My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Taming Contract Skill

The Spirit Pet Shop Ye Qing Le spoke of made Lou Mu Yan slightly curious.

“The Spirit Pet Shop specialises in selling Contract Demonic Beasts?” Lou Mu Yan asked with a certain tone.

Ye Qing Le nodded: “There’s a Grade 4 Spirit Beast Master to oversee the Spirit Pet Shop and there are Demonic Beasts that have already been tamed for sale, or you can also catch a Demonic Beast yourself and pay a certain fee to ask the Spirit Beast Masters in the store to help tame and contract.”

“This Spirit Pet Shop must be the Ye Clan’s property right.” Lou Mu Yan smiled softly with brilliant lights and vibrant colours in her eyes.

Ye Qing Le opened her eyes wide and asked with surprise: “Elder Sister Mu Yan, how did you know that the Spirit Pet Shop is Ye Clan’s property?”

Even Shi Feng, Mu Yi and the others turned their head to look at her. If they hadn’t already known what the Ye Clan’s publicised properties were, even they wouldn’t have guessed that the Spirit Pet Shop belonged to the Ye Clan.

Lou Mu Yan blinked and said with a smile: “Qing Han told me.”

“Me?” Ye Qing Han was dazed, “When?”

He didn’t remember telling Lou Mu Yan that the Spirit Pet Shop in Luo’xi City was the Ye Clan’s property!

“Didn’t you tell me before that the Spirit Beast Masters above Grade 3 in Luo’xi City all belonged to the Ye Clan? Just now Qing Le said that a Grade 4 Spirit Beast Master oversaw the Spirit Pet Shop, then doesn’t it indirectly prove that it’s your Ye Clan’s property.” Lou Mu Yan’s gorgeous face swayed with a spirited and clever smile, making the surrounding men stare blankly in a daze.

Ye Qing Han looked at her in amusement and there was a pampering in his eyes that even he didn’t know, “You little clever girl.”

Mu Yi and Yun Lan also lowered their heads, smiling. Lou Mu Yan was indeed very intelligent. Being able to think of these from casual conversations, one could see that she indeed had a clear heart and refined nature.

The few chattered and laughed along the way, and when they walked past two streets, they saw a spacious shop where many people entered and exited with Demonic Beasts beside them.

Entering the shop, a sharp-eyed attendant ran to call the shopkeeper as soon as he saw the few people enter. The shopkeeper then greeted them with a smile on his face upon hearing the news.

“Young Lord, Young Miss.” The shopkeeper respectfully greeted with formalities, then turned and smiled at Lou Mu Yan and the others, greeting: “Young Sirs, Young Misses, please come inside.”

“How’s business today?” Ye Qing Han asked casually.

The shopkeeper replied: “Today, business is a bit lighter, about one-tenth less than usual.” Ye Qing Han randomly scanned the shop, then ordered: “Take us to the third floor for a look.”

The first and second floors were filled with low-level Demonic Beasts, nothing to look at, while the third floor was the treasure area.

[HISS HISS!] Lou Mu Yan was about to step upstairs when she discovered that Miao Miao, who had been wrapped around her wrist suddenly slithered out, hissing excitedly at a corner of the first floor, conveying a kind of desire to her.

“You all go up first, I’ll take a look before going.” Lou Mu Yan had no choice but to stop in her steps and say to the few people who had already started to go upstairs.

Ye Qing Han and the others didn’t know what she was going to do, but they all stopped in their steps, “No worries, we’ll accompany you.”

Lou Mu Yan also knew that they wouldn’t go up first, nodded, then walked in the direction where Miao Miao flicked its tongue at.

When she approached, she saw dozens of grey mice in a cage in the corner. Judging from their aura, she could tell that they were Tier 2 Demonic Beasts. She had seen them on the Continent’s Demonic Beast Record.

Desolate Land Rat, mostly Tier 1 to 3 with no special talents of their race. Their meat was fresh and tender, and the tender meat of their entire body contained some energy like Elemental Energy. They were mostly used for food, and frequent eating could progress cultivation bases.

Of course, only Sword Masters under Sword Spirit could progress their cultivation base with eating Desolate Land Rats, so its general price wasn’t that expensive.

