My Enchanting System

Chapter 353 [Bonus chapter] In the Black Sea, Standing on the Prow.

Chapter 353 [Bonus chapter] In the Black Sea, Standing on the Prow.

Cain waited in the room thinking about what they are going to do after this. Spending some time with Marina was a must right now, after that they can start heading toward the capital.

To hasten things a bit, he can start traveling and then return to Ourals to spend time with Marina every so often. A day every five days should be enough.

There are two ways he can travel to the capital, the first one was to traditionally take a good old carriage and hit the ground with hooves. The second one was to ride Zaleria to the capital, a highway on a dragon’s back would draw a lot of attention. From dragons that are.

The plan was to head to the capital, then take a boat to the elvish kingdom where he can meet Sylph once again.

Cain looked to the sky, what he hated the most was crossing the sea. It was filled with pirates, monsters, violent storms, and Kraken. He might even leave the girls in the capital and cross it alone and then just teleport them after.

…When Cain looked ahead of him, Diana, Lexi, and Elise were ready.

…Far in the western sea, named the black see for how dark the clouds are when the storms hit. A pirate ship was trying its best to survive such a storm.

CRACKLE! Lightning clapped the massive waves as the captain screamed at the top of his lungs. “Turn west, face the wave head on!”

CRACK! One of the ropes holding the sails snapped and flung around, tearing the head of a poor sailor who was trying to clear the water polling at the desk.

The entire crew groaned as they saw their brother die, “Focus on the wave, or you all will end like him!” The Capitan screamed with his toothless mouth..

The sailors had no choice but to ignore the brother’s corpse being swallowed by the waves as they braced for the massive wave.

The ship groaned like a big trying to release his last meal, its wood cracked under the massive stress as the sailor’s luck run out. CRACKLE! A lightning bolt stroke right in the middle of the ship killing a third of them and knocking the rest deafened.

“STAND! BACK!” The captain screamed as if he wanted to tear his vocal cords yet none seemed to respond. They were too shocked to even hear him. At this rate, the skip is going to sink!

“CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN!” He heard a voice calling him from the sky.

Looking above he could see the poor topless sailor holding for dear life with one hand and holding his scope with one hand as the wet black flag flapped behind his scared back.

“Spit it out!” The captain shouted.

As lightning crackled behind his back the man replied, “I see someone swimming to the west, she seems to be an elvish woman decked in silver armor.” The man shouted with a terrifying voice, the storm was too violent even for their ship.

“Ignore her and focus on the waves you damn idiot, we will sink at this rate!” The captain shouted back at him.

The ship crackled as another wave was about to hit. Finally, some of the sailors started to stand up.

The man ignored the elvish woman, she will soon be eaten by the sea.

“A massive wave to the north, all sailors hold tight!” He yelled.

The captain held to the deck with his sword as the sailors pulled the ropes and the wheel to face the wave. BANG! As their ship was groaning on top of the wave, they heard a loud banging noise underneath, as if they hit something big.

“What was that you useless idiot? How could you have missed a rock? Or was it scraps from another ship?” The captain growled in rage, it was going to take a long time to fix a hole in the ship.

From his post, the man stared down in terror. The dark shadow underneath the ship resembled what lived in his nightmare. All of those serpent-like shadows under the deck and eerie silence.

“Turn the wheel and drop the sails, run at full speed!” The man shouted in terror at the top of his lungs. There was only one thing at that size under the deep sea.

As his screams echoed, a massive tentacle sprung out from the water and grabbed one of the sailors.

“A Kraken!” the captain yelled cursing his bad luck, crossing the wind with a cracked in a storm. A nightmare comes true.

From above, the man stared at his sea brother get dragged into the water. It was then when he saw her again, the elvish woman was still swimming toward the ship even after that massive wave. ‘Is this what took your ship down? What courage and luck are needed to survive as much as you did, can we have some of that luck?’ The man stared at her.

As the saw a tentacle trying to grab another sailor, the man’s heart started to beat fast. ‘Luck come those who see it with actions.’ His mother’s words rang in his head.

