My Dragon System

Chapter 511

Chapter 511: Falling into the past

Chapter 511: Falling into the past

When the white light hit Ray, it felt like he couldn't move as the energy was being drained out of him. Trying to counter the force, he tried his best to resist and push through the pain. Eventually, this caused him to be pushed back until he fell off from the giant tree.

Falling off, he had entered the snowy lands down below as the giant tree was acting as a border between the jungle and the snowy mountains. Ray, feeling hurt and tired, felt like if he fell from this height there was a good chance that he would seriously injure himself.

Trying to do whatever he could, he canceled the transformation spell and his dragon-like features were on full display. From his body was a small red tail and what he really wanted, a pair of red wings.

Using what strength he had, he tried to flap them.

'Come on, work you useless things, you once were able to carry the weight of a whole dragon, are you saying now you can't carry this human body?'

Eventually the wings were able to move, but as for keeping him afloat, it didn't do much as he continued to fall. However, his wings were allowing him to glide in the air and was slowing him down. Although he couldn't use them to fly back up, it did slow him so that the impact would be less great.

'At least it looks like I won't be dying.' Ray thought. 'Maybe there is something else I can still do.'

Thinking of a way to get back to the others, Ray wanted to use his teleport skill. All he needed to do was elect a member of the Redwings and he would be able to teleport towards them. When trying to open his system though, for the first time it looked different.



The system screen was distorting in and out, Ray thought that perhaps it was like the times before when he couldn't use his abilities. Upon firing out a fire ball and using his dragon eyes, they seemed to be completely fine. The only thing that wasn't working was the system menu.

'Was it from the white stone attack, did it mess up my system, or is it from something else?'

While in the middle of his thoughts and unfocused, Ray's body had entered the snowy territory and a huge snow storm had emerged with great strength. The wind was so powerful it had managed to sweep Ray away from where he was falling.

'Where is this taking me? If it carries on, then it will be far away from the others.' Gripping his hand, he felt like his strength was gathering but it still wasn't enough to fly against the flow of the snow storm.

'I will just have to trust the others, wherever this takes me, it takes me!' Ray thought. josei

Soon the snowstorm got worse and Ray couldn't even see using his normal vision. He only realised he had hit the soft snow when he went tumbling and skidding across the ground. With his strength coming back he managed to reposition himself, but it didn't help much.

He bounced across the snow, each time getting more covered until eventually his whole body was sunk into the deep snow.

A few seconds later and the snow around where Ray had landed had started to melt. He could be seen standing up with his gauntlets glowing red from heat. The snow that went up to Ray's waist had now completely melted within a meter radius of him.

"My powers still work which is good." Ray said, but then he started to turn his head in every direction. "The problem is, where am I?"

Attempting to open up his system again, the screen was now barely visible. It flickered for a few seconds before closing again, not allowing him to even send messages to the others.

'Is it possible that something has happened to Bliss?' There was no way for Ray to ever check this in the first place.

"Those idiots!" Ray shouted out of anger. "How can those two fight like that at such an important time? No, maybe I shouldn't blame them. Perhaps being in the shadow continent too long has caused their minds to be affected more by the shadow."

Ray looked down and could see the land underneath the snow was still covered by the shadow, at least he was still on the shadow continent and he couldn't imagine himself having gone too far from where the others were.

"Well, far enough for me not to be able to see the jungle area, I don't even know which direction to go in."

Knowing how far out they were and with the system being down, Ray knew the others wouldn't be coming for him.

'They should focus on the task at hand, for some reason I have a feeling that Monk and his group won't chase the others away or start a fight, even if I'm not there, but it's better to be safe. While I'm away, Jack you are the only one that I can rely on for now.'

Walking through the snow, Ray really had no choice but to just head in a random direction. Eventually he had decided to go in the direction the snow storm was heading, just because it was easy to go with it rather than fight against it.

Soon the snow storm seemed to be dying down.

'I've been walking for a while now, but I still haven't seen anything I can recognise, maybe I should head the other way.'

Just when Ray thought this, off in the distance he saw two mountains close to each other. The gap between them seemed to make the perfect V and for some reason he seemed to recognise it.

'Why would I recognise a place in the shadow continent and from so far away?'

Going towards the mountains, he soon saw human structures, buildings that had been destroyed. It looked like a grand battle had taken place here, but it wasn't recently. Ray continued to walk forward faster than before, until he eventually came across a large castle with part of its wall crumbled.

Ray was left with his mouth wide open as he finally remembered the place.

"This, this is the place where me and the Divine Being had our battle."


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