“Miao Miao wants to eat?” Lou Mu Yan gently rubbed the head of the little white snake with her finger.josei

[HISS HISS!] Miao Miao rubbed Lou Mu Yan’s hand affectionately with her head, expressing a desire in her heart.

Lou Mu Yan would naturally meet its desires, “Shopkeeper, are these Desolate Land Rats for sale?”

“Replying to Young Miss, they are for sale.” The shopkeeper replied with a smile.

Originally, these Desolate Land Rats were ordered by a Sword Master, but some time ago, he was killed by someone when he went out, so the order was also cancelled. Now that this friend of Young Lord’s wanted it, of course he had to cater and sell.

“Then I’ll take it all and pay the bill together after we browse the place.” Lou Mu Yan’s prodigal behaviour couldn’t be stopped at all.

The shopkeeper looked at Ye Qing Han with questioning eyes, “This…”

“Store it all in a Spirit Beast Bangle and charge the cost to my account.” This was Ye Clan’s property. Ye Qing Han definitely wouldn’t collect Lou Mu Yan’s money.

“Qing Han, I’d be embarrassed if you’re this generous.” Lou Mu Yan smiled brightly, eyebrows curved.

Ye Qing Han couldn’t resist stretching out his hand and flick her forehead gently, saying with a smile: “I still don’t know how to repay you for treating Elder Lu and Qing Le. This little matter, it’s not worth mentioning.”

Then he also found that his actions were too intimate, and he immediately put his hand down and coughed dryly: “Let’s go upstairs.”

Mu Yi and Shi Feng both noticed Ye Qing Han’s movements and expressions, and they both grew thoughtful.

Ye Qing Le secretly smiled. She had always known that Elder Brother had a favourable impression of Lou Mu Yan, but now it had probably upgraded to ‘like’. She was also happy to have Lou Mu Yan as her own sister-in-law in the future.

Lou Mu Yan also didn’t expect that Ye Qing Han, who was usually serious and a little cold, would act in such a way. Seeing that he quickly withdrew his hand and changed the subject, she also didn’t lay it bare and cooperated in going upstairs.

On the third floor, they could no longer see cages of Demonic Beasts, only more than a dozen Spirit Beast Bangles on the counter. Each Spirit Beast Bangle was protected by an Elemental Energy cover and if one didn’t have the special activation method, it couldn’t be taken out.

There was a jade slip outside each Elemental Energy light shield which was used to introduce the situation of the Demonic Beasts in the Spirit Beast Bangle.

There was a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the lobby on the third floor as well. Although his appearance was ordinary, but he had a gentle temperament, and one that made others unable to resist getting close to. Currently, he was helping contract a Demonic Beast that was captured by a Sword Master.

Lou Mu Yan found a place to sit down and watched with great interest.

Behind the man was a complex Array. The moment the Tier 4 Mystic Pattern Leopard was thrown into the Array, it was bound by a few yellow light beams.

The middle-aged man muttered a Spell as his fingers kept drawing a talisman in the air in front of the Mystic Pattern Leopard with Elemental Energy. Then gradually, an Elemental Energy Array with a Void Spiritual Seal formed.

“Drip a drop of your blood essence on its forehead.” The man turned his head and said to the client. His voice was temperate and warm like a spring breeze.

The man immediately cut his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood on the head of the Mystic Pattern Leopard. The middle-aged man hurriedly inserted that Taming Spiritual Seal into the Mystic Patterned Leopard’s body and used his Mental Energy to control it to envelop the yao’fu of the Mystic Patterned Leopard and form a contract.

“Contract!” He said a word gently and a soft white light instantly enveloped the client and the Mystic Patterned Leopard.

After the white light passed, the Mystic Patterned Leopard that was originally struggling and glaring fiercely now sat obediently by the client’s side. There was a sliver of connection between the one human one beast that Lou Mu Yan could feel.

The middle-aged man walked to the basin of water on the table by the window and washed his hands before walking to the several people with a gentle smile, “Young Lord, Young Miss!”

“Great Master Wen!” Ye Qing Han and Ye Qing Le greeted him very politely.

Lou Mu Yan’s lips curled into a ruminating arc. This was the first time she had seen this type of skill of taming and contracting Demonic Beasts. It was indeed really interesting.

Great Master Wen, who was temperate and full of warm colours, was definitely not an ordinary person either.

Translated product by May Our 梦 Come True

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