My Enchanting System

Chapter 325 - Back To The Elvish Kingdom.

Chapter 325 - Back To The Elvish Kingdom.

“Cain!” Chad flew toward Cain and Sylph when his cage opened.

“Hush! He is fast asleep, we mustn’t wake him up. I did use special magic to seal what caused him to rampage so he will be fine.” Sylph said with a faint smile, her fingers combing Cain’s hair.

“Seal?” Zaleria flew in.

“It’s was I arrived a bit late, I had to knock him down and then seal it so he will again his sanity,” Sylph replied.

“I meant what was the thing you sealed, don’t pretend you didn’t understand what I meant,” Zaleria growled at her.

“Fiery temper we have, don’t we? Miss red. I don’t have the right to explain everything, only he can. What I can tell you is that it’s the fault of your multi-winged king.” Sylph replied.

“Can you stop with the cryptic talk? What, who, and how. Speak up!” Chad stood tall beside her, he knew he had no chance of winning against her but he still dare to challenge her.

Sylph stared at him with a smug smile, he knew he was as crazy as his son. In their past life, sylph lived after Cain died for a few minutes before her memories got transported. She had seen what happened after.

After Cain was killed at the hands of the dragon king before he could ascend, Chad was watching at the time. Seeing his son die in front of his eyes caused him to snap. The will of humanity, the race which AO himself created. Chad even though Chad in that time didn’t evolve past level 20. Sylph clearly remembers seeing him swinging the dragon king like a ragdoll. Chad’s body and existence seemed to defy reality as if he was made of an unknown matter.

She mustn’t underestimate Chad no matter how weak he looked, she wouldn’t make the same mistake the dragon king made and underestimate him.

Sylph sighed, “Cain has two souls inside him, one is his own and the second one is an artificial soul that the dragon king created. It can cause Cain to go insane and rampage like you’ve just seen. Just ask Cain for details later, he knows more than me.” In reality, Sylph knew just as much as Cain did. She just wanted to leave the decision of how much to say to Cain.

“I know that he was doing some experiments on humans, but I never thought Cain could have crossed paths with him.” Zaleria stared at Sylph with a questioning eye.

“It’s complicated,” Sylph replied.

“Doesn’t matter, explain it as best as you can!” Zaleria sat down.

Sylph sighed, those need to hear it straight and clear, “I won’t, I know and I can explain but I won’t. That is because I don’t know if Cain will be happy with me talking or not.”

“So you won’t speak?” Chad glared at her. She could see him getting ready to kick her head off.

“You better wait for him to wake up, otherwise you will end up with an angry son.” Sylph looked at Cain. She knew that the thing that Chad cared about the most was Cain. That was the case in their past life thought, she wasn’t sure how things have developed in this life.

“Fine.” Chad dropped himself to the ground sitting with a THUD!

“Should I dispel, the plane? It still has about two-thirds of an hour.” Zaleria touched the ground. This was a magically created demi-plane that was engraved on the scroll. Similar to that the beast god used to trap the earth dragon, this however was much weaker. Cain couldn’t simply break because of two reasons, he was half insane and the spell was harder to creak from the inside.

“Wait for a few minutes, if this place got dispelled I will get sent back to the elvish kingdom!” Sylph said, quickly taking the time to explain how she got here.

When she sensed Cain rampaging, she hurried to prepare the magic she needed and then used [Yggdrasil Roots] to teleport directly toward Cain. That was possible since they were in a demi-plane which was a magical place. Yggdrasil has the ability to extend her roots to any place in the multiverse, it was the ability that the dragons desired to rob from the elves.

That meant she will be sent back to the elvish kingdom if this place was closed. She wanted to spend more time with Cain even if he was asleep.

Sylph, Chad, and Zaleria patiently waited for Cain to wake up. Sadly the entire hour went without him waking and the demi-plane automatically closed.

Sylph found herself sitting in her room with an empty feeling in her heart and stomach. Such a good chance wasted. She slowly rose up and smiled. Seeing Cain again was enough.

Knock, Knock! “You highness, the dark elves champion, Eilistraee’s maiden have come for the negotiation.”

“Negotiation? I believe I said that we will help them fend off the mind flayers in exchange for them helping us fend off the dragons, it’s that simple right?” Sylph walked toward the door.

