My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: There are some people who are not very good at taking pictures .

Chapter of the week: 2/4

Translator: Reizenchuu

Editor: Kenny Stryker

After Tenjouin and his classmates returned to their world, the summer holidays and my heavenly time enjoying life were about to reach their ends in a week . Usually, most of the students get very busy in this last week due to doing their homeworks and preparing for the second term, but that didn’t matter to me . I already had done my homeworks a long time ago and I don’t have anything to prepare for the second term . My plan for this week was to take it easy and relax .

That was my plan...

“I’m so excited, Karen-chan . ”

“Me too, Saya-chan . ”

Karen and Saya were cheerfully walking inside a shopping mall they frequently visit in front of me .

I wonder why my plans always get ruined liked this...

I let out a heavy sigh as I complained to myself . The reason I was walking with them in this mall was because of that unfair request they forced me to accept . The request was for me to play the role of their luggage holder and protector on this particular sales day . They say that girls like to dress up . Karen and Saya were not an exception either . I agree that this is much better than getting asked to do some troublesome task, but the thing is that this current request is made only by Karen . In other words, I still have to hear Saya’s request afterward . I unintentionally complained at Karen for not being fair when she told me that I need to listen to two requests instead of one .

“Whatever, really...”

I guess I can relax later when I’m done with both of their requests . Let’s just enjoy today’s shopping . Although I will be just holding their luggage the entire day .

“Sorry for making you come with us today, Yato-kun . ”

“Do your best, and work hard . ” josei

Saya and Karen casted a few words of gratitude at me .

“It’s fine . I’ve been requested to go out with the both of you, after all . ”

I wasn’t intending to refuse their request no matter how unreasonable they might be . Let’s just imagine that I’m going shopping with them and not just to hold on their luggage .

“I will show you Saya-chan’s cuteness when I make her try some clothes . ”

“Wait, Karen-chan!?”

After hearing her name coming from Karen, Saya flustered in embarrassment . Karen’s attitude towards her is gradually getting rough . I guess it’s a proof of their friendship .


I only came to realize something of extreme importance after we entered the clothes shop .

No way...

“Karen-chan, what do you think of this?”

“It looks cute . ”

I wonder how much time has passed since we entered . They didn’t stop choosing new clothes and trying them repeatedly . I totally forgot that girls take forever to choose clothes in these types of shops .

I was standing outside the shop and was waiting for them to finish what they’re doing . I attempted to join their conversation at first, but as someone who doesn’t have a clue about fashion, there was no way I could keep up with their topics . Therefore, I am standing here outside the shop, alone . I remember that the last time I came with Karen was like this too . I wonder why they take too much time .

I’m bored...

I gazed at the distance while leaning against the wall of the shop . The fact that Lina wasn’t with them saved me so much time . After all, 3 girls will spend more time inside a clothes shop than 2 girls . The reason she wasn’t with them today is because she was busy with her work . She didn’t talk about what exactly she went to do, though I’m sure it’s something related to Metron . As far as I know, Metron and Korola are in the middle of getting punished right now . They must be whining and suffering at this very moment .

They’re taking way too long...

I turned back to look at them again and saw them standing with the same position as earlier . I wonder if it’s just me who feels that their stamina is unlimited . I shifted my gaze to the other side while feeling already tired and noticed the face of a child I’ve already seen somewhere before . He had green eyes and hair and was wearing casual clothes that didn’t make him stand out . Without a doubt, he was the God of Affection, Korola, carrying an ice cream with one hand and walking in the mall with a carefree attitude . The next moment, I turned my face to a different side with an uninterested expression .

It’s just Metron’s friend... Huh!?

It took me a while to realize the strangeness of the situation before promptly turning back and widening my eyes .

Wait a minute! What is he doing here? And why did I have to look at him two times before realizing who he was?

I couldn’t believe that I’ve done a cliched act like that and hastily followed Korola who disappeared from my field of sight .

“Korola . ”

I called his name when I found him again, making him turn around .

“... Who are you?”

He stayed quiet for a moment before he replied, feigning ignorance .


