My Enchanting System

Chapter 656 Unstoppable Might

Chapter 656 Unstoppable Might

BAM! Chad leapt ahead and sent a punch toward Aledorio.

Aledorio Lifted his sword and blocked it, but it sent him flying back. "This power and explosive strength." He growled, rolling on the ground.

"How could a mere human have such power!" Aledorio screamed, but he remembered the two angels following Chad. "I almost forget, you're not a human."

"I'm a human." Chad took a step forward, "I'm THE human." BAM! Chad clashed his fists together, causing a small divine blast. "Come, I haven't drawn my sword yet."

Aledorio smiled, "Fine, I see you're eager to fight for real."

Evelyn stared at them, "I thought you were struggling, dragon." Her eyes flashed with a menacing golden light which the dragons found disturbing.

Chad cracked his knuckles, "Now that I thought about it, you king, I should have a personal problem with him, right? He's been messing with my son and his wife." Chad glared at the dragons. BAM! A wave of his divine energy rumbled across the whole battlefield.

"Where is the dragon king?" Chad growled, and Aledorio took a step back, "We rather die than reveal his lair's location."

Ariel stared at them, "Let's test that out since we're already here after all."

SWOSH! STAB! As they were talking, an arrow flew at hit Chad's shoulder.

Chad's vision blurred for a moment, but his divine energy quickly cleared the toxin.

As Chad looked around, he got an idea. FLASH! Evelyn and Ariel got pulled into his body, merging with his divine energy.

The dragons lifted their guard up, but they only saw Chad fall motionless onto his face.

"What?" Aledorio stared in shock, and a blond elf walked from the hill with a golden bow in hand. "I got him," Vars, the leader of the wood elves, smiled.

"Vars?" The dragons gasped, "What is the meaning of this?" Aledorio yelled.

"Silence, stupid lizard." Vars glared at him, "I knocked him with a poisoned arrow, is he still alive?"

Aledorio stared at Chad, "He is still breathing."

"Damned monster. I used enough to kill four great wyrms, and the man's soul didn't leave his body." Vars ground his teeth, "What a waste, take him away."

"We still need to attack the capital," Aledorio replied, sheathing his sword.

"Lilia is coming back any moment now. You better make a run for it." Vars growled, "Fuck that gremlin, always getting in the way."

"What if she heard you?" Aledorio said with a stern face.

"Lilia is the last person to care about an insult. Such words don't even touch her skin." Vars sighed, waving his hands to the dragons. "I will make sure no one chases you. Hurry and give the king my regards." He smiled, leaving immediately.

Aledorio turned toward the dragons, "We're leaving!"

"Are you sure?" A dragon approached him.

"Lilia will wipe us out. We can't take infinite losses." He stared at Chad, "At least we have an interesting specimen for the King's experiments."

The dragons chained Chad, threw him in a cage, mounted him to the back of their leader Aledorio and flew away like a swarm of pigeons.

As they were flying, Chad opened one eye, looking around.

'That elf, his name was Vars. I will remember it.' Chad thought.

'Why did you let them catch you?' Ariel growled.

'I want them to take me to the dragon king's lair. I want to give him a warm greeting,'

'Do you want to fight all the dragons alone?' Evelyn asked inside Chad's head.

'I will destroy all of their planes from the inside.' Chad replied, closing his eyes.

'One man against all the dragons, you're risking a lot.' Ariel said.

'Don't worry. We can take the dragons on.'

'You haven't transformed yet. That would be a great surprise.' Evelyn smiled.


Back to Cain, the fight was almost over.

As Sofia ran away, the world was already in chaos. Mountains erupting and storms raging.

CLANG! Eilistraee stood on a massive mass of tentacles surrounding a bloodied dark elf woman.

"You have lost," She said, pointing the tip of her sword at Cain.

Swosh! Her sword cracked, evaporating into dust. Tch! "So I did lose as well. I guess this is the end of me." She sighed, her hand turning into ash.

"What did you expect from using Blade dance? You overused your body past the normal limits." Cain replied.

