My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 346

Chapter 346: Repeatedly Accept, Repeatedly Hand In

When Lou Mu Yan arrived at a swamp, she found that there were some black dots constantly jumping around in the swamp. Judging from their auras, they were all Demonic Beasts of Tier 5 or 6.

She had never seen a Leopard Lion Beast before, and the reason why she knew its living habits was actually because it was recorded in the Secret Classic that Ye Qing Han gave her.

“Mo Yan, do you know the fastest way to catch Leopard Lion Beasts?” Lou Mu Yan asked Mo Yan as she poked him.josei

Mo Yan glanced at her and said: “The Leopard Lion Beast is a Demonic Beast with the thunder attribute. Its speed is as fast as lightning, and is even faster than your Flash Steps. It’s very difficult to catch it.”

“How about you let out a roar with the pressure of a royal?” Lou Mu Yan suggested with a smile.

With a sound of pressure coercing these beasts, the Leopard Lion Beasts would be trembling, which would naturally affect their speed and movement of escape.

“Humph, don’t try to take shortcuts. The speed of the Leopard Lion Beast is very fast, which is perfect for you to improve your flexibility and speed.” Mo Yan snorted, appearing like a tsundere. What did this woman think he was? A Beast Tamer?

Lou Mu Yan pouted, thought a bit, then said: “Since we want to improve, then let’s all improve together.”

She pointed to Bing Ji and the other Spirit Pets and said: “You all go out to catch a hundred of them back.”

This Rank 3 mission was cyclical, which meant it could be completed again and again. She couldn’t be the only one tiring herself out could she?

Bing Ji, Xue Xue, and Miao Miao were all excited, jumped off from Lou Mu Yan and ran right to the swamp.

Lou Mu Yan grabbed Mo Yan from her shoulder with a mischievous smile and tossed him right down.

Mo Yan’s eyes contained a helpless and indulgent smile. He rolled over in mid-air and disappeared from sight.

Lou Mu Yan tapped her toes and flew into the swamp as well.

Three days later, one person and a few beasts sat wearily resting on the edge of the swamp.

“Owner, these Leopard Lion Beasts are so difficult to catch. How about we do another mission?” Bing Ji glared at the little black spots in the swamp and said.

At first, they thought the Leopard Lion Beasts were easy to catch, but who knew that those little things were not only extremely fast, but also cunning like foxes. After three days of attempting to catch them, except for the few that Mo Yan and Lou Mu Yan caught, the other three Spirit Pets didn’t even have any gains.

“If you encounter difficulties and give up, then how can you continue to cultivate on the Path in the future?” Lou Mu Yan glanced at him, “You’ve really lost all the faces of Divine Beasts.”

If it weren’t because of this stinky bird’s excelling talent, it would probably be difficult for him to even transform with his laziness.

“That’s right. As if I’ll believe that we can’t catch any of them when Boss Mo can.” Miao Miao’s tender voice was telepathically transmitted.

Although Xue Xue also hated entering the swamp as it would greatly restrict his movements, but he found that although he hadn’t caught a single Leopard Lion Beast after three days, his vine’s flexibility and speed had improved.

Lou Mu Yan was the kind of person who wanted to challenge the more difficult something was, and her Flash Steps had also improved a lot in three days.

“Let’s go, let’s also go work too.” Lou Mu Yan got up and looked at the white shadow constantly dashing in the swamp. Mo Yan was still catching the Leopard Lion Beasts.

And as such, the days went by. Lou Mu Yan and her few Demonic Beasts went from the initial weariness and tough work in being unable to catch many Leopard Lion Beasts, to becoming more and more at ease, and found their own tricks.

A month later, when Bing Ji returned with the last Leopard Lion Beast in his mouth, their missions were also completed.

“Five hundred Leopard Lion Beasts can be exchanged for five hundred contribution points. This time, the harvest’s not that bad.” Lou Mu Yan put all the Leopard Lion Beasts caught in a Spirit Beast Ring.

