My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Earning Points Strategy

A small Beast Tide was formed and there were about a thousand Demonic Beasts that gathered, most of them around Tier 4 or 5.

Lou Mu Yan fought with the Tier 6 Demonic Beast while releasing all her Spirit Pets. At this time, having a lot of Spirit Pets sure was nice, as they were equivalent to cheats.

Seeing this, the other people also released their Spirit Pets. With so many Demonic Beasts, they wouldn’t even be able to kill them all.

Before Lou Mu Bai came here, he contracted an Initial-Phase Tier 6 Water Crocodile that Lou Mu Yan specifically caught for him, and he also released him right now. The Demonic Beasts contracted by the others were all Tier 5.

“Ah! Owner, this is really a feng shui1 treasure place, so many Demonic Beasts, I like it!” The Human-Eating Blood Thorn Vine King shouted excitedly as soon as he was released from the Spirit Beast Ring.

Back in the Sunset Cloud Mountain Range, he wasn’t even able to see many living Demonic Beasts in a year in his territory. Being limited by that abnormal monster, he also didn’t dare step out of those golden thorn bushes.

Remembering it now, it was all snot and tears. Fortunately, he met Little Owner. Being able to open up his belly to absorb blood essence was something he had never experienced when he was in the Sunset Cloud Mountain Range.

The bottleneck that he had reached had also been loosened. If there were a few more Beast Tides like this, he would be able to break through.

Embedding his main root into the ground, Xue stretched his golden vines to the surrounding Tier 4 and 5 Demonic Beasts. In just a moment, the ground was covered with countless drained Demonic Beast corpses.

Mo Yan knew the function of points, so although he disliked it, but he also took action. His body suddenly grew bigger, and each slap of his paw would kill one.

Because Bing Ji already revealed his true form, Lou Mu Yan didn’t tell him to go play on the side either. He turned into an Ice Luan and swept the surroundings of Tier 4 and 5 Demonic Beasts, venting all his recent frustrations.

With a wave of his wings, Demonic Beasts that rushed up without fearing death fell to the ground and died one after another.

Even Miao Miao couldn’t be idle anymore. She flew out of Lou Mu Yan’s hand, turned into a huge python and swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the constantly besieging Demonic Beasts.

“Don’t you all kill them all! Leave a breath for me to suck and eat.” Seeing that his companions were so mighty, Xue Xue couldn’t resist shouting.

There was a difference in effect of absorbing the blood essence of a living Demonic Beast to absorbing one that was died.

Seeing how Lou Mu Yan’s Demonic Beasts looked as if they were all overstimulated, scrambling to freely kill, and how in only a short while, only a third were left of over a thousand Demonic Beasts, Fu Chen and the others couldn’t resist twitching their eyelids.

Wasn’t this speed too exaggerated. What sort of Spirit Pets did she raise? Sure enough, with what kind of Owner, there would be what kind of Spirit Pet.

“You all take it easy and leave some points for others!” Lou Mu Yan couldn’t resist twitching the corners of her lips seeing her own Spirit Pets act as if they hadn’t killed in several lifetimes.

Could they stop being so violent…

After listening to her calls, the speed of the several Demonic Beasts slowed down. Mo Yan retracted his noble claws and jumped onto Lou Mu Yan’s shoulder, no longer participating.

To think he actually also lowered himself to kill low-level Demonic Beasts in groups. If those guys knew about it, they definitely would die of laughter.

An hour later, the small Beast Tide that had gathered were all disintegrated by them and there wasn’t a single surviving Demonic Beast.

This efficacy was too fast and the points of the several people had also risen a lot.

“I only grew a bit more than a hundred ranks, isn’t this too slow.” Lou Mu Yan picked up her jade tablet and looked at the rankings, furrowing her brows while saying.

If they went out to find Demonic Beasts to kill in the daytime, it would be even slower. By the time they reached the central city it might even be difficult for them to reach above one thousandth.

“This speed is already very fast. After all, we’re a month behind others.” Yun Zi Mo saw that she disliked that her ranking was too low.

“How about this.” Lou Mu Yan’s lively eyes turned as she smiled and said: “In the future, we’ll rest in the refuge city during the day and travel at night. Otherwise it’ll be difficult to advance to the top ten at this speed.”

“…” Advance to the top ten—she sure dared to think about it.

Fu Chen pondered, then asked: “What if we accidentally encounter a large Beast Tide?”

It was indeed easy to deal with such a small Beast Tide, but if they encountered a large Beast Tide, it would be difficult for them to escape. Otherwise, other Sword Masters would long have done something like resting during the day and rushing to earn points at night.

What they encountered in the first refuge city that day was only a medium-sized Beast Tide, and it was already that difficult to deal with, let along a large one.