“They are dark elves…” The messenger quickly closed her mouth. Making fun of the dark elves was a sure way to having Sylph behead you.

“I will ignore that comment this time, I know the hatred between us is ancient. But the dragons take priority!” Sylph said calmly.

The dark elves, were high elves in the past. That was until they attempt to burn Yggdrassil. The world tree didn’t take kindly to that and burned them instead, that the reason their skin resemble ash and coal.

The messenger gulped down and decided to keep reporting, “Eilistraee’s maiden name is…Eilistraee? Sorry but there seems to be a mistake…”

“There is no mistake, her name is Eilistraee. I know it’s strange but put up with it.” Sylph already knew the woman, Eilistraee was no joke.

“Isn’t that blasphemy? Taking the name of a god?” The messenger asked with a worried face. That only reinforced her idea about the dark elves.

“Not when it’s her, let’s get moving.”

Quickly after, at the round table of the elves. A meeting was held between the dark elves, the wood elves, the high elves, and the half-elves. Eilistraee represented the dark elves, Sylph represented the high elves, Varis represented the wood elves and Lilia represented the half-elves.

“Beautiful lady, care for a drink afterward? I brought the finest of wine with me!” Varis approached Eilistraee with a charming smile, gently trying to kiss her hand. Varis was an archer that protects his people, his hair was long and brownish golden. His eyes were emerald green and always had a charming smile on his face.

Ting! As if nothing happened, Eilistraee slit his lip and ear causing his earring to fly across the room. She ignored him and sat on her chair, eyes closed.

“How violent, I was just trying to be a gentleman.” Varis smiled as his wounds healed, his earring quickly flew back to his hand.

Eilistraee was a woman of tall body and slim figure, her skin took the color of grey ash and her eyes glowed purple. Her hair was silver and glowed slightly like the moon on a pitch black night. At her waist, she held a slightly curved silver blade.

“Are ya drunk? She clearly has no interest!” Varis hear a sharp voice from behind him, “What is this four-foot-and-half child doing here?” Varis stared at her.

“Call me Lilia, half-elf, half Halfling. People call me the half…” Lilia burst laughing on her own confusing Varis, She was wearing a mage outfit but didn’t seem like one. Her long red hair was arranged as drills and her eyes had a weird blue glow to them. All of her nails were painted black and her forearms were covered in talismans.

As Lilia was laughing, her body suddenly started floating and slowly spinning. Varis could tell it was a [Fly] spell, but what surprised him is that he felt no magic emitting from the woman.

CLICK! CLACK! Sylph walked in with heavy footsteps, “Welcome to the capital!” She greeted them.

“Where is the king?” Varis said with a serious face.

“Where traitors belong, I wonder where he was meeting with the dragons.” Sylph glared at Varis, the man took a step back.

“Throwing Shade like that from the start…give us a break.” Varis smiled.

“I’m not throwing shade, I’m saying that he met with the dragons in the wood elves’ territory. The deal was to sacrifice me in exchange for the dragons destroying the dark elves for him.” Sylph glared at Varis, she was clearly awaiting an explanation. Even Eilistraee opened an eye and put her hand on her blade.

Hahahaha! Lilia was still laughing merrily as the tension grew and grew.

“Are you sure of that, we have never spotted a dragon in our territory. Aren’t you high elves for blame since it was your king?” Varis yelled at sylph.

Hahaha! Lilia’s laughing became louder.josei

“We already dealt with him, it was now your turn. We want the traitor within you brought to light and punished!” Sylph glared at him. Eilistraee pulled her blade, and for a moment they were about to clash.

THUD! All three of them were pinned to the walls, Only Lilia was laughing and spinning in the air. All of her nails had weird glowing marks on them.

“It’s hilarious seeing you fight among yourselves while the lizards are planning out there.” Lilia laughed her lungs out. All other three floated toward their seats and Lilia sat on the table.

Sylph glared at her, she was strong. Cain did learn magic from Zaleria, the dragons, and the elves. The one who taught him the elves’ magic was this woman Lilia.

Lilia the elvish high archmage, even though she was a half-elf, she was known as the strongest elvish mage to ever exist.

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