My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

After escaping from Yato, Lina fell into the depths of despair in her apartment .

(Why did I have to lose to such a guy...)

Holding her knees, Lina remained sitting on the floor for a long time .

Even among angels like her, Lina had always been superior .

She always carried out her tasks perfectly and was always diligent .

Lina was always the first . She had never lost to anyone before .

And that excellence of hers was the core of her self-confidence .

However, today, her confidence had been crushed by Yato .

Before she fought against him, Lina had assumed a smooth victory because of her overconfidence .

She made it all the way to the top due to her efforts . There was no possible way she would lose to someone who couldn’t make it to her world . Or that was what she thought at the beginning .

Though, her conceit ended up being the main thing that led to her defeat .

Thinking that she would win without even appraising his stats, Lina had recklessly challenged Yato without measuring his strength, resulting in her current situation .

(How should I report this to Metron-sama...)

Pondering an excuse, a spark of light appeared in the ceiling above her head .

“Ya! Lina . ”

Before realizing it, she found herself inside a white room with a single blond boy sitting on a chair before her .

Lina, who was reflected in that room like an image, straightened herself in hurry .


“Looks like he got you, Lina . ”

While Lina quickly kneeled, Metron talked with a composed tone .

Hearing what he said, Lina made a gloomy face and cast her eyes down .

“M-My apologies . I didn’t have the least idea that Kamiya Yato would be that strong . ”

“I’m also surprised about that . Who would think that he’d get that strong? But you see, Lina, that’s not what I’m talking about now . ”

Halting his speech, Metron stayed silent for a short while then continued .

“I ordered you to observe him and not drag him to the other world . Although, I did say that it would be nice if he could be brought there . ” Metron said with a slightly shocked expression .

Lina was actually ordered by Metron to only observe Yato .

Realizing that Yato had become stronger than expected, he started becoming vigilant and asked Lina to observe him and immediately report any weird moves he took .

He also talked about how fortunate it would be if he was to get Yato in the other world .

However, that was no more than a mere wish and not an order .

Letting out deep sigh while sitting on his chair, Lina raised her head .

“I am Metron-sama’s excelling subordinate . Even if it wasn’t an order, it is my duty to achieve anything that Metron-sama would find the best . ”

“It would be also nice if you weren’t too diligent actually...”

Metron let out another sigh to Lina who was looking him right in the eyes .

“But what should I do now? You can’t keep on observing him now that he’s aware of you . ”

“Metron-sama! Please give another chance . ” Lina suggested to the troubled Metron .

“A chance?”

“Please give me the permission to transform! I’m sure that I can defeat Yato that way and bring him to our world!!”

Hearing her enthusiastic request, Metron made a bitter face .

Hey, I just said that we need to observe him and not defeat him...

“If I use【Angel transformation】, I’m sure I can defeat him!!”

Lina kept asking Metron . josei

【Angel transformation】 . It’s a skill that Metron cast on Lina before she came to earth, which restrains her angel powers in order to keep her in a human form .

If she was to use the skill, her true power would be released .

Once she was released from her human form, she would get back enough strength to defeat Yato . That’s what Lina was thinking .

However, despite her plea, Metron couldn’t give her permission .

“Sorry about that Lina, but I can’t let you do that...”

Immediately after rejecting Lina’s suggestion, Metron stopped moving . A good amount of time passed by, as he fell in thought before he suddenly made a cheerful face and changed his mind .

“Or maybe let’s give permission after all . ”


“Yeah, I lost to your zeal . ”

With her plea cheerfully approved by Metron, Lina became exceedingly happy .

“Thank you very much!! I shall defeat Kamiya yato for sure this time!! Definitely!! Certainly!!”

Her eyes were about to tear up from the extreme joy that Metron-sama was seeing hope in her .

Even that small fact made her tremendously happy .

“Ah, yeah, do your best . Well then . ”

Making a bitter smile to Lina who thanked him while sinking in tears, Metron cut short the conversation .

“Yes!! Please leave it to me!! Metron-sama . ”

Lina screamed alone in her room after the conversation was done . Her voice reverberated in the night and echoed around .


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Ending the conversation with Lina, Metron let out deep sigh . He didn’t think she would cry and end the conversation in fluster .

At first he wasn’t intending to allow her to use 【Angel transformation】 . That was simply because he knew that it would be useless .

Even if she used it, defeating that guy would still be an impossible task .

Metron knew that very well, since he had checked Yato’s stats .

His stats were very abnormal .

His level was still low, however, the rising of his stats and the variety of his skills were about to reach the same level as Metron and the other gods .

Despite the great walled off difference between an earthling and a god, Yato was somehow able to make it that far . Metron had no other choice but to accept that reality .

Things would get bad at this rate . If Yato were to reach the same range that Metron and the other gods were in, they wouldn’t be able to deal with him anymore .

He sent Lina to observe him for that reason, but didn’t imagine such a result in the end .

“Lina is too diligent, isn’t she...”

Metron realized that Lina’s serious character was causing him problems, but he shook off those thoughts afterward .

“Oh well . It will reach an end soon enough anyway . ” Metron uttered while letting a fearless grin reach his face .

Kamiya Yato would eventually become a mighty existence, impossible for Metron and other gods to deal with .

In that case, he just needed to end before that happened .

“I feel bad for Lina, but that’s for the sake of the future . ” Metron muttered alone inside the white room with a serious look . Not the least bit of confusion or sorrow towards Lina could be noted in that voice .



Reflex speed

“I didn’t see Lina from that time . I wonder where she went . ”

“She could be unexpectedly close~” ← Rouga

“Let’s try luring her to show up . ”

“How~ “ ← Rouga

“Let’s see... Stupid Metron!”

“What did you just say?!”

“She really showed up...”

“That’s fantastic level of speed~”

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