My Enchanting System

Chapter 753 Cain Vs Poseidon II

Chapter 753 Cain Vs Poseidon II

CLANG! CLANG! Cain rushed forward, deflecting Poseidon's slashes, smiling as he spun his blades, "Thanks to you, I can now try new tricks!"

"GIH!" Poseidon gasped, stepping back, "Don't fuck with me!" Swinging his arms, he sent hundreds of water slashes and spears toward Cain.

Cain stuck the two blades together, sheathing them at his waist and running forward with his head down. His skin turned dark, and his hair got longer. In an instant, Eilistraee was the one running. [Blade Dance: Lisworth's Lightning charge] Just from the aura, Poseidon could tell that two gods were moving Cain's body.

TING! Charging forward, running on her toes. Lightning engulfed Eilistraee's body as she got ready to unsheath her blade. CLAP! At that moment, she blasted like a mountain-sized lightning bolt.

CLANG! Poseidon conjured a compressed water wall at his solar plex, attempting to prevent Cain from cutting him in half. CLANG! Eilistraee's blade hit the wall, talking Poseidon flying with her across the sky. "What are you?" Poseidon growled, finding it hard to move while flying at such high speed.

Eilistraee's flesh started burning, and her skin slowly fell off. "HAH!" Poseidon laughed, "Borrowed power! You can't even keep it up!" Lifting his arms, he swung two punches at Eilistraee's head.

With her flesh all burned, the sword disappeared from Eilistraee's skeleton. Flash! A golden flare burst in her skull, releasing a massive wave of necrotic magic.

Thud! The skeleton caught Poseidon's fists, "Hey! Hey! What do we have here? A man-fish?" Morena growled, "I have never tasted those before,"

Poseidon immediately got aware of her, "What is a dracolich doing here?"

"You're the one who started a fight with us. Aren't you?" BAM! Morena pushed Poseidon's fists away and then punched his face. Thwack!

Poseidon took the hit, swinging back at her with more force. CRACK! Morena got hit in the jaw, "Not bad," She smiled and started throwing punches like crazy.

BAM! BAM! Poseidon replied with the same, and the two exchanged punches without care about defense.


"Each one of those punches is enough to kill a divine rank 6 god, yet they are throwing them like that," Moradin gasped.

"You won't die from taking one," Amaterasu stared at him with a smile.

"I won't but they hurt," Moradin replied, looking toward Corellon, "What do you say?"

"That dracolich isn't a god. She isn't even using Cain's divine energy," He replied, "Where did he find such a monster?"

"A god-killing dragon," Mystra sighed, glaring at Amaterasu, "You aren't involved this time, are you?"

"Are you refering to Kossuth?" Amaterasu smiled, "How many times have I said that I didn't bless her? She is coming here soon, so ask her yourself,"

"What?" Mystra's face paled, "She's coming?"

"Of course," Amaterasu smiled, "And I didn't call her. She is coming on her own,"

"The red dragon who surpassed the twilight and became called a sun dragon from how much heat she emits," Moradin mumbled, "The one who killed the previous Tiamat to save her daughters,"

Amaterasu pointed her finger at Morena, "That's one of her daughters,"

All the gods froze, glaring at the fight.


BAM! BAM! Poseidon grabbed Morena's fist, twisting his body and kicking her on the left shoulder, sending her flying toward the sea surface.

CRACK! Morena landed on the water, glaring at the sky, "That's a tough fish if I ever saw one, you can give it a try," With her words, she tore her left arm and threw it at Poseidon.

"What are you intending?" CLANG! Poseidon deflected the arm with his palm, "Weak,"

"Are you sure about that?" Morena said with a grin, and silver threads engulfed her body.

Poseidon's arm extended upward, and his body got tied in place. Silver threads flew around his body like snakes, wrapping around him. Lolth stood at the water, "I'm going to give it a try. You know that some spiders hunt fish for food?"

BAM! Poseidon broke the threads by flexing his arms and legs, "Lolth? Do you think a spider will survive the rage of water?"

"Of course not," Lolth waved her palm, "We're just trying to get experience fighting an overpowered god. Cain will finish you off when we finish having our fun," She said with an evil smile, disappearing.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Lolth appeared behind Poseidon, swinging a massive white scythe. SWOSH!SWOSH!SWOSH!SWOSH!SWOSH!