“Who are you? I think you got the wrong person . ”

I exclaimed with a confused voice from that unexpected answer, but Korola kept insisting that he doesn’t know me . This liar . He clearly turned around when I called his name, and besides, it’s obvious that he is not an ordinary person from his stats .

“Your eyes are darting . ”

“W-What are you talking about! I’m just a normal child . ”

The moment I pointed that his eyes were darting, he immediately averted his face while flustering . This guy is so bad at lying .

“Don’t tell me that you escaped from the punishment . ”

“I-I’m busy, so I will go now!”

Apparently, my remark was on spot since Korola’s face turned pale the moment he heard it and tried escaping from me . I watched him running away without following him and uttered a single line .

“... Scala was looking for you just now . ”

“Eh!! Seriously?! How did she find out this fast!!?”

His face turned even more pale as he glanced around his surroundings . He is so easy to read . He exclaimed in a loud voice in the middle of looking around him then slowly turned to look at me . He got completely exposed . Korola and I remained to stare at each other awkwardly .

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“So, why are you here?”

Dragging him back near the shop where I was standing, I finally asked Korola for his intention . This time, he honestly admitted that he got exposed and answered me with a bitter smile on his face .

“Well, I got charged with tons of work as a punishment from the Divine God and... I got bored from doing all the work . ”

Not seeming to regret anything, he told me the reason for him being here while smiling . In short, he slacked off from the punishment work and came to play here .

I wonder why he chose Earth out of all the other worlds in the universe . Couldn’t he just go to his own world?

“That’s a pretty light punishment . You only have to work a little harder than before . ”

“Well, it’s because all that I did was send those heroes here and cast on them a minor hypnotize magic . The rest wasn’t my fault . ”

He’s right . Now that I think about it, all that he did was those two things . The one who sent Maxis to Earth wasn’t him, so it would be unfair if the punishment were to be harsh for him .

“Metron’s punishment was pretty harsh though . ”

“What was it?”

“He was charged to do his work with his legs heavily cuffed and while observed 24 hours by angels . I got scared when I saw him in that condition . ”

Korola talked about his supposedly best friend in a nonchalant attitude . All I could do was to imagine the dreadful scenery of Metron getting his legs cuffed and working 24 hours a day . I wonder how many times someone must slack off from their work to get such a punishment . I unintentionally revealed an awkward expression from imagining him right now, but the next moment, I asked Korola about something that has been on my mind .

“Still, why didn’t you save him? Isn’t he supposed to be your best friend?”

His first reaction was a giggle for some unforeseen reasons before he answered while making a proud face .

“I have been told by his subordinate angel that leaving him that way is the best thing a true best friend could do for him! Therefore, I abandoned Metron for his own good!”

He didn’t seem to have any doubts about his actions . That angel is quite good at dealing with him . I randomly replied to his confident answer and changed the topic .

“So, what are you doing here? Couldn’t you just go hide somewhere in your world?”

“I have been intending to visit this place since the last time I saw it . And besides, the management of Earth is poor, so it’s the best world I can hide in . ”

The management of Earth is poor, huh .

No wonder why so many odd people end up here . I shrugged my shoulders after hearing the truth which I didn’t really want to know and asked Korola another question to confirm something .

“Let me ask this just in case . You’re not aiming for my life anymore, are you?”

Korola stopped licking the ice cream he was holding with his hand and answered me without hesitation .

“Not at all . I mean, Metron told me to stop . ”

He spoke in a casual voice tone, but soon dropped his sight downwards and continued .

“Rather, I’m... sorry about that time . ”


“Even if it were a misunderstanding, I feel just a little bit sorry... for what I did . ”

He turned away to hide his blushing face and spoke timidly . I was honestly taken aback to see him acting like that . I wasn’t expecting him to admit his fault .

“I didn’t know that you had a heart . ”

“Isn’t that a bit cruel of you?!”

I guess it was rude of me to reply to his apology like this . Korola looked at me with a shocked expression . Still, it was a real surprise for me to see him apologizing . I mean, he is Metron’s friend and so easy to manipulate . I was so stunned to see him honestly apologizing that I even started imagining a meteorite crashing on Earth today .

