My Enchanting System

Chapter 672 [Bonus ] The Drow City

Chapter 672 [Bonus ] The Drow City

Thud! Thud! Cain walked into the city plaza staring around with three pixies on his shoulders. "Cain! Cain! Look there," Mei shouted, pointing toward a weird small tree in a flower shop.

"Come on. Cain is only bringing us here since war is about to start. Don't get too excited." Ishtar said, resting one leg on the other. She then grabbed Cain by the ear, "You're going to work us to the bones, right?"

"Lady Ishtar, please let go of him." Alva said with a worried face, "Lady Sofia is fuming. I can see the flames in her nose," She pulled Ishtar back.

"Let go of me!" Ishtar cried, holding tightly to Cain's face.

Sofia approached Cain, "Should I roast her?" She glared at Ishtar, flame gushing from her mouth.

"Come on! Bring it on!" Ishtar rolled her sleeves, ready to fight it off.

"You two, stop it!" Alice said, grabbing Sofia by the head while glaring at Ishtar, "You two, calm down."

Selena laughed as Sofia and Ishtar moved apart, "Are you scared of her-nya?"

Thud! Alice grabbed Selena's tail, "Do you need to remember it?" SIZZLE!

"MEOW!" Selena leaped away, holding her tail as Alice glared at her, "Stop that-nya!"

"See? You're as scared as them." Alice smiled, twirling her fingers with a slight gust of magic around them.

Cain looked back at them, "A combination of rot and healing. Its only result in constant searing pain." He smiled, "How wide is your range?"

Alice smiled, "I can paralyze Sofia with pain as long as she is within a hundred feet of me. Of course, the stronger the person, the more they can endure." Alice looked back toward Kayden, "I couldn't paralyze Kayden even though I was touching his hand. Keep that in mind."

Cain nodded, and Kayden looked at him, "I did feel the pain, but it wasn't enough to bring me down." He replied with a smile.

Gracie looked to the side, "Cain, aren't you thirsty?" She pointed toward a cold spring shop in the corner. Melissa pointed in the other direction, "You can deal with another type of thirst there." She pointed toward a brothel.

Cain looked in both directions and shook his head, "No brothel for me. I already have enough. But I will take the water." He smiled at Gracie.

"I thought you didn't need to drink water," Morena said, walking beside Cain.

Zaleria poked Morena's shoulder, "What do you think he is? Even if Cain didn't need water, he could still drink it!"

"What do you know? I'm a part of him," Morena growled back at Zaleria. The two were ready to fight.

CLENCH! Bahamut approached and grabbed them by the heads, "Calm down, you're too old to fight like children." He said, and the two glared at him as if screaming, "Mind your own business, old man!" But they couldn't say it, especially since they knew he was a god.

Isbert approached Cain with a smile, "Say, Cain. Is there any point in bringing us all here?" she looked back to her sisters Sara and Noel, "You even let those two out. Isn't it dangerous?" She asked with a smile, and Cain stared at her with a grin.

"Can't we take a walk? I wanted to see how the drow civilization dealt with a new god." Cain looked around. Eilistraee's followers seemed to accept Cthulhu quickly. They even say Eilistraee got a husband, seeing that their goddess is following this overgod.

On the other hand, Lolth's followers were divided in half. The oppressed are happy she is gone, while the oppressors are worried about the future.

"Everything seems to be going fine around here," Eilistraee said, looking at Lolth skulking in the back.

"What?" Lolth said, staring back at her, "I'm not doing anything,"

"Don't break the disguise magic. People will panic if they recognized you." Eilistraee replied.

"I know that I have a bad reputation, but you don't have to tell each moment," Lolth mumbled.

Marina approached them with a smile, "Will have to get her to the people sooner or later. We better start dropping hints that Lolth isn't dead, but under Cain." She said with a smile.

Mary looked at the three talking and approached Cain, "How do you feel?"

Cain smiled, "About what?"

Mary stepped forward, walking ahead of him, "About everything so far, is it going well without me tunning it down?"

Cain scratched his chin while staring at the stone ceiling of the drow city, listening to the calm chatter of the people around him. "I would say it spun out of control quickly."

Mary smiled, "I don't seem to be able to use [Restart] again, so please be careful. There is no redoing big mistakes." She then looked back at Lolth, Eilistraee, Sofia, and her father, "But with over five gods together, I don't think there will be any more problems."

"Don't jinx it!" Lola stepped forward, glaring at Mary with a large grin, "Father is still out there. He won't be taken down easily, even by a god."

Cain looked at her, "My father went to deal with him. I doubt he will die, but we will never hear of him for a while."

Lola stood tall, resting her fists on her hips, "My dad against your dad, who will win!"

Bahamut heard them, so he approached, "Should I join as well? My bones are old, but I won't mind a bit of exercise."

"Dad, fight!" Mei yelled from Cain's shoulder, "My money on Chad. His mana seems better." Ishtar looked toward them.josei

Hati rushed forward, dragging Cain away, "Forget about fighting. I smell something nice from that direction."

"Hoi! Bring him back!" Sofia rushed behind them, and suddenly everyone started running.

Kayden and Lily looked at each other, "They are busy," She said with a smile,

"They are. Should I take Hati down?" Kayden replied, grabbing the hilt of his blade.

"Please don't kill her," Lily grabbed his hand.

"I intend to knock her down with the back of the blade," Kayden replied with his eyes darting around.

"Cain won't like it if you hit his wives. What will you do if he hit me?" Lily cried.

"I will cleave his head," Kayden replied.

"Then forget about hitting her, and let's find something to do." She said, and Kayden relaxed, "Fine, are you hungry."

Lily grinned, "Meat!"

Kayden looked around, quickly stopping a grill, "That looks like a nice place," He pointed as he walked forward.

Lily followed him, almost leaping with each step, "What should we get?" She said with a happy face.

"A lot of meat. You eat a lot, don't you?" Kayden stared at her.

"I'm not fat," Lily exclaimed, and Kayden got confused.

"How did it come to that?" He grabbed her stomach with his palm, "I only feel muscles. Being ten feet high doesn't mean you're fat, but I agree you're heavier than what someone in your size should be."

Lily leaped back, grabbing her stomach, "Don't touch me in public!" She cried.

Kayden looked around. And he could see mostly dogs, "Public?"

"Bela said my bones and muscles are denser than normal humans. That's why I'm heavier than what you expect." Lily approached him, "Aren't you the one who made me like this?"

Kayden shook his face, "I don't choose what kind of demon people become. That depends on their bodies and personality."

Kayden approached her, wrapping his hands around her hips and lifting her up, "You're light to me, and that's what matters."

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