My Dragon System

Chapter 480

Chapter 480: Why me?

Chapter 480: Why me?

When Harry entered the room and set his eyes on both Monk and Gary, it looked like he was looking at two completely different people. They were no longer the students who he had attended the academy with, they carried the air around them like that of royalty and the equipment they wore reinforced this.

Carefully crafted and made of high quality beast crystal, it would have to be at least king tier gear the both of them were wearing, maybe even higher. At first Harry thought that maybe Monk had a fate similar to himself where he had been captured and had decided to work on their side as a spy of sorts. But when looking into his eyes he looked possessed.

In fact, if he was to compare the two of them side by side, Gary's eyes were the ones that still looked human, they had colour in them, while Monk's had been completely lost.

'Is this the power of the demon possessing the Dragon hammer? Is it too late to bring them back and save them?' Harry thought clenching his fist, maybe there was still hope for one of them.

"It has been a long time Harry." Gary said. "Welcome to the Lion's mouth, I was hoping we would have one more join us but it seems no one is aware of his whereabouts."

'Is he referring to Ray? Maybe the theory of the two shadows not working together were true after all, or it means that Ray wasn't defeated by the shadow ant and is still alive out there somewhere.'

"Monk, Martha would be disappointed to see what you have become." Harry said.

By mentioning possibly the one who was closest to him at one point, Harry wanted to see if he was truly a lost cause.

"Perhaps," Monk replied, "But whether she is pleased or not is none of my concern. Besides, look at all of this here, now I am second in command of such a large army."

Hearing this greatly disappointed Harry. Either Monk was a first class actor or he truly was beyond saving now. Every so often, Harry noticed that Monk would stare at the gauntlet that covered Gary's arm as if he was possessed. josei

'So why did you bring me here?" Harry asked.

"I believe my men have already answered that question for you, or you are not smart enough to figure that out?" Gary replied. "I want you to join us of course. You are strong Harry, far stronger than Avrion takes credit for and maybe even yourself, here you would be able to grow."

Harry was starting to wonder if they really did just want him to go other to his side after all. Did Gary really mobilise such units just for him? It didn't make any sense. In the Divine beings vision Harry never played an important role in any of this.

"Is that why you sent those creatures after me?" Harry said almost sarcastically, as it seemed Gary actually wanted him dead.

"I knew you would survive, if you couldn't survive that then what was the point of me trying to recruit you? Many people will die in this war Harry, and I don't want you to be one of them."

"What about Ray?" Harry asked. If he couldn't get through to Monk who he originally thought would be the easier of the two, then maybe there was some of Gary left inside of this person. "How would he feel about all of this, seeing you on the other side going against the people he promised to protect? He at one point wanted to protect you two as well, he still does feel this way."

"Then where is Ray!" Gary shouted in anger and his eyes glowed, his gauntlet seemed to be reacting as the gauntlets crystals started to slightly glow. After calming down, Gary continued to speak. Monk smiled seeing the gauntlet's power. "Ray was the reason for all of this, if it wasn't for him trying to look for the Dragon hammer in the first place then I would have never seeked out its power."

"What are you talking about, don't you remember Gary? That gauntlet attached itself to you. At one point you were willing to do anything for Ray, so much so that you risked your own life to try and help Ray by removing the gauntlet off that strange man and the power latched on to you. You never seeked out its powers."

For a second, Gary stopped and hesitated, as if he was trying to recall the events. What happened in his head and what Harry had told him seemed to be two different things. "Lies, I remember exactly what I had done. After removing the hammer from the man, I picked it up and allowed it to attach to me."

It was harder for Harry to make his case to Gary, for he wasn't there at the time and the only thing he could go on was based on what he had been told. But he was sure that what Jack had said was true, and that was the reason why Gary had just hesitated seconds ago. Somewhere the real Gary was still inside.

"I think you have my answer Gary." Harry said. "I refuse to join you. My loyalty lies with Ray and not just him, but you, Gary, and Monk as well. The real Gary and Monk are the ones who had saved Avrion that day from the evil that was brewing within. Those are the people I serve. If you wish to kill me, then so be it."

"Oh, I will not kill you Harry. For I know you will come to our side eventually just like your father did. You see, the gauntlet has already told me you will. It will be Monk and Ray as my left and right hand men."

At that point, Harry understood what had happened. Maybe Gary hadn't noticed it but there had been a slip up with names. He didn't say Monk and Harry, he said Ray. This whole time, even while possessed by the demon, the real Gary just wanted Ray back by his side like the good old days.

He was never after Harry, perhaps he had even gone searching for Ray but could never find Ray, and now he was using him as a cheap substitute.

"I'm not the main character in this story after all." Harry mumbled. "I'm sorry but what you wish won't come true. Ray will never be by your side. Not unless you return to us." Harry said.

Gary's blood started to boil and rage from within. He wanted to do something, lash out to get rid of this rage, but he could hurt Harry if he didn't control himself. He would seem simply childish if he lashed out after losing this argument of his.

Turning his head, he saw a forger close to him banging away. He walked up to the large man and with the demon gauntlet he picked him up by the neck as if he weighed at all.

"Look at this, look at this power I now possess. All of these lives belong to me. They mean nothing to me and I can do as I wish with them all."

"Kill him." Monk said.

"If you think this is a way for you to get me to come to your side, then you are wrong." Harry said. "Do you kill innocent people as well? Soon even your own army will turn on you if you do that."

"Kill him!" Monk said again.

Gary's grip appeared to tighten and the man was struggling to breathe. The other workers tried their best to ignore it, but it was hard when they could see their fellow man being held up and struggling to breath.

This was not a leader they wanted to follow. Morfran the dark guild leader would have never done things like this, he was still human and cared for his people greatly. But this young boy, Gary, was just a demon in human skin.

"Stop!" Harry shouted, running forward, there were no weapons in his hand, and Monk seeing this, went in for a strike with his dagger, but Harry ducked underneath it with ease.

"Monk, you would have become far stronger if you stayed at Avrion. You have no idea what we have been through!" Harry shouted now having reached Gary. With his full weight, he had marched into Gary causing him to drop the man to the floor.

But seconds after Monk had his dagger drawn and was ready to slice Harry's throat.

"You think I'm weak huh!" Monk shouted. "Let's see you say that again with your throat ripped out."

But before the dagger could reach, Gary had stopped it, grabbing it with the gauntlet hand. "Do not kill him." Gary said. "He needs to see the truth and he will join our side. Tomorrow, the Redwing army will be upon us, and I want you to watch us win this war, as I do so without even losing a single soldier.


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