Bing Ji soothed his feathers and said gaudily: “Owner, catching Leopard Lion Beasts is much easier for us now. Why don’t we catch a thousand and return to hand in?”

Lou Mu Yan and the other Spirit Pets looked at him speechlessly with a ‘you’re an idiot’ gaze and didn’t reply. She turned around and flew in the direction of the Sect.

Bing Ji pursed his lips aggrievedly and asked Xue Xue: “Xue, aren’t I right?”

Xue Xue rolled his eyes at him and said: “Idiot, we’ve been catching them for so long, haven’t you counted how many Leopard Lion Beasts there are in the swamp?

“There are only a thousand at most, and many Leopard Lion Beasts are already restraining their aura and hiding in the depths of the swamp because we’re trying to catch them. It’s a waste of our time for us to go catch them.”

Cough cough…” Bing Ji’s old face flushed red, “At the time, I was so excited catching them I forgot about the problem of quantity.

“But we can catch them in a different place! Aren’t there still several swamps like this on this big mountain?” Then he added.

Lou Mu Yan replied: “We accept missions not just for the contribution points, but also to improve our strength. After a month, our movements, flexibility and speed have all improved, so there’s no more meaning in continuing to catch them.”

“As expected, Little Owner is smart.” Bing Ji said with a flattering smile.

The other Spirit Pets all rolled their eyes and scolded: “Sycophant!”

As soon as Lou Mu Yan returned to the Sect’s mission registration office, many people were paying attention.

This time, there was still a long queue, and she chose the same supervisor’s queue as last time to line up at.

When it was her turn, that supervisor was visibly startled, obviously not expecting to meet her again so soon.

“Are you handing in the task or giving up the mission and accepting another one?”

In the past, many pupils, including Inner Pupils, had accepted this Rank 3 mission, but had not completed it, so the supervisor thought it was the latter.

“I’m here to hand in the task.” Lou Mu Yan asked with a smile: “Supervisor, may I ask whether this mission can be repeatedly accepted, repeatedly handed in?”

The supervisor was stunned for a moment, “It’s true you can make repeated exchanges.”

“These are my mission items. Please check it.” Lou Mu Yan handed a Spirit Beast Ring to the supervisor.

The supervisor took the Spirit Beast Ring to check with some doubt, then his eyes were filled with shock, “You actually caught one hundred Tier 6 Leopard Lion Beasts.”

In the mission description, the level of Leopard Lion Beasts to be caught was set to Tier 5 or 6. Most of the people who failed to catch Leopard Lion Beasts before mostly caught Tier 5, and if they could catch twenty or thirty within half a year, it would already be considered amazing.

But this young female pupil not only caught a hundred Tier 6 ones, but also only took one month, which shocked the supervisor.

“My mission should be considered completed right?” Lou Mu Yan asked with a smile.

The supervisor nodded hastily: “It’s complete.”

The supervisor took Lou Mu Yan’s identity token and put one hundred contribution points into it.

“Are you still going to accept a mission?”

“I’m still going to accept this mission, and I’ll accept it four times and turn it in four times.” Lou Mu Yan said with a smile.

“What? Accept four times and hand in four times?” The supervisor swallowed and asked: “You didn’t catch four hundred more Leopard Lion Beasts, did you?”

Lou Mu Yan blinked and said: “Yeah! I still have four hundred.”

“Can you let me take a look first?” The supervisor asked.

Lou Mu Yan took out another Spirit Beast Ring and handed it to him, “All four hundred are inside.”

The supervisor took it and looked at it carefully. He was unable to express his feelings in words any longer.

Where did this little girl come from? She was actually such an abnormal monster.

He quickly made records for Lou Mu Yan four more times, then assigned four hundred contribution points to her identity token.

And the conversations and actions of Lou Mu Yan and the supervisor fell into the eyes of all the pupils in the hall, and the people instantly burst into an uproar!

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