My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 344

Chapter 344: The Headmaster’s Pleasant Surprise

The other three looked disappointed when they heard the Headmaster’s words, but they were different from Lou Mu Yan and Zi Che Shi. They chose other Schools and were eliminated to the Talisman School, so they didn’t have the confidence to fight.

Ding Hao knew that the Headmaster wanted to talk to the two of them, so he saluted and left the courtyard with the other three.

Huo Ling Long took a cup of tea and took a sip. With a smile on her bright face, she pointed to the lotus pond opposite and asked: “Know what that variety is?”

Zi Che Shi followed her pointed finger and saw a layer of cold air over the lotus pond. The lotus flowers in the pond were all icy blue and the ice lotuses also had bright red dewdrops on them.

“Pupil doesn’t know.” He was interested in Smithing and Talismans, but he didn’t know anything about Spiritual Herbs and Alchemy.

“Do you know, little girl?” The smile on Huo Ling Long’s face remained and her gaze shifted to Lou Mu Yan.

Lou Mu Yan smiled lightly and said: “This is an Ice Frost Fire Lotus. It can only bloom once in a century. The red dewdrops on the petals are the essence of this lotus, which is very useful for Sword Masters who cultivate the fire attribute.”

Since she arrived at the Talisman School, then she didn’t prepare to hide herself. This beauty Headmaster gave her a very good impression.

“Indeed. Little girl sure is well-informed.” Huo Ling Long’s eyes revealed some admiration, guessing that the Elders of the Alchemy School must also be feeling pity at this time.

However, since this treasure landed in her hands by mistake, she naturally couldn’t have someone poach it away.

“Zi Che Shi, can you comprehend the earth attribute Elemental Energy already?” Huo Ling Long asked.

Zi Che Shi replied respectfully: “This pupil has already comprehended three types of Elemental Energy.”

“Very good. It’s not in vain for that Growth Soil that I gave you.” The smile on Huo Ling Long’s face was even greater. It had been a long time since there had been a three-type Talisman Master.

Lou Mu Yan had noticed Zi Che Shi yesterday and discovered that he wasn’t one of the ten Ordinary Pupils who were promoted to Core Pupils. He probably entered Core Pupil through other means.

Although the aura exuding from him was only a Middle-Phase Sword Sovereign, but he was a three-type Sword Master, and his future was immeasurable.

“Then little girl?” Huo Ling Long asked with a smile: “I heard that your fire and wood dual attributes are at Great Achievement, and your metal attribute comprehension has also reached the Understanding Realm, is this true?”

“Indeed.” Lou Mu Yan nodded.

“Can you comprehend the earth Elemental Energy attribute then?” Huo Ling Long only just blurted out the words at will, then after asking, she lowered her head and chuckled, feeling that it was too much.

Lou Mu Yan was silent for a moment, then said: “I can.”josei

“What?” Huo Ling Long raised her head fiercely to look at Lou Mu Yan with a bit of joy and sternness in her beautiful eyes: “Do you know the consequences of deceiving me?”

Hearing Lou Mu Yan’s words, even Zi Che Shi, who had always been calm and composed, revealed a look of disbelief.

Lou Mu Yan didn’t explain either. With a flip of her hand, she attacked with a palm wind towards a large stone in the distance.

As soon as the palm wind from her palm landed, earth thorns condensed in the air, instantly stabbing the large stone into a hornet’s nest.

“You can actually perceive the earth elemental attribute. Although you haven’t reached the Understanding Realm, but this talent is too Heaven-defying!” Even Huo Ling Long had to sigh at the grace of the Heavens towards Lou Mu Yan.

As long as four attribute Sword Masters don’t go down the wrong path, any one of them who leapt out was a strong powerhouse who could shake a portion of this land.

“I’m very interested in refining Talismans, and I also want to stay in the Talisman School, so I didn’t want to hide it from Headmaster.” Lou Mu Yan’s eyes were clear, and her tone was sincere.

Huo Ling Long suppressed the excitement in her heart. She sure didn’t expect that although the pupils of the Array School plotted against Lou Mu Yan, but it brought such a big surprise for their Talisman School.

“Good! Your choice is definitely correct.

“However, the matter of you being able to perceive four attribute Elemental Energy needs to be kept secret for the time being. After you explode in the future, we’ll blind those old things.” The interest in Huo Ling Long’s eyes grew even denser. She was even looking forward to seeing the expressions of those old things change.

The corners of Zi Che Shi’s lips twitched. Originally, the Headmaster of the Talisman School was already one that didn’t play her cards using logic, and now there’s another Lou Mu Yan who he heard caused trouble very easily. The Talisman School definitely wouldn’t be so deserted in the future anymore.

A meaningful smile gradually rose on his lips. It seemed that he didn’t select incorrectly this time. The days in the future wouldn’t be boring anymore.