“I was indeed asked by my best friend to stop you, but I still feel a little guilty for what I did . ”

Korola continued speaking in a low voice and looking down .

Could it be that he came all the way to Earth just to apologize?

If that were the case, I don’t think I can hate him anymore .

“Ah, um, well, you don’t have to feel so guilty about it . Luckily nobody has died from what happened . ”

I tried cheering him up with a few words while averting my eyes and once he heard those words, Korola lifted back his head and smiled back at me .

“Thanks, I’m happy . ”

While he exhaled a breath of relief, he resumed licking his ice cream . He could be one of the most mature Gods out of all the others in this universe . I thought to myself while leaning back against the wall behind me . Both of us turned quiet which resulted in a delicate mood between us until we heard a familiar voice coming from the other side .

“I found you, Korola-sama!”

I turned around and saw Lina rushing to us in panic . It looked like she was considering this place as she was wearing clothes that were considered normal on Earth .

“Lina, what are you doing here on Earth?”

“I found you, Korola-sama . You shouldn’t slack off from your work . Please, hurry up and go back now . ”

She ignored my question and directly addressed Korola . She must be in quite the hurry .

“Argh! I got caught . ”

Korola revealed a frightened expression and went to hide behind me .

Huh, why are you hiding behind me?

Lina looked confused to see him clinging to my back then turned to glare at me .

“What are you doing?”

“Um, even if you ask me that...”

I wanted to ask the same question too . Korola tightly gripped my back and used me as a shield while complaining about not wanting to go back with Lina . Unexpectedly, I was shaken to see him act that way . Due to his young appearance and the way he apologized to me just now, I couldn’t just hand him off to Lina immediately .

What should I do, now...

Lina and Korola stared at each other while I stood between them, and confused . A short while of silence later, Lina gave me an advice .

“Be careful . Korola-sama is skillful at getting a place in people’s heart . ”

“Take him . ”

The moment I heard that advice, I submitted Korola to her without hesitation by lifting him from his back collar and putting him in front of her . Korola exclaimed in a confused voice a second later after I placed him in front of her . Maybe he wasn’t expecting that I’d give up on him this fast .

“W-Wait!! Isn’t it too fast for you to betray me!? Shouldn’t you take a little bit longer before you decide on what to do, no!?!”

“No, I sensed that you are dangerous . ”

“Even though we were about to become friends!?”

Those two things are completely unrelated and I believe that we didn’t become friends yet . Lina seemed surprised to see me give up on him so fast, but she received him from me and grabbed him by his collar .

“Thanks for the help, Kamiya Yato . ”

“You’re having a tough time, huh . ”

“That’s my job, so it can’t be helped . ”

Lina revealed a bitter smile as she replied to me . She then quickly lifted Korola by his back collar and bid farewell to me .

“Well then, Korola-sama . Let’s go back . ”

“Can’t you wait until I finish this ice cream?”

“You can eat that ice cream once you are back . ”

Getting his last resistance readily shattered, Korola obediently gave up and dropped his head .

“Well then, we will be going . ”

“Yeah . ”

“You should do your best too . I know you’re having a tough time as well . ”

Lina cheered me up while looking at the inside of the store behind me . It looks like she already knows about my current situation .

“Yeah, thanks . ”

I replied to her casually and saw her walking off to an emergency staircase with Korola . She is probably going to return to the Heavens from there . As I kept watching her off until she disappeared from my sight, Karen had finally left the store .

“We’re back . ”

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I turned back and saw only Karen standing there .

“Where is Saya?”

“She is in the dressing room . I made her wear a cute coordination and called you to see it . ”

So she wasn’t kidding when she said that she will show me Karen’s new dress . I bitterly smiled when I recalled Saya’s embarrassed reaction at that time, but soon I noticed Karen glancing at my surroundings .

“What’s wrong?”

“Weren’t you talking to someone just now?”

She probably heard my voice earlier talking to Lina and tried to check if someone were with me .

