My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: The Difficulty of Entering the Top Ten

The night was dark, and a full moon hung in the sky as the evening wind blew lightly.

After listening to Lou Mu Yan’s words, Luo Li continued to ask: “But have you never encountered a large Beast Tide?”

“No. If we encountered a large Beast Tide, what you see right now might just be my corpse.” Lou Mu Yan joked. Naturally, she wouldn’t reveal Mo Yan’s abilities.

“You guys are so lucky!” Luo Li said with a smile: “But most of the large Beast Tides gathering in the competition space are generally near the core city or larger cities. It’s natural that you haven’t encountered them before.”

“The refuge city ahead is a large city right?” Lou Mu Yan asked.

Luo Li nodded and reminded: “After passing this city, I suggest you don’t travel at night. On this road to the next large city, there will not only be frequent Beast Tides at night, but there may also be large-sized Beast Tides.”

“Mm. Thank you for the reminder!”

Lou Mu Yan wasn’t really afraid of large-sized Beast Tides. After all, she had the Human-Eating Blood Thorn Vine King and the other Spirit Pets. She knew just how powerful they were at group killings. But large-sized Beast Tides were generally led by Tier 7 Demonic Beasts, which were a little bit troublesome.

However, if her cultivation base advanced to Sword Monarch, then she would have the ability to fight against Tier 7 Demonic Beasts and not lose. It seemed that it was still urgent to improve her strength.

“No need to be so polite.” Luo Li smiled.

“You have all been hunting and waiting for Demonic Beasts in the large city ahead to earn points?” Lou Mu Yan began to ask instead.

Luo Li replied: “Mm, teams from many kingdoms who come to participate in the competition will stay in one city for a period of time before changing to another city.”

“How long have you been at this city?”

“It’s been almost a month. We’re going to chance cities in the next few days.” The Demonic Beasts in the mountains nearby were all practically hunted by them, plus there was the issue of time, so they should change.

“Is there anything we need to pay attention to if we want to stay in a city for a long time?” Lou Mu Yan continued to ask.

“Just don’t mess with large kingdoms that occupy the city. Generally, a large city would be occupied by the teams of large kingdoms or a superpower kingdom. Sword Masters from other kingdoms can enter, but if they dare to snatch and kill Demonic Beasts, their result is usually death.” Luo Li said.

“Then don’t all the points in the latter stage fall into the hands of the large kingdoms and superpower kingdoms?” Not allowing other kingdoms to snatch and kill Demonic Beasts, then other kingdoms couldn’t earn points at all.

Luo Li knew that Lou Mu Yan was from a small kingdom, so she didn’t know a lot of rules, and since his impression of her was pretty good, he explained a little.

“Each time, the top hundred of the Tian’ling Continent Tournament for Hegemony are basically teams from large kingdoms and superpower kingdoms. It’s particularly prominent in the first round of the competition. This is because everyone tacitly follows this sort of domineering and forceful principle, maintaining unified interests.”

Luo Li bluntly told her. This was precisely the self-confidence that the people of superpower kingdoms were born with. He didn’t intend to show off in front of Lou Mu Yan, only telling her a fact and law of survival.

“It’s like this every time? There hasn’t been a single small or medium-sized kingdom that broke through?” Lou Mu Yan asked, remaining indifferent.

“Isn’t not that there haven’t been, but very rare. Every few Tournaments, there’d be one or two dark horse teams who will appear and squeeze into the top hundred.”

Luo Li added: “But since the start of the Continental Tournament for Hegemony, only two Sword Masters from medium and small kingdoms have entered the top ten in the finals, but neither have ranked among the top five.”

At this time, Lou Mu Yan also understood how difficult it was to be in the top ten in every round of the competition. Their medium and small kingdoms weren’t only facing one team from a large kingdom or superpower kingdom, but they had to face them all.

However, being difficult didn’t mean that she would shrink back. Her temperament had always been to grow more courageous the more she battled. The more challenging something was, the more motivation and the more interesting it was, no?

“Are there alliances between medium and small-sized kingdoms?” If there were tacit agreements between large kingdoms, then teams from small and medium kingdoms should also have alliances.

Luo Li replied with a smile: “Naturally there is, but there are many small and medium-sized kingdoms who will choose to rely on the large kingdoms in the end to ensure that they won’t be at the bottom of the final ranking sprint.

“What’s your goal?” Luo Li just felt that she wouldn’t limit herself to the forty-nineth place.

Lou Mu Yan’s lips curled into a confident and dazzling smile, “Top ten.”

Hearing her words, many Sword Masters revealed a look as if saying she had overrated herself. They didn’t deny that this young girl’s strength was indeed ranked in the upper reaches, but she was indulging in the wildest fantasy to want to compete with the elite teams of superpower kingdoms and large kingdoms.

Luo Ye’s footsteps paused, then continued to move forward. Their speed wasn’t as fast as when they came, but it wasn’t slow either.

He didn’t look down on Lou Mu Yan’s goal or laugh at her for being overly ambitious. In his eyes, Sword Masters who didn’t dare to think and didn’t dare to do would never become one of the strong.

Lou Mu Yan already possessed the temperament and ability that a strong person should possess. If there were no accidents, then she would certainly be the dark horse of this session.

“Then I wish you success.” Luo Li was startled, then a smile spread across his lips and there was no contempt in his words.

This woman truly dared to think. As someone who came from a superpower kingdom, he also had the thought of competing for the top ten, but the goal he had set for himself was only to advance into the top twenty.

He didn’t feel Lou Mu Yan’s thought was naïve. One only dared to do if they dared to think it.

On this point, the two brothers’ thoughts were the same.josei

“Thank you!” After chatting with Luo Li for so long, Lou Mu Yan’s impression of him also became much better.

This young man had a pure heart, but wasn’t stupid, nor did he possess arrogance or the hedonistic problems of considering everyone and everything beneath him. This was the upbringing and demeanour of a genius pupil raised in a distinguished clan of superpower kingdoms.

The two chatted a little more, and Lou Mu Yan learnt of many unheard-of news from him, including the situation of the other four superpower kingdoms’ teams.

Walking towards the front of the city, Lou Mu Yan saw many people standing on the city wall, their eyes all on her. She furrowed her brows and ignored it. It was probably because of the Beast Tide that they paid more attention to her.

“We’ll go to the resting area to rest. We’ll bid farewell now.” Lou Mu Yan said with a smile to Luo Li after walking into the city.

At this time, the inns wouldn’t have any vacant rooms. Large cities might not even have any rooms available during the day either.

“Alright! See you again!” Luo Li could see that she didn’t want to be with them, so he didn’t keep them any longer.

“See you again!” Luo Ye, who had been silent the entire time, looked up at Lou Mu Yan and said slowly, his voice like a spring breeze passing by, soft and gentle.

Lou Mu Yan smiled and said: “See you again!”

After speaking, she, together with Yun Zi Mo and the others, went straight to the resting areas in the city.

While she had her eyes closed, meditating to rest, many people stuck their heads over to observe them, and occasionally even quietly discussed a little. But they didn’t dare be presumptuous because they couldn’t figure out their relationship with Lord Luo and his party.

“Mu Yan, do we need to change to traveling during the day tomorrow?” Yun Lan asked.

Lou Mu Yan arranged a Sound-Proof Array wherever she went, “No need. We’ll still travel at night.”

Seeing that they were puzzled, she continued: “During the day, the places where the Demonic Beasts appear are all occupied by large kingdoms. It’s not good for us to snatch it forcefully either. At night, with Mo Yan, large Beast Tides can naturally be avoided.”

“Mm, we can only do that!”

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