My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another World except for Me

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Aren’t you over skilled?

“Prepare yourself!”

Lina, floating in the air, swinged her sword while swooping towards me .

She directed the sword as to diagonally cut away my right arm, but I dodged it at the last moment .

She’s indeed stronger than yesterday . Her speed is totally different .

“But you’re still too slow . ”

I can dodge her hits easily if I use 【Body enhancement】 .

Dodging Lina’s sword which was gradually pressing near, I chose the right timing and thrust my fist in her abdomens .

However, lina grinned after hearing my words and spoke composedly .

“The same goes for you!!”

The moments she screamed, My fist ended up striking the air .

She dodged it . Losing sight of her, I suddenly felt her presence behind me .

“Take this!!”

Swinging down her sword at me, I swiftly teleported behind Lina .

When her sword missed the target, I kicked Lina in her head .

Though, she had apparently expected that much and used her sword to block the kick, resulting in a dull sound .

Her attack didn’t stop there and she let out a silver haze from her body while remaining in the same posture .

It’s the【Void-magic Master】 .

I must not touch it .

At the instant I noticed her using that skill, I quickly teleported away .

Taking a distance from her, the silver haze around her disappeared and we started glaring at each other .

“You’re really stronger than yesterday . ”

“Naturally! 【Anger transformation】is a skill that frees me from the restraints of my human body . This is my true self . ”

Finishing what she was talking about, Lina’s sword started shining .

“My beloved sword, 【Melalel】, now that I obtained my true self, it is time for you to show your real power!”

Lina took her stance .

“I’m coming! Our battle had just started now . ”

“I see . ”

Hearing my casual reply, Lina’s sword shined furthermore . It feels like something sharp is going to leap from it .


Her sword flashed for a moment, then A white slash came leaping towards me . It really did came leaping!

I jumped to avoid the slash, but Lina immediately added another one, as if she read my moves .

“There’s still more!!”

I calmly dodged every one of her attacks .

“This time, it’s coming from her . ”

I teleported from the place where the slash was heading and released a sphere of flames towards her .

Enlightening the night quarter, the blazing sphere went directly to Lina .

“Not going to work!!”

Lina clashed her void magic sphere with mine .

A moment after a blender of silver and red from the clash, My flame sphere vanished away .

Lina let out a faint giggle after canceling my magic, but for me, everything was going as planned .

“Where are you looking at?”

Right after having my fire sphere disappear, I teleported near Lina and clenched my fist . A strong wind was violently blowing, surrounding my hand .

Taking off her guard for a moment, Lina was completely defenseless .


“Hurricane fist!”

With a tremendous speed, My fist, covered with wind, thrust into Lina’s abdomen .


Letting out painful moans, Lina bent her body and got blown off .

After crashing against countless trees in the near forest, she finally stopped moving .

“Guu... Ghhaa!...”

Maybe because she broke her ribs, Lina had a hard time breathing and fell off the tree .

Falling on the ground, Lina held her stomach and started groaning from the pain .

She’s done .

That’s was what I thought when I saw her in that state .

“There’s... still... more... . ”

Supporting her legs, Lina slowly stood up .

Though she was already full of wounds, barely standing on her feet . It was out of question that she could resume fighting .

C’mon now, you still want to continue?

That’s not going to be possible .

“Stop it already . You’ve already lost . ”

“Shut up! I can still fight . ”

Hearing my words, Lina refused to give up . I wonder why she’s insisting on fighting despite knowing well that it’s impossible for .

“Tell me, why are you obsessed by fighting me this much? Is there any reason for you to do this much just because someone ordered you?”

Asking Lina, who was desperately trying to fight me, she glared at me while staggering .

“A reason?... Angels like me exist for the sole purpose of serving Metron-sama . If Metron-sama wishes for something, then it is my duty to accomplish his wish even if I was to die . ”

I was faintly surprised by Lina’s loud speech . josei

She would go all the way to risking her life, huh...

“And are you okay with that? Like risking your life for the sake of someone else? Even if that someone doesn’t care about what could happen to you?”

“Ha?! Are you implying that Metron-sama would be thinking that way?”

Lina raged Furthermore and approached me after letting away from the tree she used to support her feet .

Her face was clearly brimming from wrath .

Leaving a fixed distance between us, she halted her unsteady steps .

“I can’t keep you alive anymore! My next attack will settle this fight!”

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Screaming about finishing me, Lina’s wings suddenly expanded . When I thought that only her feathers scattered around, I noticed more of them falling from the sky and covering the entire place .

“【Wing Judgement】 . If anything I recognize as an enemy touches these feathers, they will cease from existing . ”

Hearing her explanation, I realized how dangerous these feathers could be . Seriously? I’d disappear if I touched these?

It’s similar to that void magic . More like an ultimate upgrade of the skill .

With caution, I used the erasure skill and started erasing the feathers, but Lina was grinning as she watched me .

“Fufufu . Just try to erase them all if you can . I doubt your magic could last that long . ”

Remaining quiet, I gazed at the sneering lina . Exactly as she said, every time I erase something, the skill consumes a small portion of my magic points .

If I was to use it to erase all these feathers, it would surely wear out .

Let’s see, what should I do in this case...

As I was pondering about a countermeasure for my current situation, Lina, with her hands trembling, said .

“Metron-sama is... He is one of the noblest gods in heavens... Not someone you could talk about so carelessly!! You shall atone for speaking ill of Metron-sama with your life!!”

Seeing Lina screaming at me, full of wrath, I let out a sigh .

“Listen here, Can you stop talking about this Metron-sama all the time, and have some personal will?”

“Shut up!! A human like you must not get so full of himself!!”

Not seeming to listen to me, Lina got even more wrathful . That’s no good . Looks like convincing her is out of question .

Giving up on trying to convince her, she looked at me and started laughing all of a sudden .

“You’re fated to disappear anyway . Trying to convince me this late in the game wouldn’t change your fate . If you don’t want to die then show me that you’re regretting speaking ill of Metron-sama . ”

I kept silent for a short while, while Lina was certain about her victory . All I heard until now was this “Metron-sama” .

Noticing that she went quiet for a moment, I decided to ask her .

“Who is Metron for you?”



Way of learning

“Lina-san is pretty amazing . It’s been only once day since you transferred and everyone in the class is already depending on you . ”

“That’s right . I’m always top of the class, but no one comes to ask me anything .

“Isn’t that because you sleep through the entire day, Kamiya-kun?”

“There are sometimes when I’m awake . ”

“That’s true . Ah, Kamiya-kun, how should I answer this?”

“23 . ”

“I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to answer . ”

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