My Enchanting System

Chapter 824 Silver

Chapter 824 Silver: Primordial Abomination.

After another two weeks of traversing the frozen hell layer without spotting a single life, Cain finally stopped moving and smiled, Kayden behind him, pulling his sword.

"Finally, I finished it," Cain lifted his arm, sparks of ancient blue magic flickering between his fingers like lightning. "Detected and dispelled!"

A titanic magic circle expanded from beneath his feet at a blinding speed, covering several hundreds of miles of the hell.

The ground started shaking as devils emerged from the sky, "Don't let them close to me," Cain said in a calm voice and Kayden nodded.

"The fools, I've been itching to swing my sword for a while." He lunged into the sky, his six eyes emerging with a burst.

The devils shuddered, growling like crazed dogs, "A demon! And a powerful one," They started swarming, from imps to ice devils and frost evils.

Kayden swung his blade, and the devils' bodies shattered the moment they stood before him. A pink spark emerged from Kayden's hair, marking it with red as two massive eyes glared down from the sky.

[Fools! Fools!] Kali's voice boomed across the hells. [Father downed Talos. To him you're but fodder souls.]

The devils growled, their biggest and strongest flying toward Kayden with zeal, holding their bloodied axes and spears in rage. "You dare step on our land! Accursed demon!" One of the devils growled, "Take your disgusting life elsewhere, to the abyss!"

Kayden smiled, taking a stance mid-air, "Is there a difference between us demons and you devils? We aren't that different, are we?"

Cain looked up, 'No, you're different. Devils are the descendants of fallen angels, and demons are the spawn of chaos from the abyss.'

BOOM! Kayden's six arms emerged as his body burned in eldritch flames, "Souls go back to the hells, forever doomed!" He conjured another five blades of demonic energy, swinging them in every direction.

CRACKLE! Six slashes blasted through the devils, rendering them to ash as Kayden emerged from the steam clouds, lightning crackling behind his back.

A three-headed demon lord with six arms, and a mountain of destroyed corpses beneath his feet. The violence that even the hells won't accept, the demon lord of destruction.

CLICK! Cain smiled, his magic circle shattering with a boom. "Time to face you, old bastard,"

The magic of the layer quivered, and the temperature quickly rose as Cain's magic overridden Silver's aura. He stood there, flying as his clothes burned with lightning. Soon, armor covered his skin as he glared ahead of him, at a single man standing on the melting ice.

Cain landed, his staff in hand, "Hero of humanity, we finally meet,"

Silver smiled, "To think you really dispelled that. You didn't get the overgod title for naught."

A tall man with a slight beard, a scar over his right eye, and jagged, yet silky-looking hair. Wearing a full plate of silver armor with a single line marked above his heart. [Absolute Zero, Frozen Fate]

Cain stared at him, "That mark, this magic, you are no longer a human." He stepped forward, "No, you were never a human in the first place."

Silver giggled, "Does this explain my actions to you?" Silver approached Cain till they stood face to face, glaring at each other eyes.

"Abomination, in the soul but not body." Cain growled, "To think one of your kind remained,"

Silver shook his head, "None of us remained. I died long ago in the primal chaos. I was but a mere shard of ice, crushed beneath the first creators." He smiled, "The next thing I remember was opening my eyes between a woman's legs, crying for my life as I took my first human breath."

"Reincarnated?" Cain pointed his staff at Silver's head, "That isn't something that happens on its own!"

"Like I know why?" Silver sighed, "I took it as AO's doing, and I made sure to get the best of my life."

Silver lifted his hands, waving them, "I got a girl at the young age of five, and became known as a master swordsman and ice wizard at the age of ten." His face shifted, turning sour.

"Then the devil invasion happened, and I lunged head first into the hells. Slaughtering the devils that ravaged my peaceful life." He growled, "But I soon started to see them like normal people. They have their lives and struggles, so I pushed deeper, trying to confront the evil commanding them to attack." He glared at Cain with rage dripping from his eyes. josei

"And what do I find? Lucifer in the first layer, his powers usurped and left for doom, licking his gaping wounds like a dog." Silver's ice magic started increasing.

"The new gods cast him away! Why did my people have to be erased? Wasn't it for a world under the true god AO? Wasn't it to calm the primal chaos? I did see the beauty in human life, in mortal life. But why do those fake gods have to dance over the glory of his warriors?"

"You're angry new gods took over after AO and the first creators?" Cain stared at him, confused.

"I lived a human life! I saw the beauty AO and the creators strived for. It was worth the extermination of my race. The majority of us were savages, doom-driven primal monsters." Silver conjured an ice sword, "We abominations died so AO can rule, not you fake fuckers!"

"I see, but you can look at me, can't you?" Cain glared back at Silver's eyes.

"I had hope for you! The abominable spark in you made me think you were like me, a spark of chaos, a primordial abomination reincarnated to bring this world back to its natural order, but I was mistaken. You took the god's place, disgracing AO's work." Silver pointed his sword at Cain's neck.

"Mortals are living their lives as AO intended. Where is the problem?" Cain growled.

"They could be so much more! If you face gods aren't farming them for divine magic." Silver growled, "A true god doesn't need prayer. Is omnipotent."

"AO left, he isn't here anymore," Cain replied with a passive face.

Silver laughed, "No, he's still watching and weaving the threads of fate. And will only return when you all die."

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