My Enchanting System

Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Even though she was surprised by the sheer amount of wealth in front of her. Mei quickly got back to her senses and teleported everything to the maze.

“That was a chore, what now? Should we go back the same way?” Mei stared at them asking if she should teleport them as well.

“I hope that was the case, but we seem to have company,” Chad said cracking his neck.

“They have been sneaking around like ants around the house for a while now. Probably we should visit them?” Zaleria licked her teeth, to her humans like that were no more than a light meal.

Mei quickly looked up and focused, she still couldn’t feel anything. Were they hiding so well that only Zaleria and Chad could feel them?

“Could they be just normal people?” Mei asked with a worried face.

“No regular people could hide like this!” Zaleria growled as her eyes flashed red.

“I agree, even adventurers find it hard to reach such a level of skills.” Chad walked toward the door and took a deep breath, “I smell trouble!” He said.

“You mean the scent of blood and rot? They definitely reek of trouble then!” Zaleria patted Chad on the back. This man could probably be the dragon of humans, who would have such a sharp sense of smell besides dragons.

“I will go first, you two follow me after a while,” Mei said as flexed her arms.

“Fine, but why is that?” Chad asked as it seemed weird for him to wait without a valid reason.

“Well, we’ve been craving blood for a while now. Isn’t that right girls?” Mei’s eyes glowed green as she said that. Tens of other fairies appeared beside her and replied “Yeah!”

Just like a swarm of butterflies, Mei and her army flew outside.

…”Boss, the place looks quiet. It’s been more than half an hour.” A man standing outside the house whispered.

“Our men are surrounding the place, they shouldn’t be able to run away. The dragon is nowhere to be seen so we should be able to kill the mage with numbers.” The boss replied to his underline.

“HEAR YE HEAR YE!” They heard the sharp voice of a woman call them from inside the house.josei

All the men stared at the house, who was that? It didn’t sound like any of the women living there and it surely didn’t seem like the voice of the black-haired woman they saw.

“We the royal army of his lordship Cain, led by my supremacy. The future titania! We order you to surrender before we swear on blood!” The pixies swarmed from inside the house like a couple of butterflies and lined up in formation.

“Who are those?” One of the men gasped. Humans rarely interacted with pixie so seeing such a large amount of them was shocking.

“Money, I have never seen a large amount of them. We hit the jackpot!” The boss laughed, “That mage must have summoned them to fight us. What a stupid decision. Make sure not to damage their wings!”

Mei heard him and her face went sore, a clear frown of scorn and disgust adorned her face. “Now this has become a personal matter, forget surrendering, today you die!” Mei growled and the pixies started hitting the drums.

“Singing, death, in the depth of the forest…Dead from the wounds of a thousand injuries. Cry and scream just like how brought on us misery!” The pixies started chanting in deep voices.

The men took a step back, for some reason those small flies were emitting so much killing intent that it was disgusting.

“The pixies who got caught were mostly children who strayed away from the pack, It’s a common occurrence as we are curious creatures.” Mei growled, “Most of my girls have lost a child or two to the like of you, they won’t stay silent when you’re standing in front of them!”

The men pulled their blades, “What do you think you can do then? A single hit and you’re dead!” The boss growled and his men started laughing. All the pixies were no more than one foot tall and looked fragile.

“You only hunted children, what flies here before you is the royal army. Die by a thousand move!” The Pixies swarmed at them with a rumbling roar.

One of the men rushed ahead and swung his sword with a smug smile. With this many of them, he was bound to kill one or two.

Swosh! He hit nothing, all the pixies skillfully dodged his sword and swarmed at him. Each of them was carrying a two-inch-long blade or a foot-tall spear. Impaling the man over and over, even though he was wearing armor, they could find the tiniest of crevices to stick their blades in.

Impaling the eyes, the nose the mouth, the armpit, the crotch, ears, and joints. Where ever they found a soft spot they stuck their blades.

“GRAW!” As the man tried to scream, the pixies impaled the inside of his mouth and throat.

“Let me handle them!” One of them pointed at the pixie with his staff. They were like a swarm of giant wasps, fighting them directly is a death sentence. [Fireball]

[Wall of Water] A giant wall of water emerged from the ground and blocked the fireball. “Are you an idiot? We also can use magic, probably better than you!” Mei who blocked their attack smiled flicking her finger.

Flash! Tens of fireballs appeared in the air, “We have a magic division, they are quite skillful!”

When the men looked closely, A pixie stood behind each fireball, they were mages as well.

It was then when the men decided to retreat, this wasn’t what they expected to face. They came prepared for a single mage and not a couple of dozens of them.

As they turned around, they found themselves surrounded.

“Fireball and fire magic are forbidden in the forest, but here I don’t see any trees around. Girls feel free to go all out!” Mei yelled so they can hear her.

As fire rained down, the remaining pixies charged in shredding everyone that come into their sight.

“Ah! Before I forget, let one or two be alive. I bet we need to ask what are they doing here!” Mei called her pixies with a smile.

“No way!” the pixies cried in disappointment, they were thrilled to fight people who hurt their children but now they had to spare some.

“I will let you kill them if they survived the interrogation so don’t give me those faces,” Mei said with an exhausted face. Despite how cute those pixies looked, they were quite ruthless when it turned personal.

Mei then watched them finish the remaining men. Comforted in the sun’s glow.

“Brave you may be, and you think you’re smart enough. Come have a go if your think you’re tough enough. You brought upon us misery so die from the wounds of a thousand injuries!” She started singing along the men screamed.

She came out just to see who was that Zaleria and Chad felt, she didn’t expect them to be people who hunted pixies before. This long annoying trip was already worth it for her.

In the end, the pixies left two men for Mei.

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