Seeing him stand, with he would rapidly healing, shocked her. "Congratulation, you killed me over a hundred times, but sadly I cannot die like this." Cain smiled, calling forth his sword and pointing the edge at Eilistraee's neck.

"So I was struggling in vain?" she said with a sad smile, her hair and back evaporating.

"No, killing a god over and over with your blade. You deserved your title, Eilistraee." Cain smiled, and Eilistraee's eyes flashed as she felt it.

Countless memories flashed through her mind. She drank in a bar with Cain, Mauzzkyl, and a yuan-ti named Nassa.

Eilistraee remembered the days they fought together, killing monsters in the dark caverns of the underground till they passed out of exhaustion.

The great portal of the Orcs opened up, and she remembered rushing forward to fight. Mauzzkyl and Nassa got injured from the last fight, and Cain quickly ran out of Mana, leaving her alone at the frontlines.

She sliced and diced until she lost the ability to think.

'What matter is how I cut and how I kill.' The thought crossed her mind. With a slight headache, she remembered the nights before that.

Each month on the full moon, she danced naked on the water surface of a lake while Cain clapped for her. "You're beautiful,"

"Those moves are supposed to kill," She replied.

"Of course they are. You took my breath away." Cain replied, pretending to be choking.

Eilistraee stared at Cain with her body disintegrating. "I remember now. Gods are timeless."

Cain's tentacles wrapped around her, consuming her body.

SPAT! Almost instantly, Cain ejected her from his side, and she fell on her face.

"What did you do?" She turned toward him, "You scared me for a moment!" She yelled.

"You have already lost your sense of pain. It shouldn't have felt any pain when I ate your body." Cain replied, sitting down.

"That's not the point! Don't eat my body without my permission." She glared at him, and he stared back at her.

"Do I need to take your permission? When you had one-tenth of a second left to live?" Cain poked his ear, trying to get the blood out. "I needed your brain to be intact."

Eilistraee sat on the ground, scratching her head, "Sorry, I can understand." She apologized, "But I still find it hard to take all of this at once."

"As you remembered, gods are timeless." In the past life, you were because of Eilistraee, the goddess of swords and dances. But when everything reset, things got complicated." Cain stared, explaining.

Divinity is irrevocable, which leads to two Eilistraee roaming the world. The goddess and the dark elf woman. But now, the two have merged, and Eilistraee regained her full power.

"So, to keep me in the mortal world to help you. Your smart ass decided to eat and turn me into a part of you? A puppet to your will?" Eilistraee glared at him.josei

"I don't want to hear that from a woman who wanted me to watch her dance naked in the forest," Cain replied, scratching his nose. "He's right?" Morena emerged from his side, staring at Eilistraee with a girn, "You could have resisted, but you just accepted it,"

"Who are you? What are you talking about?" Eilistraee yelled with a red face.

"Your senior, Morena." She smiled, "You have three choices when Cain swallows you. Die, be absorbed, or turn into part of him."

Eilistraee stood silent, "Cain gave you the three choices. I was watching from the side of your soul." Morena stared at her with a smile, "You chose this willingly, even though you know that godhood awaited you after death."

Eilistraee sighed, "Fine, I admit, I accepted it." She looked down, "I did choose between godhood in heaven or godhood under him. I chose the latter."

"As they were talking, they heard a faint voice from behind, "Ahem, are you by any chance..." Lolth stared from the corner, slowly poking her head from underneath Cain's tentacles.

The two goddesses who fought for decades are stuck in the same body, "Lolth?" She glared at her.

Now that Eilistraee regained her godhood, her hatred for Lolth only magnified.

Thud! Thud! Morena grabbed them as they were about to fight, "Don't fight. You're both a part of Cain."

The two glared at her, "You're the senior, but why should we listen to you?"

"What did you say," Morena glared at them, and Cain laughed, "Let them be. They can't fight anyway." He smiled.

Morena stared at him, "This makes it three gods in one. Do you wish to ascend?"

"No, I have to stay as a demi-god for now," Cain replied with a smile.

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