My Enchanting System

Chapter 333 Chad meets the fifth wife.

Chapter 333 Chad meets the fifth wife.

Cain woke up at down at Alice shaking him, “We need to grab Marina at Ourals, she should be waiting for us.” Cain stared at her half-awake.

He turned his face around to look at the girls, it was then that his eyes fell on Sofia sleeping with her eyes half closed. For some reason, that face she was making, made him mistake her for bath old lady for a second.

Cain rubbed his eyes, usually, he will just assume it was because he was half-asleep. But Cain had more than 20 Intelligence, it was far likely that his brain picked on something so he should keep this moment in mind.

He stood up and followed Alice to clean his face, they had work, and worrying about what he saw would just hinder them.

Alice woke Sofia and Selena and told them to get ready while they go and pick Marina up. Gracie was already awake, in fact, she was the one who woke Alice up.

The two of them walked downstairs for a quick meal, Gracie and Amaya had already made breakfast. Fried eggs with meat and potato, a whole jug of milk, and yesterday’s bread. They also made some tea since Alice is somewhat addicted to it.

Chad woke up to the smell of meat so Gracie also made him some. To her surprise, he wolfed everything down with big bites, unlike his son who looked like a rabbit munching on carrots. Chad looked more like a lion tearing his prey down.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Chad asked as he saw the look of disappointment in Gracie’s eyes, both he and his son lacked manners but in different ways..

“Nothing, I was just wondering why you aren’t using the knife and fork provided,” Gracie asked. Chad was tearing the bread and using it to grab the meat and eggs and then munch it down in one big bite.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ “They are small, I can’t stand eating with small bites. Also, I prefer using my hands when I can.” Chad replied. He was right since the bites he was taking are impossible to lift with a fork.

“But it’s a bit unclean, don’t you think?” Gracie asked.

Chad looked at her, “I’ve been eating this way my entire life and I never got sick. Don’t we have five fingers to use them to eat?”

“There are a lot of tribes that eat like that in the world, I don’t think it’s that bad,” Cain said with a smile.

“That’s true, I don’t think it’s that bad so let him be. But don’t do it at the marriage’s feast as many nobles would be attending and you might embrace your son.” Alice said as she took a sip from her tea.

“More they will embrace me in front of my father if they ate with forks…Ouch!” Cain wasn’t joking, his father’s ideas mattered to him more than the whole noble cast of Furberg. Alice kicked his knee since realized he wasn’t joking.

“Am I wrong?” Cain cried, “They are coming to the marriage in the hope to build a relationship with me, right? They will be damned if they disrespected our relatives.”

Cain was right, he wasn’t oblivious to his own standing. Those nobles should be the ones serving maids drinks if they wanted a chance.

“Are you sure about that? Political relationships are important.” It was Chad who looked at him.

Do you remember Sylph? That is the elvish high queen, do we need any more political support than that?” Cain asked.josei

“You will be right if we were in the elvish kingdom. She has no influence he in Ruris.” Chad was right, people don’t know he had the elvish queen behind him.

“That’s enough politics, Marina is waiting for us.” Alice stood up after she finished her tea.

With that, Chad and Cain put their conversation on hold as they needed to go.

In Ourals keep, Marina was going back and forth from her bed to her desk. It was the day Cain was coming to take her to the church to start the wedding ceremony. She could not be more nervous, what if she managed to embarrass him? Would he kick her away?

“My lady, please calm down. Lady Alice said that you don’t have to worry.” The maid watching her said in a calm tone.

“But we can’t be for sure, I don’t have to worry if I acted in a good way and didn’t make mistakes. I barely know how to walk properly in a dress!” She cried. Opposite to Cain who didn’t care about noble ethics. Marina was sweating around them, in her eyes, Cain was this majestic, high profile, and dignified image. Just staring at his gleaming blue eyes and flowing white hair made her feel dizzy.

“I believe you’re just overthinking it, my lady.” The maid replied.

Marina shook her head, “But he never came to my chamber, even our meetings were minimal. As if he is disgusted by my lack of manners.”

The maid stared at her, she was right. By this time they expected at least something to have happened. But to this point, their relationship was just talking. It was strange that Cain never laid his hands on Marina let alone get an heir so he can solidify his rule.

“Do you think it’s because I’m really that un-lady-like? His other four wives are gorgeous, far beyond me.” Marina looked sad.

“I don’t think it’s a matter of beauty, I heard that all of his wives are as strong as that shadow maid. He probably values strength more.” The maid replied, not as if it will help ease Marina’s mind.

Marina thought about it for a second, “Tell the librarian to get me some low-tier spell tomes. Also find the finest mage in Ourals, preferably a woman since I don’t want Cain to think I’m cheating.”

“Do you intend on learning magic?” The maid asked.

“If it will draw his attention, then it’s worth a try!” Marina’s eyes glimmered with hope.

The portal opened and Cain walked in on them, he was followed by Alice, Gracie,, and Chad who tagged alone to see the fifth wife.

“How are you doing Marina?” Alice asked her with a smile.

“I-I’m fine…” Marina was stealing a glance at the man who was clearly about seven feet tall. Who is he?

“Who is the gentleman…” Marina asked expecting to hear something along the lines of a bodyguard or a soldier.

“Let me introduce you. This is Chad Lisworth, my father.” Cain said with a big smile on his face.

Chad glared down at the shaking Marina, she is too scrawny. “Are you eating and sleeping well? You look exhausted.” Those were the only words Chad said to her and he was spot on.

Every night Marina either worked to a late hour or waited in her bed hoping for Cain to appear out of nowhere as he does always. As she worked the whole day, she only got a few bites here and there.

After hearing Chad’s words, she felt exposed. Her worst fear has come true, she had managed to displease Cain’s father out of all people.

Her legs felt weak, and her vision blurred. Thud! The stress, anxiety, and fear were too much for her she fell unconscious.

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