Poseidon weaved between her attacks, keeping a straight face as he thought about how to best end the fight, "Die!" He swung a kick at Lolth's head. BAM! She grew another pair of arms, deflecting the kick like it was nothing, "I never felt this good! Come on! Show me what you got!" Lolth screamed with an ecstatic face, conjuring three other sythes.

"What?" Poseidon stepped back, sensing her aura suddenly explode. Lolth transformed into her half-spider form, standing as an abomination, the torso of a drow woman stapled into a giant spider head. Boasting twenty eyes, one of her drow face and the other on her spider half.

Lolth growled, "I can feel him," Another two pairs of arms appeared on her drow body, making her have eight arms. "Cain is inside me, his divine power is flowing through my veins," She conjured four more sythes, glaring at Poseidon with an evil smile.

Poseidon glared at Lolth pointing eight sythes at him, "This isn't your power,"

"It is my husband's power," Lolth replied, lunging at Poseidon like a crazed dog.

Poseidon turned and flew away, "Damn it, if one of those hit me, I'm dead," He could feel it, those scythes are drenched in poison. He can't face her directly without his trident, and that thing is broken.


"Whoha, she's shameless," Corellon sighed, "That bitch never changes," He couldn't hide his spite.

"I can't disagree, Cain allowed her to use his power so she started sucking him dry. I can't believe she's okay relying on his divine power," Moradin growled.

"You see? I can't stand that woman, I just hope Cain could keep a chain on her," Corellon hated Lolth since in the past, she was his wife. Until she betrayed him to the orc god Gruumsh, and now she sticking by Cain's side.

"Want her back?" Shar, the goddess of darkness glared at Corellon, "Hell no, I want to advise Cain to kill her instead. That woman can't be trusted, no matter what,"

"You're the stupid one. You deserve to be betrayed. And that Cain will taste it as well." Mystra growled.

"What?" Corellon was about to punch her but Moradin stopped him, "Calm down,"

SLAP! Chad did it instead, slapping Mystra to the other side of the room, "Shut your mouth." Chad said with a passive face, "Corellon is a rank higher than you, my sister's son and Lolth is my daughter-in-law I guess. You speak to me first before insulting anyone of them,"

"You bastard!" Mystra growled, standing while holding her cheek, "Let's see how long will you live!"

Chad cracked his fists, "Now that I think about it, Lilia wanted to have you alive," He glared at Mystra, "I can't refuse a request from my daughter-in-law," He approached Mystra, intending to catch her for Lilia.

"Stop!" Amaterasu landed between them, "Don't fight!"

"He slapped me," Mystra growled.

"I was about to step on your face for insulting a higher god," Amaterasu growled at her, "Want that instead?"

Mystra looked away, growling, "Lucky bastard,"

Thud! Chad grabbed Amaterasu by the head, gently lifting her up and putting her aside, he then kept approaching Mystra. "Didn't you hear me? Leave her alone!"

Chad looked at Amaterasu, "Why?"

"You can capture her if she lost in the divine battles," Amaterasu replied.

"Fine, pit me against her," Chad replied.

BAM! "Yo! Look, Lolth is winning!" Moradin shouted.

Lolth managed to strike Poseidon with one of her sythes, poisoning him from head to toe. The man fell from the sky, his body all purple. Thud! Lolth landed beside him, "Is this all you have? Does it mean Cain was never serious about fighting you?" She lifted her sythes, swinging them down simultaneously.

CLANG! "Heh?" Lolth gasped, her body cutting cut in half, "What?" She looked down, seeing a woman standing beside Poseidon, patting his head, "May the water purify your blood," The woman said.

Thud! Lolth's body fell on the water, bleeding, "Who are you?"

The woman stared at Lolth, her eyes sparkling like a coral gem, "His wife," she replied with a smile, "Please to meet you, spider,"

"Why did you come?" Poseidon growled.josei

"I may be a stay-at-home mom, but I can't stand and watch you beat my husband like this," Click! The woman snapped her finger, sending Poseidon home. She glared at Lolth, "Come out, I know you can hear me, Cthulhu." Istishia said, smiling.

Lolth's body disappeared, her corpse sinking to the depth of the sea, and the water's surface started rumbling. The sky clouded, and lightning fell from the sky.

Istishia looked back, feeling her bones tingle from the dense divine power released by that monster, "To think you came in person,"

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