“Nobody is here . ”

I wasn’t in the mood to explain to her everything from the start, so I just deceived her with a random reply and made her agree .

“Let’s hurry up . Saya is waiting for us . ”

“Yeah . ”

Urged by Karen to move, I entered the clothes shop . I’m pretty sure that Saya is wishing for us to stay away from her right now .


“How was it?”

“It looked pretty good on her . ”

After leaving the clothing shop, we continued walking around the shopping mall . Karen and I were having a fun discussion about Saya’s clothes while Saya was walking behind us while hiding her red face with her hands .

“That was embarrassing...”

Well, I can’t blame her for that reaction . She was wearing a new type of clothes and waiting for us near the dressing room . It was a fresh experience to see her in a miniskirt and some other clothes which she wasn’t used to wearing . Karen made her try various types of coordinations and what made her look even better was her attempt to stay calm and ask if the clothes were fitting her with a face dyed with red .

I guess we should leave her alone for a while to calm down .

I made that decision while looking at Saya suffering from embarrassment, but she soon changed her expression after she found something

“Saya, what’s wrong?”


She pointed on a photo booth inside the game center .

“Is that a photo booth?”

“Yeah . ”

“Let’s go take one with the three of us . ”

A photo booth, huh .

I asked Karen if she ever took a picture inside one but she shook her head horizontally, saying that she didn’t . I’ve never used a photo booth to take a picture either . Karen agreed with Saya’s suggestion while on the other side, I was reluctant .

“Count me out in this one . ”

“Eh? Why?”

“I’m bad at taking pictures . My forced smiles don’t look very good . ”

There wasn’t a single time when a picture I took looked good . Saya looked dejected and gave up for a short moment before she raised her voice again seeming to have got a good idea .

“Then consider this as my request from you . Are you still going to refuse?”

“Are you fine with just that?”

“Yes . I want to take a picture with you and Karen-chan . ”

She cheerfully smiled at us with a face that didn’t show a trace of the embarrassment she was feeling just recently . I can’t refuse if that were her request .

“I got it . Let’s take a picture together then . ”

Saya firmly nodded with me when I accepted her request, and she looked pretty delighted . The three of us entered the photo booth, chose the options and prepared to take a picture .

“I can just stand on the side instead of the center you know . ”

“No . Yato-kun, you’re taller than the both of us, so you must stand in the center . ”

“Yes, the photo should be balanced . ”

I wanted to stand on the side but the two of them forcibly pushed me between them . The next moment, I heard a voice telling us to smile coming from the machine which made me freeze at my place while Saya and Karen smiled .

“Yato-kun, is that a smile...?”

“It’s too stiff . ”

“I told you, I’m bad at forcing smiles . ”

For an obvious reason, my smile didn’t get a favorable feedback from them . I guess I’m still bad at smiling like I used to . I can tell that my mouth was stiff by looking at the screen . It can’t be helped . I’m just bad at this . As the time limit approached, I gave up and returned to my normal serious look when suddenly, Karen stretched my cheeks .

“This is much better . ”

Saya who found her idea to be brilliant joined her in stretching my cheeks from the other side .

“Ah, you’re right . ”

The both of them laughed as they stretched my cheeks from both sides . I agreed with them that my current smile was more or less better than the stiff one I was making just now .

“It kind of hurts though . ”

“Look at the camera . ”

Karen ignored my minor complaint and told me to look at the camera . Right when I did, I heard the sound of the picture taken . After that, we took a few other pictures, wrote on them what we wanted and left the photo booth .

“Next time we should bring Lina-chan with us . ”

“Yeah . ”

Saya and Karen talked as they gazed at the pictures we’ve taken . I have never taken a picture of myself having my cheeks stretched, so I had an indescribable feeling while looking at the photos . This is most likely the best smile I was able to do when taking a picture in my life .

“You should take it with us too, Yato-kun . ”

“Yeah, sure...”

I vaguely replied to Saya as I put the photos in my pocket .

Well, that didn’t feel so bad...

I revealed a faint smile while touching the photos in my pocket . From that day on, I placed them in the drawer in my room to not lose them .


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