Most importantly, the appearance of a large Beast Tide generally meant a Tier 7 Demonic Beast leader, so once they encountered one, they would definitely die.

“Won’t happen, with Mo Yan, wherever Tier 7 Demonic Beasts appear, we can all avoid them.” Lou Mu Yan currently found that Mo Yan really was the perfect cheat.

His Demonic Sense could sweep the auras within thousands of li2. The moment they discover a Tier 7 Demonic Beast or a large Beast Tide, they could immediately change direction or run away on Bing Ji’s back.

The reason why they didn’t use Bing Ji directly to travel was for training. They really couldn’t rely too much on the ability of Spirit Pets.josei

“Sure, if that’s the case, then it should be no problem for our points to reach above one thousandth.” Yun Zi Mo’s eyes were filled with a smile.

He had heard that a large number of Sword Masters would be eliminated in the preliminary round, but as long as the points remained above one thousandth, then they could enter the second elimination round.

Lou Mu Yan glanced at him, “Don’t be so unpromising, my goal is the jade tablet rewards of the top ten.”

Cough, cough…” Yun Zi Mo felt a little awkward and embarrassed after being glanced at by her, then after thinking about it, he said with a smile: “Then our goal is to be in the top one hundred.”

With a little abnormal monster like Lou Mu Yan, and earning points at such a rate, they at least had some hope of entering the top hundred.

The others were also infected by Lou Mu Yan and their hearts were filled with passion. She even dared to think and do it, why did they dare not to as men?

Ye Qing Han and the others who were sitting cross-legged, recovering in the resting rooms of the refuge city suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the jade tablet in their hands.

“Lou Mu Yan and the other’s points have started to skyrocket again.” Mu Yi said in surprise.

“Could it be that a Beast Tide attacked a city?” Shi Feng looked at the constantly jumping ranks and guessed. Such a speed of points increasing usually only happened when a Beast Tide attacked a city.

Ye Qing Han played with the jade tablet in his hand and chuckled, “She’s about to catch up to us. We can’t be too weak either.”

Their current rankings had been maintained at around one thousandth. Originally, they were going to exert their strength in the last half a month, but now that they were being chased like this by Lou Mu Yan, they had a little more hope and passion in their hearts.

“Indeed. If we keep holding back, Yan’er will probably surpass us in a short time.” Ling Fei Yang had a light and joyous smile on his gentle and elegant face.

“Then let’s freely earn points tomorrow.” Mu Yi raised an eyebrow.

The points race with Lou Mu Yan and the others was also a kind of fun adjustment to their boring life.

Killing along the way, Lou Mu Yan and the others arrived at the refuge city at dawn.

When they entered the city, many Sword Masters were on their way out of the city, and when these people saw that the group had only just entered the city, they all revealed some scrutiny and doubts, but they didn’t pay much attention either. After all, they still needed to go out to hunt Demonic Beasts and earn points.

During the day, the inns were practically empty. They booked six principle rooms and started to rest and recover.

At night, when other Sword Masters entered the refuge city, they began to go out to hunt Demonic Beasts.

Such actions also aroused the curiosity of many people, but because it was night, other Sword Masters didn’t dare to follow them to find out.

At night, the six people killed Demonic Beasts to their heart’s content to earn points. Every night, they would encounter several waves of small Beast Tides, and they also encountered a medium Beast Tide once. Under Lou Mu Yan and her few abnormally monstrous Spirit Pet’s maniacal killings, they were also wiped out completely.

Such a situation continued for seven or eight days. When Lou Mu Yan and the other’s scores soared into the top thousandth, it also attracted the attention of many Sword Masters of large kingdoms.

Translated product by May Our 梦 Come True

1people may have heard of feng shui before, and for those who haven’t, it’s basically the belief that the placement of things make a place lucky or unlucky. It literally translates to ‘wind-water’, but I’m keeping it as ‘feng shui’. In real life, it’s common for new, superstitious house owners to hire a ‘Feng Shui Master’ to come and take a look at the interior of their house etc. and tell them where they should arrange their furniture for good luck and fortune. They might even ask a Feng Shui Master to recommend them good places to buy a home. This is because feng shui also extends to the placement of mountains, rivers, and nature etc. Even graveyards have their own feng shui involved, such as having tombstones facing or not facing certain directions etc. Buildings might also be built a certain way (like having their buildings entrances face South for fortune etc). So in this case, Xue Xue is just exclaiming that what a nice place this was since there are so many Demonic Beasts that he loves here hahaha. A ‘Feng Shui treasure place’ is usually used to describe lucky places.

21 li is approximately 500 metres.

Note: I was on a translating spree the past two days and translated a lot so I decided to randomly upload two chapters today XD (or first update of the day depending on your time zone hahaha).

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