“Crows must leave their nests, today I feed the fish!” The man screamed as he grabbed the rope holding the sails with one hand and slashed it with his sword.

As it sprung back, his body swung across the ship with a mighty roar. With a powerful swing, he sliced the monster’s tentacle freeing the sailor and landed on the deck, and run to the tip of the prow.

As the storm raged and the ancient see horror emerged, the sole sailor stood tall with a crazy smile on his face.

“Umberlee, today I feed this big fish.” He screamed as lightning crackled and the ship groaned.

SPLASH! SPLASH! He then heard a weird sound that seems off, when he looked down, that elvish woman has passed their ship and was swimming directly toward the monster.josei

‘She still has a fight in her, and here I was ready to die…’

The man turned around and ran toward the wheel. “Load the canons, we’re taking that thing down with us!” He yelled.

Slash! The captain slashed him in the back, “Stop yelling orders on my ship and know your place, you bastard! We’re retreating as it eats that woman with you!” the captain growled with rage.

The man stood firm, his spine and ribs prevented the slash from reaching his organs. “I do have some backbone, unlike you.” The sailor turned around and punched the captain in the face, sadly all his teeth were already down.

The man grabbed the wheel as his back was bleeding, using all his might to turn it to the left.

Someone has already taken the wheel, and the sailors’ fate is now in Umberlee’s hands. All they could do was follow the man’s orders in the hope they survive and then argue later.

They ground their cracked teeth and started loading the canons. Starting to shoot as soon as they can is the only order they got.

BANG! BANG! As the canons roared under the heavy rain muffled by the thunderclap, the man saw the elvish woman jump straight into the monster’s gaping mouth.

“Shoot!” The man screamed, if it wasn’t for her, he would have stayed in the crow’s nest. The captain would have ordered them to retreat and they would have been killed from behind.

“If we’re to sink today, we will take that thing with us. Scream and chant!” The man yelled and the sailors started to chant and curse at the monster.

Yet, out of nowhere, a shockwave emerged from the monster’s body ait started bleeding. CREEEE! The low screech crossed the sailor’s ears and the monster slowly drowned to the depth of the sea.

“Did we kill it? One of the sailors asked quietly so as to not spark their bad luck.

“The beast is down, let’s get out of here!” The man screamed from behind the wheel, he wasn’t going to wait for the Kraken to emerge again.

“You bastard, I’m to hang your guts on the prow!” The captain stood again with his eyes blood red.

CRACK! CRACK! Suddenly their confrontation was cut short by the sound of someone climbing the ship.

Thud! An elvish woman in full silver heavy armor jumped onto the deck and stared directly at the captain and the crow man.

“It’s that elvish bitch, grab her men!” the captain growled but none of them sailors listened.

They were in a violent storm and there was a Kraken just a few seconds in the water. There was no way in hell they are going to touch a woman who was swimming in heavy armor under such conditions.

“Who’s the leader?” she said in a quiet voice.

“That would be me, want to br…” Before the captain could finish talking, a war hammer appeared in the elvish woman’s hand she swung it at him.

SPLATTER! His organs decorated the deck in an instant. And none of the sailors dared move, they were right she was a monster.

Surprisingly, she simply walked toward the wheel and sat on a wooden box. “Sail east, to the human kingdom. I will kill anyone who opposes.”

The crow man approached her slowly, “Can we get out of the storm first?”

“I’m not much of a sailor, do what you see best, just head to the human kingdom after.” The elvish woman said with a calm tone.

The sailor was giving her a dubious look, she was clearly strong enough to kill them all but he couldn’t feel threatened by her at all.

The man turned toward the crew and yelled, “Set sail and push ahead. We survived a Kraken and we will survive this storm!”

As the crew started to work, the man turned toward the woman to ask her one last thing.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” This was a question that might get him killed, but if she intended that she would have already killed him.

“Farryn Caiqirelle and I’m looking for my new master, a white-haired human with glowing blue eyes.” She replied as she started to clean her Warhammer.

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