My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem

Chapter 827

Chapter 827

No sooner did we make it through the Portal than it collapsed. Well, the dungeon was already collapsing, and the only thing that was keeping it standing was my own blessing. The second I left, it must have popped like a bubble. To think, an entire world was gone just like that. It left me feeling complicated, and perhaps even more confused about the nature of dungeons and worlds than ever before.

Taking a deep breath, I surveyed the world around me. It was then that I froze, my eyes nearly popping out of my head. I would have sworn I was dreaming, but Carmine was standing beside me in her armor, and Garnet and Bernice were looking around in wide-eyed wonder.

“What is this place?” Bernice sputtered.

“Master? I think you took us to the wrong world,” Carmine said.

“I did.” I responded with a dry throat.

“Wow… what kind of people live here? They’re able to build things so tall!” Garnet cried out excitedly.

Beep Beep! The group of us were standing in the middle of a street, and a car pulled up and honked it’s horn as Garnet was staring up. She jumped at the beep, but as she moved out of the way of the vehicle, she looked it up and down excitedly.

“Did you see that? It’s a machine! There’s a man inside controlling it! It’s like the machines the Deep Dwarves used to make.”

“I… imagine.” I responded bitterly.

It wasn’t a busy street, but we were drawing eyes. I brought everyone to the side. However, they saw a television. All three girls stared in awe at the strange device. It was, ironically, showing a fantasy movie containing a knight fighting a dragon.

“Master… I’m confused. Where is this place? I thought you were going to take us home.” Carmine asked.

“I did.” I responded weakly. “I just… didn’t concentrate enough on which home.”

As I spoke, I sat down on a bench on the side of the road.

“Which home?” Carmine blinked.

“I made it. Like that, huh?” I was speaking to myself now. I felt tears welling in my eyes, but the feelings inside me weren’t pure happiness. I felt extremely complicated emotions at that moment.

“What are you saying, Master?”

“It’s home.” I said. “It’s my world. We’re on Earth.”

“This is where Master came from?” Carmine’s eyes brightened slightly.

“Yeah… this is where I came from. I mean… not this city. I don’t know where we are… however, it’s Earth alright.”

“But… this is good, right?” Carmine gave me a concerned look.

I looked up at her and forced a smile on my face. “Yeah… it is.”

“Well, it isn’t for me! I want to return to Aberis!” Bernice snapped angrily.

“Let me try again,” I responded, standing up and starting the spell again.

{Interdimensional travel can only be used once per week.}

“We’re going to have to wait a week.” I shrugged.

“Y-you!” Bernice pouted.

“It’s fine. We can spend a week in Master’s world. And from now on, you can live in both worlds, right?”  Garnet responded encouragingly.

“Yeah… we can.”

I managed to find a pawn shop, and given how many treasures we had, it wasn’t difficult to get a thousand or so. I also figured out where we were. I’d need to order plane tickets to get home. I had considered opening up my Map. To my surprise, the city was being mapped out in front of me. I then borrowed a US map, but like the other world, without in-depth detail of having been there, it doesn’t work. I had even thought google maps with satellite pictures might be enough, but I still wasn’t able to Portal home.josei

Thus, we got a hotel for the night, with a flight the next day. I had considered picking up the phone and calling, but every time I picked it up, I found myself unable to dial. What would I say? I was sitting in my hotel room, separated from the girls, as insisted by Bernice. One would think it was the battle for my life, the Demon King, and the dungeon collapsing that exhausted me, but the few hours since I had been back in this world was considerably more tiring than all of that combined.

There was a light tap on my door. “Come in.”

The door opened and in stepped Carmine. She was wearing a sexy nightgown, which immediately caught my eyes. I had bought all of the girls extra clothing to wear for the week we were here. I couldn’t have them walking around in armor and cloaks. As for this piece, I didn’t remember getting it for her, but I had given them all some spending money. It wasn’t surprising that Carmine spent hers as soon as she got it, but this seemed like more of a gift for me.


“Master…” She responded, blushing.

“What are you doing?”

“Master… I know you don’t like to go to bed alone. Perhaps… I could keep you company.”

“This is… because of the princess?”

She shook her head. “No… I mean, it is, but not in the way you think.”

I raised an eyebrow.

She bit her lip, the usually cool and confident Paladin suddenly looking uncertain. “I… thought I’d be alone. When my village was destroyed, and I lost my sister… I always saw my life as a lonely one. I suppose that’s why I always filled my life with stuff because stuff could be replaced. Stuff could never leave you.”

“Carmine…” She raised her hand, stopping me.

“When I was taken, I was lost for so long. But then… Master appeared. You found me and pulled me from that fog. I realized that no matter what happens, you will always be my shining light. In the past, I always knew I owed you. I loved you as my Master and would do anything for you. I have done… many things for you.” She blushed. “B-but now… I don’t want to continue as just a slave who wants to please her Master… rather… I mean… I want you… as a woman.”

I sat up, grabbed her, and kissed her. She didn’t need to say anymore. Gently picking her up, I lay her down in my bed. She looked so beautiful in that nightgown, regrettably, she didn’t wear it for long.

This is the end of Volume 10 for My Dungeon Life (other than the 1/2 chapter next). The eBook is currently available for sale in my store, Amazon, and Smashwords.

Please support the continued release!

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