My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Break the Array

The desolate cries sounded from far to near and illusions began to appear in the minds of many Sword Masters with unstable hearts.

Ling Fei Yang’s expression was slightly dark. His hand tightly slid across the Buddhist Beads and he kept reciting difficult scriptures. Circles of pale golden incantations were derived from the scriptures and gradually surrounded the people in the Array. Only then did the sound of weeping slowly die out.

The few people with weak willpower in the Array had scarlet eyes and slashed with their swords randomly. Only when the voice that lingered in their ears disappeared did the illusion of a sea of corpses and bloody mountains in front of them gradually disappear together.

The scarlet in their eyes faded and their minds regained clarity with lingering fear.

“Everyone who was affected by the evil sound, quickly come sit next to me.” Ling Fei Yang said softly.

Some of them who felt that their heads were aching until it felt like it was splitting and were unable to resist the devilish sounds that invaded their Sea of Consciousness quickly sat beside him. Only when they listened to the reassuring, calming scriptures from him did they feel the inexplicable madness and irritability with the desire to kill slowly disappear.

Lou Mu Yan’s lips rose into an arc. Her Elder Cousin Brother sure was very talented in cultivating Buddhism. This way, she can break the Array with a peace of mind.

In the central castle.josei

“What kind of Array is that? It looks so evil.” The Elder of the Sword Sect furrowed his brows. The Sword Skills they cultivated focused on righteousness. Such evil Arrays were very dislikeable to them.

The strong and sturdy Eight Extremes Sect Elder didn’t have the happy look on his face when seeing a good seedling either and replied: “Bone Array. It’s exactly as what the little Lou girl said.”

“Which kingdom is the woman who arranged this Array from?” The wise, white-robed Elder of Heavenly Secret Palace asked the person behind him.

“Replying to Elder, according to our information, the masked, black-clothed woman is a Sword Master from Hei’wu Kingdom and she is also the descendent of Hei’wu Kingdom’s National Teacher.” The man replied respectfully.

The elegant man of the Medicine Sect tapped the table in front lightly with his fingers, his eyes unclear, “Black Magic is prevalent in Hei’wu Kingdom, and they’re famous for their gu poison. This woman, as the descendent of the National Teacher, it is understandable that she uses this sort of evil Array.”

However, their Medicine Sect would not want such pupils, and they did not like the art of the evil gu poison.

The eyes of the Elder of the Vast Mountain Sect, on the other hand, revealed a hint of interest. In addition to body refining skills, their Sect also had a small branch of Sword Masters who cultivated skills in Ghost Cultivation and Devil Cultivation.

“Crazy old man, that woman is not inferior to little Lou girl in her attainments in Arrays. How about you sweet-talk her back and use her to hand in your task of finding pupils.” The Elder of the Spirit Tamer Sect looked at the strong and sturdy man of the Eight Extremes Sect and said with a smile.

The Elder of the Eight Extremes Sect snorted coldly: “Although our Sect is a large sect that studies Arrays, but we never slaughter innocent people to refine into Array Banners. We sure are not worthy of such a pupil.”

Even if the talent of this woman was much higher than Lou Mu Yan’s, he wouldn’t want her either. With one look, he could tell she harboured ill intentions.

“Refining so many resentful Souls, her mind is indeed vicious.” The Elder of the Sword Sect said.

“I wonder if little Lou girl can handle it. It would be a pity if she falls in this Array.” The Elder of the Medicine Sect sighed. Even they found that this Array was extremely evil. It would probably be difficult to break this Array.

The Elder of the Eight Extremes Sect revealed a rare look of worry, “Keep watching. I’m still optimistic about the little Lou girl.”

Behind them, the stunning, white-clothed man’s slim phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. If one looked closely, one could see that was a layer of worry and viciousness in his eyes.

He believed in the ability of his family’s little woman. If anyone dared to threaten her life, then he would destroy their entire Clan.

In the Array, the jade-coloured runes grew longer and longer, wounding around Lou Mu Yan in circles.

