464: Sera bleeds!

Chapter 464: Sera bleeds!

No one ever thought they would see these three men working together rather than competing against each other. Still, in a way, it showed everyone just how dangerous the threat was in front of them.

If it was something that could have easily been dealt with, then the three of them wouldn't have been going out together like they were doing now. The first one to go forward out of everyone was Sera. He held his spear tightly and charged forward.

Ray was about to do the same, waiting for him to make the first strike and then he could follow up dealing a big blow, but Roki had stopped him placing his sword down in front. The two of them stopped, and Sera was going in on his own.

"If the two of them take out each other here, then it will be a thorn in our backside taken out for the future," Roki said. "trust me, that man is someone who will be best taken out now."

There was no hesitation as Sera started off with a stab. Before it could reach the ant-man, the spear was thrust forward with one of his hands it had grabbed the spear. As soon as this happened, Sera spun his body along with the spear creating a quick rotation, and the head of the spear had managed to shred the ant's hand causing small cuts.

As soon as the ant had let go, Sera charged forward again thrusting in different spots. However, this time, the ant allowed the spear to hit its body, and when it did, the spear started to bend in the middle. It was made out of an advanced tier beast crystal and strong metal.

The bending of such a metal would have been hard to do, but it just went to show, one, how strong Sera's attack was but, two, how much stronger the ant's natural skin was as well. The weapons they were using were not strong enough.

If this was a level above an emperor tier, that would mean it was at the legendary tier. If it was infected by the shadow, it would make it a Demi god in terms of fighting power. Which meant it had the same strength as the Wyvern that protected Avrion that one time.

It was crazy to imagine, the only plus side was its body would still be at the legendary level. Unfortunately, that meant the only weapon that could deal damage to it, would be the emperor tier weapon that Roki held or magic that was insanely strong.

Seeing his weapon brake, Sera came to the same conclusion. "Roki sword!" Sera shouted with his hand held out. Not once did Sera even turn back. He was expecting it to be in his hand at any moment now.

However, it never came, and instead, the ant shadow had moved forward and delivered three punches at the same time throwing Sera off to the side. When his fists had hit, he heard his bones inside his body shatters. When he finally had crashed into the hall. His arms and hands were crushed, his body mangled with his arms and legs in places they shouldn't have been.

Seeing Sera get hit aside like that, made Jones and Svanan lose a bit of hope. They knew how strong he was, even if the crowd didn't.

Now the ant was looking towards Roki and Ray.

"Do you want the sword?" Roki asked.

"No, it's useless in my hands" Ray replied. "It's all down to you."

If it was a fight before Ray had learned of Mana Drain effects, Ray would have fought him differently from the start. He would have created multiple clones of himself while replenishing his mana, hoping to overwhelm the ant.

But he had promised he would never use that skill on his own people again. If he could hold the ant, that was a different story.

'You ugly beast!" Ray shouted. "If I was me before you wouldn't be looking at me like that."

"ARGHHHHHH!" A yell from the side was heard.

Before they had even engaged, it looked like Sera was up again. His mangled body had healed itself in that short amount of time, his shattered bones no longer broken, and he was standing perfectly fine on his two feet.

It didn't even look like he had gotten into a fight, the only difference there was a little red coming from under his nose. He whipped his hand underneath, and he could see a blood smear on his fingers.

His head started vibrating, his whole body was shaken with anger.

'Blood, my…blood.'

A sight he hadn't seen in a while, it had set him off. josei

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you and all of the shadow!' Sera shouted.

A strange energy was felt around the two of them in the ring, and a notification screen appeared.

[You are receiving a buff from the god of war.]

[Overall strength has increased by ten percent]

[Weapon mastery has increased]

[Weak point view now can be seen]

There was no question about where this was coming from. These buffs were because of Sera. Ray's own eyes were now glowing a slight golden colour, and when he looked at Roki, the same could be seen there. It looked like Roki was receiving the same buff's as well.

Ray started to think about what Roki had said early, that his true strength was when he was on the battlefield. Somehow he was able to lead his troops to Victory in fights they should have lost. Was this one of the reasons why? It was a skill similar to Ray's dragon roar, only it seemed to be better.

When Ray looked at the ant creature in front of him, he could see all sorts of colours from Red to brown. They were more colours in between these two colours all over the ant's body.

"It's the ant's weak points," Roki said. "I don't know how it works, but Roki allows us to see the ants weakest parts, the redder the area is, that's where you want to aim."

When looking at the ant through, there didn't seem to be a weak point on its body. There was only one red area. The eyes. Everything else was dark brown over it, with the mixture of colours underneath.

It was as if the ant was wearing beast gear itself, but it was just its natural hard exterior body.

Sera started to laugh like crazy's and Alexander, the emperor, looked concerned, looking down at them.

"Sir, let's get out of her, we need to get you to safety." One of his guards said.

Before agreeing to go with them, Alexander looked down at Sera one more time.

"You crazy monster, you better get rid of that thing," Alexander said. "If you can't do something like this, then all the trouble I went through to keep you here would have been pointless."

Alexander was trying to remember all of the things that Sera had done. Alexander wanted to become emperor, he had the drive for it, and in some ways the smarts in how to run the place. The problem was he wasn't ruthless enough to do the dark things to get to where he wanted to be. He had always tried to win the seats fairly.

That was until he had met Sera. He was a man who loved conflict, not just to do with fighting, but a conflict of any kind.

One would think that based on Sera's personality he had obtained the seats by threatening the other leaders, perhaps told them he would kill them if they didn't vote for Alexander, but he went beyond what he needed to.

He somehow made their own families, wives, children turn against them. Fights started to break out within their own parties. Some of thier closest friends tried to murder them. Seeing all of these things happen, pleased Sera somehow. Eventually, he had helped Alexander get to where he was today.

But when that had ended, Sera's boredom grew, with no target to ignite fighting and conflict, he started to affect even Alexander's own people. Straight away when strange things were happening in his household that couldn't be explained by human means, he knew it was him.

To keep him in check, Alexander often had to send Sera out on the battlefield to satisfy his lust. It was something he should have gotten rid off a long time ago but never had the chance. Now he was stuck with this devil on his shoulder.

This led to Alexander's obsession, if he was to find the item, the item that allowed them to take over entire kingdoms of the past. Then it would be a power perhaps equal to rival Sera. No longer did they need to rely on him, and if he tried to turn against them, they could fight back.

Running faster then he had before, Sera charged into the ant once again and on his way, he had taken the king tier long sword that Roki carried.

A few clashes were made against the ant, but still, there wasn't a single scratch. Sera fared better this time, but it was only about five seconds until he was hit and sent flying again.

"Roki, it looks like were going to have to join this fight after all," Ray said.


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