Lou Mu Yan narrowed her eyes, and her pupils were filled with cunning, then said cooperatively with Huo Ling Long: “When the time comes, we’ll let them know how powerful our Talisman School is.”

Huo Ling Long liked Lou Mu Yan even more when she heard the word ‘we’.

“Did you know that each School is actually divided into two parts?” Huo Ling Long asked.

Zi Che Shi replied: “This pupil knows.”

After all, he had stayed in the Eight Extremes Sect for more than a decade, so he was still relatively familiar with the Sect.

“This pupil doesn’t.” Lou Mu Yan blinked and said.

In the past half a year, she basically didn’t go out to enquire about any news due to advancing to the Core Formation Stage, so she was really unfamiliar with the Eight Extremes Sect except for the things introduced on the jade slip.

“Then I’ll tell you.”

Huo Ling Long took a sip of tea and continued: “Each School is divided into an Ordinary School and an Elite School. The Elite Schools are actually all Inner Pupils. Each of us Headmasters are in charge of both Schools.

“There are already many Grade 2 Talisman Masters in the Elite School, and there are even two Grade 3 Talisman Masters. The resources they enjoy are vastly different from yours, so you must both not only study hard, but also set the goal of gaining entry into the Elite School.”

Then Huo Ling Long looked at the two of them earnestly and said: “I hope to see you two reporting to the Elite School in two years’ time.”

“Pupil will work hard!”

“The Talisman School will have Talisman Masters come to lecture every ten days. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask them questions or come to me.”

Huo Ling Long paused, then said: “The same is true for other Schools, and the Elders will also teach at different times. If you are interested in other professions, you can also go listen to them.”

“Pupil understands!”

“Mm. Then you can both go and get acquainted with our Talisman School first. I dare not say anything else, but the pupils of our Talisman School are definitely the most united in the entire Sect.”

“Yes. Pupil will retire.”

Lou Mu Yan saluted Huo Ling Long, then turned to leave. Huo Ling Long, as if remembering something, suddenly shouted: “Little girl, I heard that you made a kind of pill called the Beauty-Enhancing Pill?”

“Mm, indeed.”

Lou Mu Yan turned around and took out two bottles of pills from her sleeve and handed them to Huo Ling Long with a smile: “Headmaster is so peerlessly beautiful, in fact, even if you don’t take the Beauty-Enhancing Pill, you would still be beautiful and moving. But the Beauty-Enhancing Pill also has the effects of solidifying one’s foundation and nourishing one’s elements for women’s yin1 body-type. If Headmaster takes it long-term, not only will you become more bright and beautiful, but it will also help with practicing methods. Let these two bottles of pills be considered a meeting gift from pupil.”

Huo Ling Long raised the Ice Frost Fire Lotus to cultivate, and her body was obviously leaning towards the yin. If she took the Beauty-Enhancing Pill, there would indeed be miraculous effects.

Giggle, little girl sure has a sweet mouth. I really like you more and more.” Huo Ling Long took the pills and put it away, then reached out and gently pinched Lou Mu Yan’s tender and smooth face.

Lou Mu Yan quickly avoided her devil’s hand. This Headmaster sure was too unpretentious, but she liked this character of hers.

“I won’t let you suffer any losses either. This thing is useful to you, accept it.” Huo Ling Long took out a wooden box and stuffed it to Lou Mu Yan, her eyes growing fonder of her.

Lou Mu Yan also knew that the things the Headmaster gifted wouldn’t be bad, so she accepted it with a cheeky smile: “Thank you Headmaster!”

Then Huo Ling Long smiled and looked at Zi Che Shi, saying openly: “Your meeting gift was already given last time, so this time it’ll be waived.”

“Pupil knows.” Zi Che Shi looked at the two with amusement.

“Alright, you can both retire now.” Huo Ling Long waved her hand towards them, then took the pills and ran back to her room to research.

1yin and yang, very popular terms. Yin, the black half, is usually used to represent females and yang, the white half, males. Yin is also often considered cold and yang, warm, like moon and sun.

Thanks for all the comments guys! I read every single one of them (and hopefully I don’t forget to like them XD) I just might not reply to them all~ Two updates will continue for a while as I have many saved chapters. Today only one because I left my USB at school and didn’t retrieve it until now and not bothered uploading 2 anymore today hahaha.

Just an FYI, the number of chapters I upload is sometimes based on my mood and how organised I am, but there’ll always be at least ONE chapter every day, and it will be scheduled at 6pm AEST/AEDT (as long as I’m organised lol). Extra chapters may be uploaded at 6am AEST/AEDT as well and if there are the rare 3 chapters, one will also be uploaded at 12pm AEDT/AEST. Who knows, maybe I’ll upload 4 chapters a day one day on a whim HAHA. Anyways, enjoy!

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