She reached out her hand and pinched her fingers to calculate, then took out a few pure white jade stones from within her interspatial ring that she had nourished and tapped them with two fingers, “Go!”

The pure white jade stones were tossed to seven directions around her, and the jade runes also turned into seven streams of light and drilled into the jade stone.

The masked woman in black, who had been standing in the back watching the battle, furrowed her brows subconsciously and her voice was still very hoarse, “That young woman knows Arrays?”

“Mm, not only does she know, but her attainments in Arrays are also very strong, and is not outdone by Miss Nuo Ya.” Ji Yu replied with a light smile.

He knew that the more he praised Lou Mu Yan, the more uncomfortable Nuo Ya would feel.

Sure enough, Nuo Ya’s brows furrowed together deeper, “How could she be worthy?”

“In our eyes, Miss Nuo Ya is naturally a hundred times stronger than her.” Ji Yu agreed.

But inwardly, he didn’t quite think so. Nuo Ya’s devil skill Array was powerful, but it would still be very difficult to trap Si Nan and Luo Ye. The strength of those two people was unfathomable and even he was unwilling to confront them head-on.

Skeletons climbed up from the ground one after another, their mouths making [CRACK!] sounds, and they were endless, making one’s scalp feel numb.

Luo Ye and the other three withstood against the army of skeletons in the four directions, but faced with the fact that even after slicing them apart, new skeletons would emerge from the ground, they gradually felt a little powerless. Until when would they have to continue to kill like this?

They could only hope that Lou Mu Yan could break this Array as soon as possible.

Lou Mu Yan looked up and saw the black Array Banner in the sky constantly flashing with a dim light. Waves of bloody resentment auras exuded from inside to nourish and maintain the attack of the skeletal army.

She pondered, but the speed of the seals her hand formed didn’t slow down. When the last Taoist Seal was formed, she recited the ‘Great Light Mantra’ that released the undead Souls from suffering.

The difficult incantation poured out of her mouth and the jade stones buried in the seven directions flashed different rays of light and spread out little by little. A jade-coloured rune belt also lingered on the periphery of the light rays.

The seven colours gradually converged to form a circle of colourful rays of light. Cooperating with Lou Mu Yan’s Mantra, it expanded from the centre of the Array little by little and wherever it went, the bloody red mist in the Array would be annihilated within the seven-coloured light circle.

The movements of her hands didn’t stop either, and she kept the posture of gesturing and forming seals. Void Spirit Runes rose into the sky, scattering in all directions and disappeared after sticking onto surrounding trees.

“Break! Break! Break!”

Then she said ‘break’ three times, and the seven-coloured glow suddenly grew larger and expanded much faster.

When the seven-coloured light circle expanded and approached the army of skeletons emerging from the ground, a series of shrill screams sounded ceaselessly, all from the skeletons.

With the extension of the seven-coloured light circle, the army of skeletons that were shrouded in it stopped moving instantly and circles of seven-coloured light wrapped around them.

“Wēng a méng gā wēi lū qià nà mǎ hā mǔ dé lā1…” The speed in which Lou Mu Yan chanted the Great Light Sutra increased several times and the seven-coloured light circle brightened a bit more.

Then she put her palms together, took a deep breath, and took out a round golden stone the size of a thumb while spraying a breath of essence onto it.

“Break!” Another shout.

[PU CHI!] Suddenly, countless seven-coloured beams of light shot out from the surrounding trees, engulfing the army of skeletons.

The mournful and desolate sounds gradually disappeared, and wisps of smoke emerged from the top of the skeleton’s heads, running in the direction of the seven-coloured rays of Sanskrit.

“Soul-Releasing Magic-Breaking Array.” The strong and sturdy elderly man in the central castle slapped his thigh and let out a laugh: “Good! This girl really could break the Array. This method of breaking the Array is absolutely amazing!”

1this actually a real sutra people apparently say to ward off evil and ghosts and/or sending the ghosts on their way peacefully to the netherworld etc. if people feel that some place isn’t ‘quiet’ or ‘peaceful’. There’s no translation of this, not that I’ve seen.

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